Browse Index
- Abbey Theatre,
- Abbey Theatre, Dublin,
- Abbott, George,
- Abelard, Peter,
- Abercrombie, Lascelles,
- Ablewhite, Godfrey (Collins character),
- Aboulmagi, Nadia,
- About, Edmond,
- Absolute, (SEE ALSO: Bergson, Bradley, Hegel, )
- Abyssinia (Ethiopia),
- Académie Française,
- Achilles (Heywood character),
- Ackroyd, Peter,
- Acland, Richard,
- Acland, Sir Richard,
- Action Français,
- Action Française,
- Action française, L’,
- Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron,
- Acton, Sir Francis (Heywood character),
- Adam of St. Victor,
- Adam, Karl, Germany’s New Religion,
- Adamo di Brescia (Dante character),
- Adams, Henry Brooks,
- Adams, Henry,
- Adams, J. Donald,
- Adams, John (Elizabethan actor),
- Adams, John Quincy,
- Adams, John,
- Adderley, Sir Charles,
- Addison, Joseph,
- Addleshaw, G. W. O.,
- Adelphi, The,
- Adler, Alfred,
- Adlington, William,
- Aerius,
- Aeschylus,
- Aguedal,
- Aiken, Conrad,
- Ainsworth, Oliver,
- Akenside, Mark,
- Alain-Fournier,
- Albanact (Locrine character),
- Albertus Magnus,
- Albigensians,
- Aldersley, Frank (Collins character),
- Aldington, Richard,
- Alexander VI,
- Alexander, Samuel,
- Alexander, Sir William,
- Algeria,
- Aliotta, Antonio,
- All Hallows Church,
- All Souls College, Oxford,
- Allan, John,
- Allen, Hervey,
- Allen, J. W.,
- Allen, Marjory,
- Allen, Percy,
- Allen, Reginald Clifford Allen, 1st Baron,
- Allen, William Hervey,
- Alport, Erich,
- Alsemero (Middleton character),
- Ambrose, St.,
- American Amnesty Committee,
- American history and politics,
- American literature, (SEE ALSO: Frost, Hawthorne, H. D., H. James, Masters, Pound, Wharton, )
- American poetry,
- American,
- Amiel, Henri-Frédéric,
- Ammon, Charles,
- Amphitryon (Seneca character),
- Amyot, Jacques,
- Anacreon,
- Anarchist Federation,
- Anaxagoras,
- Anderson, Margaret,
- Anderson, Sir John,
- Andreae, Johann Valentin,
- Andrewes, Lancelot,
- Andrzejewski, Jerzy: Apel (Roll Call),
- Anesaki, Masaharu,
- Angell, Sir Norman, Why Freedom Matters,
- Angell, Sir Ralph Norman,
- Angioletti, Giovanni Battista,
- Anglicanism, (SEE ALSO: Church of England, )
- Anglo-Catholic Congresses,
- Anglo-Catholic Summer School of Sociology,
- Anglo-Catholicism, (SEE ALSO: Catholicism, )
- Anglo-Irish writers,
- Anglo-Saxon verse,
- Anglo-Saxon,
- Anglo-Swedish Society, Friendship, Progress, Civilisation,
- Annabella (John Ford character),
- Annahme, (SEE ALSO: Meinong, )
- Anne, Queen,
- Anselm, St.,
- Anvil, The (radio program),
- Apelles,
- Apostles’ Creed,
- Apostolic Succession,
- Apuleius,
- Aquinas, St. Thomas,
- Aquinas, Thomas, (SEE ALSO: scholasticism, )
- Aquinas, Thomas, Saint,
- Arabella (John Ford character),
- Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Nights),
- Arbaces, King (Beaumont and Fletcher character),
- Archer, Edward,
- Archer, William,
- Arden of Feversham,
- Arden, Alice,
- Ariosto, Ludovico,
- Aristophanes,
- Aristotelianism,
- Aristotle,
- Arlen, Michael,
