Browse Index

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  1. Abbey Theatre,
  2. Abbey Theatre, Dublin,
  3. Abbott, George,
  4. Abelard, Peter,
  5. Abercrombie, Lascelles,
  6. Ablewhite, Godfrey (Collins character),
  7. Aboulmagi, Nadia,
  8. About, Edmond,
  9. Absolute, (SEE ALSO: Bergson, Bradley, Hegel, )
  10. Abyssinia (Ethiopia),
  11. Académie Française,
  12. Achilles (Heywood character),
  13. Ackroyd, Peter,
  14. Acland, Richard,
  15. Acland, Sir Richard,
  16. Action Français,
  17. Action Française,
  18. Action française, L’,
  19. Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron,
  20. Acton, Sir Francis (Heywood character),
  21. Adam of St. Victor,
  22. Adam, Karl, Germany’s New Religion,
  23. Adamo di Brescia (Dante character),
  24. Adams, Henry Brooks,
  25. Adams, Henry,
  26. Adams, J. Donald,
  27. Adams, John (Elizabethan actor),
  28. Adams, John Quincy,
  29. Adams, John,
  30. Adderley, Sir Charles,
  31. Addison, Joseph,
  32. Addleshaw, G. W. O.,
  33. Adelphi, The,
  34. Adler, Alfred,
  35. Adlington, William,
  36. Aerius,
  37. Aeschylus,
  38. Aguedal,
  39. Aiken, Conrad,
  40. Ainsworth, Oliver,
  41. Akenside, Mark,
  42. Alain-Fournier,
  43. Albanact (Locrine character),
  44. Albertus Magnus,
  45. Albigensians,
  46. Aldersley, Frank (Collins character),
  47. Aldington, Richard,
  48. Alexander VI,
  49. Alexander, Samuel,
  50. Alexander, Sir William,
  51. Algeria,
  52. Aliotta, Antonio,
  53. All Hallows Church,
  54. All Souls College, Oxford,
  55. Allan, John,
  56. Allen, Hervey,
  57. Allen, J. W.,
  58. Allen, Marjory,
  59. Allen, Percy,
  60. Allen, Reginald Clifford Allen, 1st Baron,
  61. Allen, William Hervey,
  62. Alport, Erich,
  63. Alsemero (Middleton character),
  64. Ambrose, St.,
  65. American Amnesty Committee,
  66. American history and politics,
  67. American literature, (SEE ALSO: Frost, Hawthorne, H. D., H. James, Masters, Pound, Wharton, )
  68. American poetry,
  69. American,
  70. Amiel, Henri-Frédéric,
  71. Ammon, Charles,
  72. Amphitryon (Seneca character),
  73. Amyot, Jacques,
  74. Anacreon,
  75. Anarchist Federation,
  76. Anaxagoras,
  77. Anderson, Margaret,
  78. Anderson, Sir John,
  79. Andreae, Johann Valentin,
  80. Andrewes, Lancelot,
  81. Andrzejewski, Jerzy: Apel (Roll Call),
  82. Anesaki, Masaharu,
  83. Angell, Sir Norman, Why Freedom Matters,
  84. Angell, Sir Ralph Norman,
  85. Angioletti, Giovanni Battista,
  86. Anglicanism, (SEE ALSO: Church of England, )
  87. Anglo-Catholic Congresses,
  88. Anglo-Catholic Summer School of Sociology,
  89. Anglo-Catholicism, (SEE ALSO: Catholicism, )
  90. Anglo-Irish writers,
  91. Anglo-Saxon verse,
  92. Anglo-Saxon,
  93. Anglo-Swedish Society, Friendship, Progress, Civilisation,
  94. Annabella (John Ford character),
  95. Annahme, (SEE ALSO: Meinong, )
  96. Anne, Queen,
  97. Anselm, St.,
  98. Anvil, The (radio program),
  99. Apelles,
  100. Apostles’ Creed,
  101. Apostolic Succession,
  102. Apuleius,
  103. Aquinas, St. Thomas,
  104. Aquinas, Thomas, (SEE ALSO: scholasticism, )
  105. Aquinas, Thomas, Saint,
  106. Arabella (John Ford character),
  107. Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Nights),
  108. Arbaces, King (Beaumont and Fletcher character),
  109. Archer, Edward,
  110. Archer, William,
  111. Arden of Feversham,
  112. Arden, Alice,
  113. Ariosto, Ludovico,
  114. Aristophanes,
  115. Aristotelianism,
  116. Aristotle,
  117. Arlen, Michael,
  118. Armstrong, Walter H.,
  119. Armstrong, William,
  120. Arnauld, Antoine,
  121. Arnauld, Jacqueline-Marie-Angélique,
  122. Arnaut Daniel (Dante character),
  123. Arnaut Daniel,
  124. Arnold, Harold G.,
  125. Arnold, Matthew,
  126. Arnold, Sir Edwin,
  127. Arnold, Sir Edwin, The Light of Asia,
  128. Arnold, Thomas,
  129. Aron, Robert,
  130. Art & Letters,
  131. Art and Letters,
  132. Articles of Religion,
  133. Artists’ International Association,
  134. Ascham, Roger,
  135. Ashcroft, Peggy,
  136. Ashley, William James,
  137. Asia,
  138. Aske, Robert,
  139. Aspern, Jeffrey (James character),
  140. Asquith, H. H.,
  141. Asquith, Herbert Henry, Earl of Oxford and Asquith,
  142. Asquith, Lady Cynthia,
  143. Assheton, Ralph,
  144. Astor, Nancy,
  145. Aswell, Edward,
  146. Asín Palacious, Miguel,
  147. Atatürk, Kemal,
  148. Athanasius of Alexandria, St.,
  149. Athanasius,
  150. Athanasius, St.,
  151. Athayde, Tristan d’, Fragments de sociologie chrétienne,
  152. Atheist’s Tragedy, The,
  153. Athenaeum,
  154. Athenaeum, The,
  155. Athens,
  156. Atomists,
  157. Attenborough, Charles L.,
  158. Attlee, Clement Richard,
  159. Attlee, Clement,
  160. Auden, W. H.,
  161. Augustan age,
  162. Augustine of Canterbury,
  163. Augustine,
  164. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo,
  165. Augustine, St.,
  166. Aury, Dominique,
  167. Aurén, Sven,
  168. Auschwitz,
  169. Austen, Jane,
  170. Austin, H. W., Moral Re-Armament,
  171. Aveline, Claude,
  172. Aventura,
  173. Averroes,
  174. Averroes/Averrhoists,
  175. Azariah, V. S.,
  176. BBC,
  177. BLAST,
  178. Babbitt, Dora May,
  179. Babbitt, Irving,
  180. Bacon, Francis,
  181. Bacon, Francis, “Mr. Bacon’s Discourse in the Praise of his Sovereign,”
  182. Bacon, Roger,
  183. Bacon, Sir Francis,
  184. Baden-Powell, Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron,
  185. Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution,
  186. Bailey, Henry Christopher,
  187. Baillie, John,
  188. Bain, Alexander,
  189. Bain, F. W.,
  190. Bainville, Jacques Pierre,
