In this Issue
For sixteen years, Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History has brought to the study of Jewish literature, in its many guises and periods, new methods of study and a new wholeness of approach. A unique exchange has taken place between Israeli and American scholars, as more work from Israelis has appeared in the journal. Prooftexts' thematic issues have made important contributions to the field.
published by
Indiana University Pressviewing issue
Volume 29, Number 1, Winter 2009Editorial Board
Alan Mintz, Brandeis University
David G. Roskies, Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Editorial Assistant
Janice Meyerson
Associate Editors
Yael Feldman, New York University
Michael Fishbane, University of Chicago
Janet Hadda, University of California-Los Angeles
Anne Golomb Hoffman, Fordham University
Chana Kronfeld, University of California-Berkeley
James Kugel, Harvard University and Bar Ilan University
Dan Laor, Tel Aviv University
Raymond P. Scheindlin, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
David Stern, University of Pennsylvania
Hana Wirth-Nesher, Tel Aviv University
Book Reviw Editors
Benjamin D. Sommer, Northwestern University
David Kramer, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Raymond P. Scheindlin, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Naomi Sokoloff, University of Washington