In this Issue
Now sold as an annual journal, American Literary Scholarship covers current critical analysis of American literature. Bibliographic essays are arranged by writers and time periods, from pre-1800 to the present. Among the writers discussed are Emerson, Hawthorne, Poe, Melville, Whitman, Twain, James, Pound, and Faulkner.
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Duke University Pressviewing issue
2007Table of Contents
- Whitman and Dickinson
- pp. 69-96
- Mark Twain
- pp. 97-112
- Henry James
- pp. 113-138
- Wharton and Cather
- pp. 139-168
- Pound and Eliot
- pp. 169-194
- Fitzgerald and Hemingway
- pp. 211-232
- Literature to 1800
- pp. 235-256
- Early-19th-Century Literature
- pp. 257-280
- Late-19th-Century Literature
- pp. 281-300
- Fiction: 1900 to the 1930s
- pp. 301-334
- Fiction: The 1930s to the 1960s
- pp. 335-356
- Fiction: The 1960s to the Present
- pp. 357-386
- Poetry: 1900 to the 1940s
- pp. 387-408
- Poetry: The 1940s to the Present
- pp. 409-436
- French Contributions
- pp. 465-474
- German Contributions
- pp. 474-489
- Italian Contributions
- pp. 489-507
- Spanish-Language Contributions
- pp. 507-513
- Norwegian Contributions
- pp. 513-519
- General Reference Works
- pp. 521-528
- Author Index
- pp. 529-549
- Subject Index
- pp. 551-568
- Key to Abbreviations
- pp. ix-xx