  191. Bainville, Jacques,
  192. Bairnsfather, Bruce,
  193. Baker, Augustus,
  194. Baker, Ernest A.,
  195. Baker, Sir Herbert,
  196. Baker, W. S.,
  197. Baker, William, “Some T. S. Eliot Inscribed Copies–An Addendum,”
  198. Bakewell, Charles M.,
  199. Bald, Robert Cecil,
  200. Baldwin, Gratia Eaton,
  201. Baldwin, Stanley,
  202. Balfour, A. J.,
  203. Balfour, Arthur J.,
  204. Balinski-Jundzill, Count Jan,
  205. Ball, Arthur,
  206. Ballad of Chevy Chase, The,
  207. Ballets Russes,
  208. Ballmeyer (Leroux character),
  209. Balzac, Honoré de,
  210. Bambridge, Elsie Kipling,
  211. Bandello, Matteo,
  212. Banks, Cuddie (Rowley, Ford and Dekker character),
  213. Banks, Leslie,
  214. Banks, Theodore Howard, Jr.,
  215. Banquo (Shakespeare character),
  216. Baptist (denomination),
  217. Barber, Philip Ira,
  218. Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules Amédée,
  219. Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules,
  220. Barfield, Owen,
  221. Baring, Maurice,
  222. Barker, George,
  223. Barker, Harley Granville,
  224. Barker, Sir Ernest,
  225. Barkstead, William,
  226. Barlow, Kenneth Elliott,
  227. Barlow, Sir Montague,
  228. Barnes, Djuna,
  229. Barnes, Ernest William,
  230. Barnes, Ernest William: “Commerce as a Service to the Community,”
  231. Barnes, Ernest,
  232. Barnes, James Strachey,
  233. Barr, Stringfellow,
  234. Barrie, J. M.,
  235. Barrie, J. M., Sentimental Tommy,
  236. Barrington-Ward, Robert,
  237. Barrow, Isaac,
  238. Barry, F. R.,
  239. Barrès, Maurice,
  240. Barth, Karl,
  241. Bartoszewski, Władysław, Mój Auschwitz,
  242. Basic English,
  243. Basques,
  244. Bassanes (John Ford character),
  245. Bastian, Adolf,
  246. Basutos,
  247. Bate, H. N.,
  248. Bateman, H. M.,
  249. Bates, Ernest Sutherland, “T. S. Eliot,”
  250. Baudelaire, Charles,
  251. Bax, Clifford,
  252. Baxter, Richard,
  253. Bayle, Pierre,
  254. Baylis, Lilian,
  255. Bazin, René François Nicolas Marie, Charles de Foucauld,
  256. Bazin, René, Charles de Foucauld,
  257. Beach, Joseph Warren, x,
  258. Beach, Sylvia,
  259. Beachcroft, Thomas,
  260. Beaken, Robert, Cosmo Lang,
  261. Beardsley, Aubrey,
  262. Beaton, Cecil,
  263. Beatrice (Dante character),
  264. Beatrice (Middleton character),
  265. Beauchamp, William Lygon, 7th Earl,
  266. Beaumarchais, Pierre, La Folle Journée ou le Mariage de Figaro,
  267. Beaumont, Francis,
  268. Beaverbrook, Sir William Maxwell Aitken, Lord,
  269. Beaverbrook, William Aitken, first Baron,
  270. Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Baron,
  271. Beck, Józef,
  272. Becker, May Lamberton,
  273. Becket, Thomas,
  274. Beckett, Samuel, Our Exagmination Round his Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress,
  275. Beddoes, T. L.,
  276. Beerbohm, Max,
  277. Beethoven, Ludwig van,
  278. Beevor, Humphry,
  279. Behn, Aphra,
  280. Bel Esprit scheme,
  281. Belgion, Montgomery,
  282. Bell, Bernard Iddings,
  283. Bell, Clive,
  284. Bell, George,
  285. Bell, John Joy, Wee Macgreegor,
  286. Bell, Julian,
  287. Bell, Vanessa,
  288. Bellarmine, Robert,
  289. Belleforest, François de,
  290. Belloc, Hilaire,
  291. Benda, France Julien,
  292. Benda, Julien,
  293. Benedict XVI,
  294. Benet, Stephen Vincent,
  295. Benlowes, Edward,
  296. Benn, Alfred William,
  297. Bennett, Arnold,
  298. Benoist, Charles,
  299. Benson, A. C.,
  300. Benson, A. C., Edward Fitzgerald,
  301. Benson, E. F.,
  302. Bentham, Jeremy,
  303. Bentley, Phyllis,
  304. Benvenisti, J. L.,
  305. Berdyaev, Nikolai,
  306. Berenson, Bernard,
  307. Berger, Walter,
  308. Bergetto (John Ford character),
  309. Bergson, Henri, (SEE ALSO: idealism, )
  310. Bergsonism,
  311. Berkeley, George,
  312. Berl, Emmanuel,
  313. Berlin, Isaiah,
  314. Berman, Louis,
  315. Bernanos, Georges,
  316. Bernard of Clairvaux, St.,
  317. Bernard-Lazare,
  318. Berne-Joffroy, André,
  319. Berneri, Marie Louise,
  320. Bernhardt, Sarah,
  321. Berthe (Philippe character),
  322. Bertrand, de Born (Dante character),
  323. Bertrand, de Born,
  324. Best, J. M. G.,
  325. Bethell, S. L., Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Tradition,
  326. Betjeman, John,
  327. Betteridge, Gabriel (Collins character),
  328. Betteridge, Penelope (Collins character),
  329. Betterton, Thomas Patrick,
  330. Beveridge, Sir William Henry,
  331. Beverley Cycle,
  332. Bevin, Ernest,
  333. Bhagavad Gita,
  334. Bhagavad-Gita,
  335. Bhownagree, Sir Mancherjee,
  336. Bianca (Middleton character),
  337. Bible,
  338. Bible, passages from: Exodus
  339. Biddulph, Geoffrey,
  340. Biehl, Wilhelm,
  341. Biely, Andrei,
  342. Bigelow, Josephine,
  343. Bingham, Alfred M.,
  344. Bingham, Barry,
  345. Binyon, Laurence,
  346. Birkenhead, Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of,
  347. Birkhead, Edith,
  348. Biron (Chapman character),
  349. Birrell, Anthony, “The Tragedy of James Joyce,”
  350. Birrell, Augustine,
  351. Birrell, Francis,
  352. Bisterfeld, J. H.,
  353. Black Sun Press,
  354. Black, Arthur, Statistical Study,
  355. Blackburn, Captain Raymond,
  356. Blackmur, R. P.,
  357. Blackmur, Richard P.,
  358. Blackwood, Algernon,
  359. Blackwood, William,
  360. Blake, Franklin (Collins character),
  361. Blake, George,
  362. Blake, William,
  363. Bland, Hubert,
  364. Blast,
  365. Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna,
  366. Bliss, Arthur,
  367. Blitz, The,
  368. Blok, Alexander,
  369. Blomfield, Charles James,
  370. Blondel, Maurice,
  371. Bloom, Leopold (Joyce character),
