In this Issue
- Volume 43, Number 1, Spring 1997
- Issue
- Special Issue: National and Postnational Narratives
MFS publishes scholarly essays that analyze the important aesthetic, cultural, political, and environmental developments currently shaping today’s academic and public conversations. A leading international literature and humanities journal, MFS focuses on the various modalities and uses of fiction in the broadest sense of the term—publishing material designed to speak to a wide audience of scholars, public intellectuals, and cultural practitioners working across diverse fields, regions, and venues. Now in its sixty-eighth year, MFS is published by Johns Hopkins University Press and is available online at Project MUSE.
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 43, Number 1, Spring 1997Editorial Board
Patrick O'Donnell
Assistant Editor
Nancy J. Peterson
Editorial Assistants
Deborah M. Mix
Andrew J. Kunka
Staff Assistant
Nel Fink
Purdue Advisory Board
Richard Dienst
Wendy Flory
Geraldine Friedman
Shaun F. D. Hughes
Robert Paul Lamb
Vincent B. Leitch
Virgil L. Lokke
Daniel Morris
William J. Palmer
Margaret Moan Rowe
Aparajita Sagar
Siobhan Somerville
Editorial Advisory Board
Timothy Dow Adams, West Virginia University
Paul B. Armstrong, State University of New York, Stoney Brook
Derek Attridge, University of York
Shari Benstock, University of Miami
Lauren Berlant, University of Chicago
Michael Bérubé, University of Illinois
Chris Bongie, College of William & Mary
John Brenkman, Baruch College, CUNY
John F. Callahan, Lewis and Clark
Robert L. Caserio, Temple University
Ross Chambers, University of Michigan
Arnold E. Davidson, Duke University
Marianne DeKoven, Rutgers University
Emory Elliott, University of California, Riverside
Rita Felski, University of Virginia
Ellen G. Friedman, College of New Jersey
Susan Stanford Friedman, University of Wisconsin
Barbara Harlow, University of Texas, Austin
N. Katherine Hayles, University of California, Los Angeles
Leslie Hill, University of Warwick
Molly Hite, Cornell University
Linda Hutcheon, University of Toronto
Abdul R. JanMohamed, University of California, Los Angeles
Susan Jeffords, University of Washington
Djelal Kadir, Pensylvania State University
Karen Lawrence, University of California, Irvine
Francine Masiello, University of California, Berkeley
John T. Matthews, Boston University
Patrick McGee, Louisiana State University
Richard G. Moreland, Louisiana State University
Margot Norris, University of California, Irvine
Donald Pease, Dartmouth College
John Paul Riquelme, Boston University
Judith Roof, Indiana University
Stephen M. Ross, Washington, D.C.
John Carlos Rowe, University of California, Irvine
Brenda Silver, Dartmouth College
Sidonie Smith, University of Michigan
Doris Sommer, Harvard University
Hortense J. Spillers, Cornell University
Steven Weisenburger, University of Kentucky
Patricia Yaeger, University of Michigan
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