+ MUSE Alert

In this Issue

Editorial Board


Cedric D. Reverand II, University of Wyoming

Associate Editor

Mark Booth, University of Wyoming

Book Review Editor

Robert P. Maccubbin

Editorial Assistants

Heather Ackerman
Andromeda Hartwick
Jason Kirkmeyer

Corresponding Editors

Wye Allanbrook
Raymond Birn
Norman Bryson
Miles Chappell
Julia V. Douthwaite
Cissie Fairchilds
William Hausman
Dale E. Hoak
Herbert Josephs
Alan Kors
Susan S. Lanser
Bruce Lenman
James Livingston
Jessica Munns
Valerie Rumbold
Larry Stewart
Philip Stewart
Talbot J. Taylor
Randolph Trumbach
W. Daniel Wilson
John Wilton-Ely

Editorial Board

Kevin Berland
Greg Clingham
Timothy M. Costelloe
Beatrice C. Fink
Jayne E. Lewis
Alan McKenzie
Alexander Pettit
Adam Potkay
Wendy Wassyng Roworth
Ronald Schechter
Mona Scheuermann