  372. Bloom, Molly (Joyce character),
  373. Bloomsbury Group,
  374. Bloomsbury circle,
  375. Bloomsbury,
  376. Bloud and Gay,
  377. Bloud, Edmond,
  378. Bloy, Léon,
  379. Blum, Léon,
  380. Blunden, Edmund,
  381. Blunt, Alfred,
  382. Boas, Frederick S.,
  383. Boas, Frederick,
  384. Boase, Alan,
  385. Boccaccio, Giovanni,
  386. Bocheński, Jacek,
  387. Bodin, Jean,
  388. Bodleian Library,
  389. Boehme (Böhme), Jacob,
  390. Boehme, Jacob,
  391. Boethius,
  392. Bogan, Louise,
  393. Boiardo, Matteo Maria,
  394. Boileau-Despréaux, Nicholas,
  395. Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas,
  396. Bolgan, Anne,
  397. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John,
  398. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount,
  399. Bolsheviks,
  400. Bolshevism,
  401. Bolton, Guy,
  402. Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, Vicomte de,
  403. Bonaventura, St.,
  404. Bonaventure, St.,
  405. Bondy, Marie de,
  406. Bonnier family,
  407. Bonniers litterära magasin,
  408. Book of Common Prayer,
  409. Books Across the Sea,
  410. Boothby, Robert,
  411. Bordereau, Juliana (James character),
  412. Bordereau, Tina (James character),
  413. Borel, Petris,
  414. Borgia, Cesare,
  415. Borkenau, Franz,
  416. Born, Bertran de,
  417. Borne, Étienne,
  418. Borrow, George,
  419. Borzage, Frank,
  420. Bosanquet, Bernard,
  421. Bosanquet, Theodora,
  422. Bosco, Madeleine,
  423. Bose, Sir J. C.,
  424. Bosschère, Jean de,
  425. Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne,
  426. Boswell, James,
  427. Bott, Alan,
  428. Bottkol, J. McG.,
  429. Bottom (Shakespeare character),
  430. Bottomley, Gordon,
  431. Bottomley, Horatio,
  432. Bottrall, Ronald,
  433. Boulter, Benjamin C.,
  434. Boulting, William,
  435. Bourget, Paul C.,
  436. Bourne, Francis,
  437. Boutroux, Émile,
  438. Boutwood, Arthur,
  439. Bovary, Emma (Flaubert character),
  440. Bowen, Elizabeth,
  441. Bowles, William Lisle,
  442. Boy Scouts,
  443. Boyd, Ernest A.,
  444. Boyle, Robert,
  445. Brabant, F. H.,
  446. Brace, Donald C.,
  447. Bracken, Brendan,
  448. Bradford, Gamaliel,
  449. Bradley, A. C.,
  450. Bradley, F. H.,
  451. Bradley, Francis Herbert,
  452. Bradley, Henry,
  453. Bradner, Leicester,
  454. Bragg, W. H.,
  455. Brains Trust, The (radio program),
  456. Bramhall, John,
  457. Brand, Robert H.,
  458. Braque, Georges,
  459. Brenan, Gerald,
  460. Brentano, Franz,
  461. Brentford, William Joynson-Hicks, Viscount,
  462. Breton, Andre,
  463. Breton, Nicholas,
  464. Briand, Aristide,
  465. Bridgebuilders (radio program),
  466. Bridges, Bess (Heywood character),
  467. Bridges, Robert,
  468. Bridges-Adams, William,
  469. Bridie, James,
  470. Briggs, L. B. R.,
  471. Bright, John,
  472. Brightman, F. E.,
  473. Bristol, L. M.,
  474. British Actors’ Equity,
  475. British Ally, The (Britansky Soyuznik),
  476. British Council of Churches,
  477. British Council,
  478. British Drama League,
  479. British Institutes,
  480. British Publishers Guild,
  481. British Union Party,
  482. British Union of Fascists,
  483. British-Norwegian Institute (London),
  484. Brittain, Vera,
  485. Britten, Benjamin,
  486. Broad, C. D.,
  487. Broadwood, Thomas,
  488. Broch, Hermann,
  489. Brockway, Fenner,
  490. Brome, Richard,
  491. Brontë sisters,
  492. Brontë, Emily,
  493. Brooke, Brian,
  494. Brooke, Henry,
  495. Brooke, Rupert,
  496. Brooke, W. T.,
  497. Brooks, Benjamin Gilbert,
  498. Brooks, Cleanth,
  499. Brooks, Peter Chardon,
  500. Brooks, Van Wyck,
  501. Brophy, John,
  502. Brown, Harry,
  503. Brown, Spencer Curtis,
  504. Browne, Dorothy Elizabeth,
  505. Browne, E. Martin,
  506. Browne, Mary,
  507. Browne, Sir Thomas,
  508. Browne, Thomas,
  509. Browne, William,
  510. Browning, Elizabeth B.,
  511. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett,
  512. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Aurora Leigh,
  513. Browning, Robert,
  514. Broxap, Henry,
  515. Brunetière, Ferdinand,
  516. Bruno, Giordano,
  517. Brunot, Ferdinand,
  518. Brutus (Dante character),
  519. Brutus (Shakespeare character),
  520. Bryan, W. J.,
  521. Bryan, William Jennings,
  522. Brâncuşi, Constantin,
  523. Brémond, Henri,
  524. Bubu (Philippe character),
  525. Buchan, John,
  526. Buchanan, Scott,
  527. Buchman, Franklin Nathaniel Daniel,
  528. Buchmanism,
  529. Buchmanite Movement,
  530. Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of,
  531. Budberg, Moura Ignatievna Zakrevskaya, Baroness,
  532. Buddha,
  533. Buddhism,
  534. Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, Histoire naturelle,
  535. Bukhari (Bokhari), Z. A.,
  536. Bukharin, Nikolai,
  537. Bulgakoff, Sergius,
  538. Bull, Paul,
  539. Bullen, A. H.,
  540. Bullen, Arthur Henry,
  541. Bunyan, John,
  542. Buonconte (Dante character),
  543. Burdett, Osbert,
  544. Burham, Clara (Collins character),
  545. Burke, Edmund,
  546. Burke-Savage, Roland,
  547. Burleson, Albert Sidney,
  548. Burne-Jones, Edward,
  549. Burne-Jones, Georgiana,
  550. Burnet, John,
  551. Burnet, Sir John James,
  552. Burnham, James,
  553. Burns, Robert,
  554. Burns, Thomas F.,
  555. Burrell, P. S.,
  556. Burroughs, Edgar Rice,
  557. Burton, Robert,
  558. Busby, Olive Mary,
  559. Busch, Wilhelm,
  560. Bussy (Chapman character),
  561. Butchart, Montgomery,
  562. Butcher, S. H.,
  563. Butcher, Samuel Henry,
  564. Butler Act,
  565. Butler, Alban, The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints,
