In this Issue
- Volume 119, Number 471, Winter 2006
- Issue
- Special Issue: Working for and with the Folk: Public Folklore in the Twenty-first Century
- Guest Editor: Patricia Atkinson Wells
The Journal of American Folklore is the official journal of the American Folklore Society and presents recent scholarship by AFS members and scholars in allied fields. AFS, founded in 1889, is an organization of folklorists with over l, 000 members in the US, Canada, and other countries throughout the world. The journal regularly publishes book, film, and exhibit reviews as well as articles on expressive culture and how groups make meaning through interactive activities.
published by
American Folklore Societyviewing issue
Volume 119, Number 471, Winter 2006Editorial Board
Elaine J. Lawless
Department of English
107 Tate Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri 65211
Managing Editor
LuAnne K. Roth
Associate Editor
Lisa Rathje
Assistant Editor
Shelley Ingram
Editorial Assitants
Brandy Taylor
Willow G. Mullins
Production Editor
Clydette Wantland
JAF Editorial Board
Diane E. Goldstein, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Barbro Klein, The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study
Debora Kodish, Philadelphia Folklore Project
Sw. Anand Prahlad, University of Missouri
Jeff Todd Titon, Brown University
Patricia A. Turner, University of California Davis
Book Review Editor
Patricia Sawin
Department of Anthropology
301 Alumni Building
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3115
Sound Recordings Review Editor
Peter Narváez
Department of Folklore
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C5S7
Exhibitions and Events Review Editor
Pravina Shukla
Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology
Indiana University
504 North Fess Avenue
Bloomington, Indiana 47408-3890
Film and Videotape Review Editor
Daniel Wojcik
Department of English
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403
Journal of American Folklore is produced with the generous assistance of the Department of English and the College of Arts and Science, University of Missouri at Columbia. JAF is indexed in Project MUSE.
Officers of the American Folklore Society
Michael Owen Jones, University of California, Los Angeles
Past President
Jack Santino, Bowling Green State University
Executive Director
Tim Lloyd, Ohio State University
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Copyright © 2006 the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.