In this Issue
This internationally acclaimed periodical features empirical and theoretical papers on child development and family-child relationships. A high-quality resource for researchers, writers, teachers, and practitioners, the journal contains up-to-date information on advances in developmental theories; research on infants, children, adolescents, and families; summaries and integrations of research; commentaries by experts; and reviews of important new books in development.
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Wayne State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 48, Number 1, January 2002Editorial Board
Gary W. Ladd, Children's Research Center, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois
Associate Editors
Richard A. Fabes, Department of Family and Human Development Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Mary Gauvain, Department of Psychology University of California, Riverside, California
Lawrence J. Walker, Department of Psychology University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Editorial Assistant
Sybelle Timberlake
Manuscript Editor
Laurie McGee
Editorial Board
Roger Bakeman, Georgia State University
Marvin W. Berkowitz, University of Missouri-St. Louis
James P. Byrnes, University of Maryland
Kirby Deater-Deckard, University of Oregon
Richard Fabes, Arizona State University
Susan A. Gelman, University of Michigan
John W. Hagen, University of Michigan
Robert A. Hinde, Cambridge University, England
Marilyn K. Kertoy, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Stanley A. Kuczaj II, Southern Methodist University
Lawrence A. Kurdek, Wright State University
Brett Laursen, Florida Atlantic University
Angeline S. Lillard, University of Virginia
Eleanor E. Maccoby, Stanford University
Jacquelyn Mize, Auburn University
Anat Ninio, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Michael W. Pratt, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Hilary Horn Ratner, Wayne State University
Marion K. Underwood, University of Texas, Dallas
Frank R. Vellutino, State University of New York at Albany
Lawrence J. Walker, University of British Columbia, Canada
Keith F. Widaman, University of California, Davis
James E. Youniss, Catholic University
Lynne Zarbatany, University of Western Ontario, Canada