  566. Butler, H. E.,
  567. Butler, Harold Edgeworth,
  568. Butler, Joseph,
  569. Butler, Nicholas Murray,
  570. Butler, Richard Austen (“Rab”),
  571. Butler, Samuel (novelist),
  572. Butler, Samuel (poet),
  573. Butler, Samuel,
  574. Butler, Samuel, Hudibras,
  575. Butler-Webster, G. R.,
  576. Butts, Mary,
  577. Buxton, Dorothy,
  578. Byford, Roy,
  579. Byrne, M. St. Clare,
  580. Byron, Lord (George Gordon),
  581. Byron, Lord,
  582. Bywater, Ingram,
  583. Bédé, J. A.,
  584. Bülow, Prince Bernhard von,
  585. Bürger, Gottfried,
  586. Cabell, James Branch,
  587. Cacciaguida (Dante character),
  588. Cachemaille-Day, Nugent Francis,
  589. Cadbury, Dame Elizabeth,
  590. Caetani, Marguerite, Princess di Bassiano,
  591. Cahiers de la quinzaine,
  592. Cahiers du Sud,
  593. Cailliet, E.,
  594. Caine, Hall,
  595. Caird, Edward,
  596. Cajetan (Tommaso de Vio Gaetani),
  597. Cajetan, Thomas,
  598. Calantha (John Ford character),
  599. Calasanctius, Joseph (Joseph Calasanz),
  600. Calderón de la Barca, Pedro,
  601. Calendar, The,
  602. Calling All Students (radio program),
  603. Calverley, Walter,
  604. Calverton, V. F. (Victor Francis),
  605. Calverton, V. F.,
  606. Calvin, John,
  607. Calvinism,
  608. Cambridge Arts Theatre,
  609. Cambridge Ritualists,
  610. Cambridge University,
  611. Cambridge anthropologists,
  612. Campanella, Tommaso,
  613. Campbell, A. J. D.,
  614. Campbell, Graham,
  615. Campbell, Joseph,
  616. Campbell, Killis,
  617. Campbell, Roy,
  618. Campion, Thomas,
  619. Camrose, William Berry, first Viscount,
  620. Cannan, Gilbert,
  621. Canning, George,
  622. Cape, Jonathan,
  623. Carew, Thomas,
  624. Carey, Walter Julius,
  625. Carlyle, Thomas,
  626. Carmichael, Alexander, Carmina Gadelica,
  627. Carmona, Óscar,
  628. Caroline era,
  629. Caroline poets,
  630. Carpenter, Hilary,
  631. Carpenter, S. C.,
  632. Carr, Edward Hallett,
  633. Carr, Wildon,
  634. Carr-Saunders, Alexander Morris,
  635. Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),
  636. Carroll, Lewis,
  637. Carroll, Lewis: Alice in Wonderland,
  638. Carter, C. Sydney,
  639. Carter, Frederick,
  640. Carter, Hubert,
  641. Carter, Vivian,
  642. Cartesianism,
  643. Cartwright, William,
  644. Carver, T. N.,
  645. Casaubon, Issac,
  646. Casella (Dante character),
  647. Cassius (Dante character),
  648. Cassius (Shakespeare character),
  649. Cassou, Jean,
  650. Castabella (Tourneur character),
  651. Castagno, Andrea del,
  652. Castelvetro, Lodovico,
  653. Castiglione, Baldassare,
  654. Cather, Willa,
  655. Catholic Advisory Council,
  656. Catholic Anthology,
  657. Catholic Church in England,
  658. Catholic Church,
  659. Catholic Modernism,
  660. Catholic Social Guild, Oxford,
  661. Catholicism,
  662. Catholics,
  663. Catiline,
  664. Catullus,
  665. Catullus, Gaius V.,
  666. Catullus, Gaius Valerius,
  667. Causton, Bernard,
  668. Cavalcanti, Guido,
  669. Cayley, Charles Bagot,
  670. Cecchetti, Enrico,
  671. Cecil of Chelwood, Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount,
  672. Cecil, David,
  673. Cecil, Lord Hugh,
  674. Cecil, Robert,
  675. Cecil, Robert, first earl of Salisbury,
  676. Cecilia, St.,
  677. Cellier, Frank,
  678. Celtic culture,
  679. Celtic,
  680. Cendrars, Blaise,
  681. Cervantes, Miguel de,
  682. Chabannes, Jacques,
  683. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart,
  684. Chamberlain, Neville,
  685. Chamberlain, Sir Austen,
  686. Chamberlayne, William,
  687. Chambers, E. K.,
  688. Chambers, Jessie,
  689. Chambers, Raymond Wilson,
  690. Chambers, Robert,
  691. Chamfort, Nicolas,
  692. Chamson, André,
  693. Chandler, Arthur,
  694. Chandos Group,
  695. Chandos group,
  696. Chaning-Pearce, Melville,
  697. Channing, William Ellery,
  698. Chantelouve, Hyacinthe (Huysmans character),
  699. Chaplin, Charlie,
  700. Chapman, George,
  701. Chapman, John, Spiritual Letters,
  702. Charbonnel, J.-Roger,
  703. Charbonnel, J.-Roger, vi,
  704. Charcot, Jean-Martin,
  705. Charlemont (Tourneur character),
  706. Charles I (King of England),
  707. Charles I,
  708. Charles II (King of England),
  709. Charles II,
  710. Charteris, Evan,
  711. Charteris, Sir Evan,
  712. Chase, James Hadley, No Orchids for Miss Blandish,
  713. Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de,
  714. Chateaubriand, François-René de,
  715. Chateaubriand, François-René de: René,
  716. Chatterjee, Atul,
  717. Chaucer, Geoffrey,
  718. Chauveau, Léopold,
  719. Chaworth, Mary,
  720. Cheetham, Eric Samuel,
  721. Cheetham, Eric,
  722. Cheke, Sir John,
  723. Chekhov (or Tchehov), Anton,
  724. Chekhov, Anton,
  725. Chelli, Maurice,
  726. Chelmsford Diocesan Religious Drama Guild,
  727. Cherbourg,
  728. Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Lord,
  729. Chermayeff, Serge,
  730. Chester Cycle,
  731. Chesterfield, Fourth Earl of (Philip Stanhope),
  732. Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith),
  733. Chesterton, G. K.,
  734. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith,
  735. Chevalier, Haakon,
  736. Chevalley, Abel,
  737. Child, Francis James,
  738. Child, Harold Hannyngton,
  739. Child, Maurice,
  740. Childe, Godfrey,
  741. China Sea Pilot, The,
  742. China,
  743. Chinese thought,
  744. Chinese: language,
  745. Chitty, Roger,
  746. Christendom Group,
  747. Christendom,
  748. Christian Century, The,
  749. Christian Community, (SEE ALSO: Community of Christians, )
  750. Christian Democrat, The,
  751. Christian Fathers,
  752. Christian News-Letter,
