In this Issue
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, an interdisciplinary scholarly journal whose readers include biologists, physicians, students, and scholars, publishes essays that place important biological or medical subjects in broader scientific, social, or humanistic contexts. These essays span a wide range of subjects, from biomedical topics such as neurobiology, genetics, and evolution, to topics in ethics, history, philosophy, and medical education and practice. The editors encourage an informal style that has literary merit and that preserves the warmth, excitement, and color of the biological and medical sciences.
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 43, Number 2, Winter 2000Editorial Board
Editor:Robert L. PerlmanRichard L. Landau |
Book Editors:Morton Arnsdorf |
Associate Editors:Clifford W. GurneyRonald Singer |
Managing Editor:Solveig C. Robinson |
Advisory Board:Charlotte Auerbach EdinburghBaruch Blumberg Philadelphia C. di Duve Brussels |
Roger Guillemin San Diego Elwood Jensen Hamburg Robert L. Kroc Santa Barbara Rosalyn S. Yalow New York |
Editorial Board:Daniel A. Albert ChicagoNobuyuki Amino Osaka William S. Beck Boston Paul B. Beeson Seattle Douglas Black London K. M. Brinkhous Chapel Hill Donald Chambers Chicago Paul W. Ewald Amherst Nina Fedoroff University Park Renee Fox Philadelphia James M. Gustafson Atlanta Walter B. Gratzer London |
Robert J. Joynt Rochester Maclyn McCarty New York Victor A. McKusick Baltimore James V. Neel Ann Arbor C. J. V. Nossal Melbourne Sherwin Nuland New Haven Alan L. Pearlman St. Louis Gert H. Brieger Baltimore T. N. Pullman Chicago Alan N. Schechter Bethesda M. G. P. Stoker London |
Editorial Sponsor: THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, The University of Chicago.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (ISSN 0031-5982) is published quarterly in Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer by THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS.
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