  753. Christian News-Letter, The,
  754. Christian Social Movement,
  755. Christian community,
  756. Christianity,
  757. Christie, Agatha,
  758. Church Assembly,
  759. Church Missionary Society, A Vital Issue,
  760. Church Times,
  761. Church Union Association for Church Social Action,
  762. Church Union,
  763. Church and State,
  764. Church in Country Parishes, The,
  765. Church of England Newspaper,
  766. Church of England,
  767. Church of India, Burma, Ceylon,
  768. Church of Ireland,
  769. Church of Scotland,
  770. Church of South India,
  771. Church of Wales,
  772. Church,
  773. Church, R. W.,
  774. Church, Richard,
  775. Churchill Club,
  776. Churchill, Charles,
  777. Churchill, Sarah Jennings,
  778. Churchill, Sir John,
  779. Churchill, Sir Winston,
  780. Churchill, Winston,
  781. Chuzzlewit, Jonas (Dickens character),
  782. Cibber, Colley,
  783. Cicero,
  784. Cinatti, Ruy,
  785. Cino of Pistoia,
  786. Civic Theatre Scheme,
  787. Clarendon, 1st Earl of (Edward Hyde),
  788. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of,
  789. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl,
  790. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of,
  791. Clark, Arthur Melville,
  792. Clark, G. N.,
  793. Clark, J. B.,
  794. Clark, Kenneth,
  795. Clark, Lady Jane,
  796. Clark, Sir Kenneth,
  797. Clark, W. G.,
  798. Clarke, C. P. S.,
  799. Clarke, Fred,
  800. Clarke, John Smith,
  801. Clarke, Sir Geoffrey,
  802. Classical Association,
  803. Claudel, Paul,
  804. Claudio (Shakespeare character),
  805. Claudius (Shakespeare character),
  806. Clauss, Max,
  807. Clay, John (Doyle character),
  808. Claye, Charles A.,
  809. Clayton, Philip (“Tubby”),
  810. Clemenceau, Georges Benjamin,
  811. Clemenceau, Georges,
  812. Clement of Alexandria, St.,
  813. Clements, Keith, The Moot Papers,
  814. Clemm, Maria,
  815. Clemm, Virginia,
  816. Clermont (Chapman character),
  817. Cleveland, John,
  818. Clifford, Sir Hugh Charles,
  819. Clodd, Edward,
  820. Cloud of Unknowing, The,
  821. Clutton-Brock, Arthur,
  822. Clynes, J. R.,
  823. Cobb, Edward,
  824. Cobden, Richard,
  825. Cobden-Sanderson, Richard,
  826. Cochrane, Frank,
  827. Cockerell, Sydney,
  828. Cockin, F. A.,
  829. Cocteau, Jean,
  830. Codrington, Kenneth de Burgh,
  831. Codrington, R. H.,
  832. Cody, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill,”
  833. Coffey, Brian,
  834. Coffey, Denis J.,
  835. Coffey, Peter,
  836. Cohen, Hermann,
  837. Cohen, Lester,
  838. Cohen-Portheim, Paul,
  839. Cold War,
  840. Cole, G. D. H.,
  841. Cole, George Douglas Howard,
  842. Cole, Margaret,
  843. Colefax, Sybil,
  844. Coleman, Emily,
  845. Coleridge on,
  846. Coleridge, Hartley,
  847. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,
  848. Colerus, Johann,
  849. Colet, John,
  850. Collett, Mary,
  851. Collier, Kenneth Gerald,
  852. Collingwood, R. C.,
  853. Collingwood, R. G., The Principles of Art,
  854. Collins, John Churton,
  855. Collins, Mortimer,
  856. Collins, Mrs. E. Burke,
  857. Collins, Patrick,
  858. Collins, Seward,
  859. Collins, Wilkie,
  860. Collins, William,
  861. Collinson, James,
  862. Collins’ Music Hall,
  863. Colvin, Sir Sidney,
  864. Colwell, Eileen,
  865. Comedy of Humours, (SEE ALSO: Jonson, )
  866. Comes, Natalis (Natale Conti),
  867. Comfort, Alex,
  868. Comité Français pour la Paix Civile et Religieuse en Espagne,
  869. Commedia dell’ Arte,
  870. Commines (Commynes), Philippe de,
  871. Commines, Philippe de,
  872. Commission of the Churches,
  873. Common Sense,
  874. Commonwealth of England,
  875. Community of Christians, (SEE ALSO: Christian Community, )
  876. Comte, Auguste,
  877. Comédie-Française,
  878. Condillac, Etienne B. de,
  879. Conference on Faith and Order,
  880. Confucianism,
  881. Confucius,
  882. Congregationalism,
  883. Congreve, William,
  884. Conington, John,
  885. Connely, Willard,
  886. Connolly, Cyril,
  887. Connolly, James B.,
  888. Conrad, Joseph,
  889. Conservative Party,
  890. Constable, Archibald,
  891. Constable, W. G.,
  892. Convegno, Il,
  893. Conway, James Warrell,
  894. Conway, Sir Martin,
  895. Cook, A. B.,
  896. Cook, Arthur Bernard,
  897. Cook, Stanley A.,
  898. Cooper, Alfred Duff,
  899. Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury,
  900. Cooper, Duff,
  901. Cooper, Fenimore,
  902. Cooper, Thomas,
  903. Cooper, Valerie,
  904. Copernicus,
  905. Corbière, Tristan,
  906. Corbière, Tristan, “Le Poète contumace,”
  907. Coriolanus (Shakespeare character),
  908. Coriolanus,
  909. Corneille, Pierre,
  910. Cornford, Francis M.,
  911. Cornford, Francis,
  912. Cornish, Gerald Warre, St. Paul from the Trenches,
  913. Corombona, Vittoria (Webster character),
  914. Corrie, Joseph,
  915. Corvino (Jonson character),
  916. Cosin, John,
  917. Coterie,
  918. Cottle, Joseph,
  919. Coulton, G. G.,
  920. Counter-Reformation,
  921. Cournos, John,
  922. Couturat, Louis,
  923. Coventry Cycle,
  924. Coverdale, Miles,
  925. Coward, Noel,
  926. Coward, Noël,
  927. Cowley, Abraham,
  928. Cowper, William,
  929. Cox, Ian,
  930. Crabbe, George,
  931. Craig, Edward Gordon,
  932. Crane, Ralph,
  933. Cranmer, Thomas,
  934. Cranswick, G. F., and M. Warren, A Vital Issue,
  935. Crashaw, Richard,
  936. Crashaw, William,
  937. Crawley, W. J.,
  938. Crees, J. H. E.,
  939. Creevey, Thomas,
  940. Cretan Liar paradox,
  941. Crewe, Robert Offley Ashburton CreweMilnes, 1st Marquess,
  942. Crichtoun, James,
  943. Criterion, The,
  944. Croce, Benedetto,
  945. Crofts, Freeman Wills,
  946. Croix-de-Feu,
  947. Cromwell, Oliver,
  948. Cromwell, Thomas,
  949. Cronyn, George W.,
  950. Crosby, Caresse,
  951. Crosby, Harry,
  952. Cross, Frank Leslie, Anglicanism,
  953. Crothers, Samuel McChord,
  954. Cruickshank, A. H., xi,
  955. Cruikshank, George,
  956. Crummles, Vincent (Dickens character),
  957. Crémieux, Benjamin,
  958. Crépet, Eugène,
  959. Cubism, (SEE ALSO: Picasso, )
  960. Cuff, Sergeant (Collins character),
  961. Cuming, Agnes,
  962. Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin),
  963. Cummings, E. E.,
  964. Cunard, Lady,
  965. Cunard, Nancy,
  966. Cunliffe, J. W.,
  967. Cunliffe, John W.,
  968. Cunningham, G. W.,
  969. Curtis, Geoffrey,
  970. Curtius, E. R.,
  971. Curtius, Ernst Robert,
  972. Curzon, George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquess,
  973. Curzon, Irene, 2nd Baroness Ravensdale,
  974. Cushendun, Ronald McNeill, 1st Baron,
  975. Cushman, Herbert Ernest,
  976. Cutpurse, Moll (Dekker and Middleton character),
  977. Cyrenaic sect,
  978. Cyrenaicism,
  979. Czecho-Slovak Institute (London),
  980. Czechoslovakia,
  981. Daborne, Robert,
  982. Dalcroze, Émile Jaques-,
  983. Dalyell, Lord (John Ford character),
  984. Dalzel, Archibald, History of Dahomey,
  985. Damon, S. Foster,
  986. Dandieu, Arnaud,
  987. Daniel, Arnaut,
  988. Daniel, Samuel,
  989. Dante,
  990. Dark Lady (Shakespeare figure),
  991. Dark, Sidney,
  992. Dark, Sidney, “We Can’t Be As Bad As All That,”
  993. Darling, Charles John,
  994. Darwin, Charles / Darwinism / Social Darwinism,
  995. Darwin, Charles,
  996. Darwin, Erasmus,
  997. Darwinism, (SEE ALSO: evolution, theory of, )
  998. Daudet, Léon,
  999. Davenant, Sir William,
  1000. David, Jacques-Louis,
  1001. Davidson, Donald,
  1002. Davidson, John,
  1003. Davies, Charles,
  1004. Davies, David,
  1005. Davies, Hugh Sykes,
  1006. Davies, Peter,
  1007. Davies, Rhys J.,
  1008. Davies, Sir John,
  1009. Davies, W. H.,
  1010. Davies, William Henry,
  1011. Davis, Arthur Joseph,
  1012. Dawes, Clara (Lawrence character),
  1013. Dawes, Rufus,
  1014. Dawson, Christopher,
  1015. Dawson, Geoffrey,
  1016. Day Lewis, Cecil,
  1017. Day Lewis, Cecil, “The Fourth Georgic (lines 1 to 66),”
  1018. Dayak people,
  1019. De Flores (Middleton character),
  1020. De Quincey, Thomas,
  1021. De Wulf, Maurice,
  1022. De la Mare, Walter,
  1023. Dedalus, Stephen (Joyce character),
  1024. Defoe, Daniel,
  1025. Degand, Léon,
  1026. Degas, Edgar,
  1027. Dekker, Thomas,
  1028. Delavil (Heywood character),
  1029. Dell, Floyd,
  1030. Deloney, Thomas,
  1031. Demant, V. A.,
  1032. Demant, Vigo Auguste,
  1033. Democritus,
  1034. Demongeot, Marcel,
  1035. Demosthenes,
  1036. Denham, John,
  1037. Denham, John, Cooper’s Hill,
  1038. Denham, Sir John,
  1039. Denikin, Anton,
  1040. Denmark,
  1041. Dent, Edward Joseph,
  1042. Dent, H. C.,
  1043. Deputy (Dickens character),
  1044. Derniers Jours, Les,
  1045. Descartes, René / Cartesianism,
  1046. Descartes, René,
  1047. Desdemona (Shakespeare character),
  1048. Desjardins, Paul,
  1049. Deussen, Paul,
  1050. Dewey, John,
  1051. Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovitch,
  1052. Diaghilev, Sergei,
  1053. Dial,
  1054. Dial, The,
  1055. Dickens, Charles,
  1056. Dickens, Charles: Bleak House,
  1057. Dickinson, G. Lowes,
  1058. Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes,
  1059. Diderot, Denis,
  1060. Die neue Rundschau,
  1061. Dike, Donald,
  1062. Dill, Samuel,
  1063. Dillon, George,
  1064. Dilthey, Wilhelm,
  1065. Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
  1066. Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite,
  1067. Dionysus,
  1068. Disney, Walt,
  1069. Disraeli, Benjamin,
  1070. Disraeli, Benjamin, Lord Beaconsfield,
  1071. Dissenters,
  1072. Dix, Gregory,
  1073. Dobb, Maurice,
  1074. Dobell, Bertram,
  1075. Dobrée, Bonamy,
  1076. Dobrée, Valentine,
  1077. Dobson, Frank,
  1078. Dobson, J. F.,
  1079. Doctrine in the Church of England,
  1080. Dodgson, Campbell,
  1081. Dolce, Lodovico,
  1082. Dole, Charles Fletcher,
  1083. Dolmetsch, Arnold,
  1084. Dominis, Marco Antonio de,
  1085. Donati, Piccarda (Dante character),
  1086. Donne, Anne More,
  1087. Donne, John,
  1088. Doolittle, Hilda (H. D.),
  1089. Doone, Rupert,
  1090. Dos Passos, John,
  1091. Dostoevski, Fyodor,
  1092. Dostoevsky, Fyodor,
  1093. Dostoyevski, Fyodor,
  1094. Doughty, Charles Montagu,
  1095. Douglas, C. H.,
  1096. Douglas, Clifford Hugh,
  1097. Douglas, Gavin,
  1098. Douglas, Gawain,
  1099. Douglas, James,
  1100. Douglas, Stephen,
  1101. Dowden, Edward,
  1102. Dowson, Christopher,
  1103. Dowson, Ernest C.,
  1104. Dowson, Ernest,
  1105. Doyle, Arthur Conan,
  1106. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan,
  1107. Drake, Durant,
  1108. Drake, Sir Francis,
  1109. Drayton, Michael,
  1110. Dreiser, Theodore,
  1111. Drennan, James, B.U.F.,
  1112. Dreyfus Affair,
  1113. Driesch, Hans,
  1114. Drinkwater, John,
  1115. Drucker, Peter F., The End of Economic Man,
  1116. Drucker, Peter,
  1117. Drummond, Bull-Dog (McNeile character),
  1118. Drummond, Sir William,
  1119. Drummond, William,
  1120. Drury, Sir Robert,
  1121. Dryden, John,
  1122. Du Bos, Charles,
  1123. Du Bos, Charles, Byron et le besoin de la fatalité,
  1124. Dublin Review, The,
  1125. Dubois, Louis-Ernest,
  1126. Ducasse, Isidore Lucien (Comte de Lautréamont),
  1127. Duchêne, Jean-Louis,
  1128. Dudley, Lady Mary,
  1129. Duffin, Henry Charles,
  1130. Duhamel, Georges,
  1131. Dujardin, Edouard,
  1132. Dujardin, Édouard,
  1133. Dukes, Ashley,
  1134. Dulac, Edmund,
  1135. Dumas, Alexandre,
  1136. Dunbar, William,
  1137. Duncan, Raymond,
  1138. Duncan, Ronald,
  1139. Duncan-Jones, A. S.,
  1140. Dunne, Annie,
  1141. Dunne, Ellie (Shaw character),
  1142. Dunne, Finley Peter,
  1143. Duns Scotus,
  1144. Dupin, C. Auguste (Poe character),
  1145. Durbeyfield, Tess (Hardy character),
  1146. Durdles (Dickens character),
  1147. Duriau, Jean,
  1148. Durkheim, Émile,
  1149. Durrell, Lawrence,
  1150. Durtal (Huysmans character),
  1151. Duveen, Sir Joseph,
  1152. Dvořák, Antonín,
  1153. Dyce, Alexander,
  1154. Dyer, Sir Edward,
  1155. D’Amville (Tourneur character),
  1156. D’Annunzio, Gabriele,
  1157. D’Aranyi, Jelly,
  1158. D’Arcy, M. C.,
  1159. D’Arcy, Martin C.,
  1160. D’Arcy, Martin,
  1161. Eardley-Wilmot, Hazel,
  1162. Eastern Europe,
  1163. Eastern Orthodox Churches,
  1164. Eastman, Max,
  1165. Ebbutt, Alan,
  1166. Eckhart, Johannes (Meister Eckhart),
  1167. Eckhart, Meister,
  1168. Economic Reform Club and Institute,
  1169. Eddington, A. S.,
  1170. Eddington, Sir Arthur,
  1171. Eddy, Mary Baker,
  1172. Ede, James Chuter,
  1173. Eden, Anthony,
  1174. Eder, Montague David,
  1175. Edinburgh,
  1176. Edward VI,
  1177. Edward VII,
  1178. Edward VIII,
  1179. Edwards, F. M.,
  1180. Edwards, Jonathan,
  1181. Edwards, Richard,
  1182. Egerton, Sir Thomas,
  1183. Egoist Press Ltd.,
  1184. Egoist Press,
  1185. Egoist, The,
  1186. Ehrenfels, Christian von,
  1187. Einstein, Albert,
  1188. Eirene,
  1189. Eleanor of Aquitaine,
  1190. Eleatics,
  1191. Elgar, Edward,
  1192. Eliot, Abigail (Abby) Adams née Cranch,
  1193. Eliot, Andrew,
  1194. Eliot, Charles W.,
  1195. Eliot, Charles William,
  1196. Eliot, Charlotte (Champe; TSE’s mother),
  1197. Eliot, Charlotte (mother),
  1198. Eliot, Charlotte (sister),
  1199. Eliot, Charlotte Champe (mother),
  1200. Eliot, Charlotte Chauncey (sister),
  1201. Eliot, Ephraim,
  1202. Eliot, George,
  1203. Eliot, George, The Spanish Gypsy,
  1204. Eliot, Henry Ware (father),
  1205. Eliot, Henry Ware, Jr. (brother),
  1206. Eliot, Henry Ware, Sr. (father),
  1207. Eliot, Henry,
  1208. Eliot, T. S., education of: Harvard University,
  1209. Eliot, T. S., fiction of,
  1210. Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula,
  1211. Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis,
  1212. Eliot, T. S.: Animula,
  1213. Eliot, Theresa,
  1214. Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis,
  1215. Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,”
  1216. Eliot, Valerie (née Fletcher),
  1217. Eliot, Valerie,
  1218. Eliot, Vivien (née Haigh-Wood; TSE’s first wife),
  1219. Eliot, Vivien,
  1220. Eliot, William Greenleaf (grandfather),
  1221. Eliot, William Greenleaf,
  1222. Eliot, William Greenleaf, Jr.,
  1223. Elizabeth I (Queen of England),
  1224. Elizabeth I,
  1225. Elizabethan comedy,
  1226. Elizabethan drama,
  1227. Elizabethan literature,
  1228. Elizabethan poetry,
  1229. Elizabethan tragedy,
  1230. Elizabethans,
  1231. Ellis, A. B., The Eẃe-Speaking Peoples,
  1232. Ellis, Bob,
  1233. Ellis, Charles,
  1234. Ellis, Havelock,
  1235. Ellis-Fermor, U. M.,
  1236. Ellis-Fermor, Una, The Frontiers of Drama,
  1237. Elton, Godfrey Elton, 1st Baron, St. George or the Dragon,
  1238. Elton, Oliver,
  1239. Elyot, Sir Thomas,
  1240. Elyot, Sir Thomas, The Boke Named the Govournor,
  1241. Emden, A. B.,
  1242. Emerson, Ralph Waldo,
  1243. Empedocles,
  1244. Empson, William,
  1245. Em’ly, Little (Dickens character),
  1246. Enemy,
  1247. Engels, Friedrich: Die deutsche Ideologie,
  1248. England, (SEE ALSO: Great Britain, )
  1249. England’s Helicon,
  1250. English Association,
  1251. English language,
  1252. English literature,
  1253. English mysticism,
  1254. English poetry,
  1255. English-Speaking Union,
  1256. Ennever, William Joseph,
  1257. Enobarbus (Shakespeare character),
  1258. Epictetus,
  1259. Epicureanism,
  1260. Epicureans,
  1261. Epicurus,
  1262. Epimenides,
  1263. Episcopal Church in Scotland,
  1264. Eppstein, John, The Catholic Tradition,
  1265. Epstein, Jacob,
  1266. Epstein, Jean,
  1267. Erasmus,
  1268. Erasmus, Desiderius,
  1269. Erastianism,
  1270. Erastus, Thomas,
  1271. Eroclea (John Ford character),
  1272. Erskine, John,
  1273. Ervine, St. John,
  1274. Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio,
  1275. Esdaile, Arundell,
  1276. Esher, Lord,
  1277. Esperanto,
  1278. Esprit,
  1279. Essex, Robert Devereux, second Earl,
  1280. Estonia,
  1281. Etchells, Frederick,
  1282. Etherage, George,
  1283. Eucharist,
  1284. Eucken, Rudolf,
  1285. Euhemerus,
  1286. Euripides,
  1287. Europe and culture,
  1288. Europe,
  1289. Europe/Europeans,
  1290. Europäische Revue,
  1291. Evangelicals,
  1292. Evans, Edith,
  1293. Evans, Myfanwy,
  1294. Evelyn, John,
  1295. Every, George,
  1296. Everyman Theatre (Hampstead), (SEE ALSO: Macdermott, )
  1297. Everyman,
  1298. Faber & Faber (Faber & Gwyer),
  1299. Faber & Faber,
  1300. Faber & Gwyer,
  1301. Faber and Faber,
  1302. Faber, Enid,
  1303. Faber, Frederick,
  1304. Faber, Geoffrey,
  1305. Fabian Society,
  1306. Fabianism,
  1307. Fabians,
  1308. Fabians/Fabianism,
  1309. Fabre, Jean-Henri,
  1310. Fabre, Lucien,
  1311. Fadiman, Clifton,
  1312. Faguet, Émile,
  1313. Fairlie, Gerard,
  1314. Faith and Order Movement,
  1315. Falange Party,
  1316. Fall, Albert B.,
  1317. Falls, Cyril,
  1318. Falls, Cyril, History of the Great War,
  1319. Falstaff (Shakespeare character),
  1320. Falstaff,
  1321. Fantasia (Disney),
  1322. Farinata degli Uberti (Dante character),
  1323. Faringdon, Gavin Henderson, Baron,
  1324. Farjeon, Eleanor,
  1325. Farrell, James T.,
  1326. Fassett, Irene Pearl,
  1327. Fassett, Irene,
  1328. Faulkner, William,
  1329. Fausset, Hugh l’Anson,
  1330. Faustus (Marlowe character),
  1331. Fawcett, Edward Douglas,
  1332. Fawley, Jude (Hardy character),
  1333. Feiling, Keith Grahame,
  1334. Fenn, Eric,
  1335. Fenollosa, Ernest,
  1336. Fenollosa, Mary McNeil,
  1337. Ferguson, W. B. M.,
  1338. Fernandez, Ramon,
  1339. Ferrar, John,
  1340. Ferrar, Nicholas,
  1341. Ferrero, Guglielmo,
  1342. Ferro, António,
  1343. Feste (Shakespeare character),
  1344. Feuerbach, Ludwig von,
  1345. Feuillet, Octave,
  1346. Feydeau, Ernest-Aimé,
  1347. Fichte, J. G.,
  1348. Fichte, Johann Gottlieb,
  1349. Ficino, Marsilio,
  1350. Field, Nathan,
  1351. Field, William L. W.,
  1352. Fielding, A.,
  1353. Fielding, Henry,
  1354. Filmer, Sir Robert,
  1355. Fineman, Hayim,
  1356. Firbank, Ronald,
  1357. Fisher Act (1918),
  1358. Fisher Act of 1918,
  1359. Fisher, Dorothy Canfield,
  1360. Fisher, Geoffrey,
  1361. Fisher, Irving,
  1362. Fitton, Mary,
  1363. FitzGerald, Desmond,
  1364. FitzGerald, Edward,
  1365. FitzGerald, Edward, The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám,
  1366. Fitzgerald, Edward,
  1367. Fitzgerald, F. Scott,
  1368. Five Year Meeting of Friends,
  1369. Flaubert, Gustave,
  1370. Flavius Claudius Julianus Augustus (Julian the Apostate),
  1371. Fleay, F. G.,
  1372. Fleay, Frederick Gard,
  1373. Flecker, James Elroy,
  1374. Flecker, James Elroy, Hassan,
  1375. Flecker, James,
  1376. Fleming, Peter,
  1377. Fleming, Samuel,
  1378. Fletcher, John (dramatist),
  1379. Fletcher, John Gould,
  1380. Fletcher, John,
  1381. Fletcher, Joseph Smith,
  1382. Flexman, John Henry,
  1383. Flint, F. S.,
  1384. Flite, Miss (Dickens character),
  1385. Flora (James character),
  1386. Florence, Duke of (Middleton character),
  1387. Florio, John,
  1388. Flower and the Leaf, The,
  1389. Flower, Desmond,
  1390. Fluchère, Henri,
  1391. Foerster, Norman,
  1392. Fogerty, Elsie,
  1393. Fontaine,
  1394. Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de,
  1395. Fool (Shakespeare character),
  1396. Footner, Hulbert,
  1397. Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston,
  1398. Ford, Boris,
  1399. Ford, Ford Madox (Ford Madox Hueffer),
  1400. Ford, Ford Madox,
  1401. Ford, John,
  1402. Forde, Onslow,
  1403. Forster, E. M.,
  1404. Forster, John,
  1405. Forster, Lord,
  1406. Fort, Paul,
  1407. Fortunatus,
  1408. Fortune, Reginald (Bailey character),
  1409. Fosco, Count (Collins character),
  1410. Foster, William,
  1411. Foucauld, Charles de,
  1412. Foucher de Careil, Alexandre L.,
  1413. Fouchet, Max-Pol,
  1414. Fournier, Henri-Alban (Alain-),
  1415. Fowler, H. W.,
  1416. Fox, Charles James,
  1417. Frampton, Sir George James,
  1418. France libre, La,
  1419. France,
  1420. France, Anatole,
  1421. Francis Xavier, St.,
  1422. Francis de Sales, St.,
  1423. Francis of Assisi, Saint,
  1424. Francis of Assisi, St.,
  1425. Francis, Robert, Demain la France,
  1426. Francis, Sir Philip,
  1427. Francis, de Sales, St.,
  1428. Franck, Henri,
  1429. Franck, Henri, La Danse devant l’arche,
  1430. Franco, Francisco,
  1431. Frank, Waldo,
  1432. Frank-Duquesne, Albert,
  1433. Frankford, Mr. (Heywood character),
  1434. Frankford, Mrs. (Heywood character),
  1435. Fraser-Simson, C.,
  1436. Frazer, James G.,
  1437. Frazer, Robert Watson,
  1438. Frazer, Sir James G.,
  1439. Frazer, Sir James,
  1440. Frederick the Great,
  1441. Free Churches,
  1442. Free French,
  1443. Freedom Defence Committee,
  1444. Freedom Press Defence Committee,
  1445. Freedom Press,
  1446. Freedom,
  1447. Freeman, John Frederick,
  1448. Freeman, R. Austin,
  1449. Freemasonry,
  1450. Fremantle, Sir Francis,
  1451. French Eighteenth Century,
  1452. French Goliardic poets,
  1453. French Institute,
  1454. French Resistance,
  1455. French Revolution,
  1456. French Symbolists,
  1457. French criticism,
  1458. French drama,
  1459. French literary criticism,
  1460. French literature, (SEE ALSO: Bosschère, Bourget, Péguy, )
  1461. French poetry,
  1462. French symbolist poets,
  1463. French tragedy,
  1464. French,
  1465. French, Joseph (Crofts character),
  1466. French, history of,
  1467. Frere, Walter Howard,
  1468. Freud, Sigmund,
  1469. Freudianism,
  1470. Frith, Mary,
  1471. Frizer, Ingram,
  1472. Frobenius, Leo Viktor,
  1473. Froissart, Jean,
  1474. Fromentin, Eugène,
  1475. Fromm, Erich,
  1476. Frost, Robert,
  1477. Fry, Roger,
  1478. Fulbright, J. William,
  1479. Fuller, B. A. G.,
  1480. Fuller, Edward,
  1481. Fuller, J. F. C.,
  1482. Fuller, John Frederick Charles,
  1483. Fumet, Stanislas,
  1484. Furness, H. H.,
  1485. Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis,
  1486. Futurism,
  1487. Fyfe, Hamilton,
  1488. Fédération nationale des Camelots du Roi,
  1489. Fülöp-Miller, René,
  1490. Gaboriau, Émile,
  1491. Galileo,
  1492. Galileo, Galilei,
  1493. Gallicanism,
  1494. Gallup, Donald C.,
  1495. Gallup, Donald,
  1496. Galsworthy, John,
  1497. Galt, William,
  1498. Gamble, F. W.,
  1499. Gandillac, Maurice de,
  1500. Gangulee, Nagendranath,
  1501. Gangulee, Nitindranath,
  1502. Garbett, Cyril,
  1503. Gard, Roger Martin du,
  1504. Gardiner, Margaret,
  1505. Gardiner, Rolf,