- Armstrong, Walter H.,
- Armstrong, William,
- Arnauld, Antoine,
- Arnauld, Jacqueline-Marie-Angélique,
- Arnaut Daniel (Dante character),
- Arnaut Daniel,
- Arnold, Harold G.,
Arnold, Matthew,
- Arnold, Matthew, and atheism,
- Arnold, Matthew, and Babbitt,
- Arnold, Matthew, and Bradley,
- Arnold, Matthew, and culture,
- Arnold, Matthew, and Oxford University,
- Arnold, Matthew, and religion,
- Arnold, Matthew, and Richards,
- Arnold, Matthew, and criticism,
- Arnold, Matthew, and culture,
- Arnold, Matthew, Culture and Anarchy,
- Arnold, Matthew, Empedocles on Etna,
- Arnold, Matthew, “Epilogue to Lessing’s Laocoön,”
- Arnold, Matthew, Essays in Criticism,
- Arnold, Matthew, “The Forsaken Merman,”
- Arnold, Matthew, “The French Play in London,”
- Arnold, Matthew, Friendship’s Garland,
- Arnold, Matthew, The Function of Criticism,
- Arnold, Matthew, God and the Bible,
- Arnold, Matthew, “Heine’s Grave,”
- Arnold, Matthew, “Isolation. To Marguerite,”
- Arnold, Matthew, and Jesus,
- Arnold, Matthew, Last Essays on Church and Religion,
- Arnold, Matthew, “The Literary Influence of the Academies,”
- Arnold, Matthew, Literature and Dogma,
- Arnold, Matthew, “Memorial Verses,”
- Arnold, Matthew, and morality,
- Arnold, Matthew, and poetry,
- Arnold, Matthew, and religion,
- Arnold, Matthew, and Richards,
- Arnold, Matthew, Sohrab and Rustum,
- Arnold, Matthew, “Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse,”
- Arnold, Matthew, “The Study of Poetry,”
- Arnold, Matthew, Tristram and Iseult,
- Arnold, Matthew, and W. Wordsworth,
- Arnold, Matthew, Culture and Anarchy,
- Arnold, Matthew, “Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse,”
- Arnold, Matthew, “Thomas Gray,”
- Arnold, Sir Edwin,
- Arnold, Sir Edwin, The Light of Asia,
- Arnold, Thomas,
- Aron, Robert,
- Art & Letters,
- Art and Letters,
- Articles of Religion,
- Artists’ International Association,
- Ascham, Roger,
- Ashcroft, Peggy,
- Ashley, William James,
- Asia,
- Aske, Robert,
- Aspern, Jeffrey (James character),
- Asquith, H. H.,
- Asquith, Herbert Henry, Earl of Oxford and Asquith,
- Asquith, Lady Cynthia,
- Assheton, Ralph,
- Astor, Nancy,
- Aswell, Edward,
- Asín Palacious, Miguel,
- Atatürk, Kemal,
- Athanasius of Alexandria, St.,
- Athanasius,
- Athanasius, St.,
- Athayde, Tristan d’, Fragments de sociologie chrétienne,
- Atheist’s Tragedy, The,
- Athenaeum,
- Athenaeum, The,
- Athens,
- Atomists,
- Attenborough, Charles L.,
- Attlee, Clement Richard,
- Attlee, Clement,
- Auden, W. H.,
- Augustan age,
- Augustine of Canterbury,
- Augustine,
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo,
- Augustine, St.,
- Aury, Dominique,
- Aurén, Sven,
- Auschwitz,
- Austen, Jane,
- Austin, H. W., Moral Re-Armament,
- Aveline, Claude,
- Aventura,
- Averroes,
- Averroes/Averrhoists,
- Azariah, V. S.,
- BBC,
- Babbitt, Dora May,
Babbitt, Irving,
- Babbitt, Irving, and Arnold,
- Babbitt, Irving, and Christianity,
- Babbitt, Irving, Democracy and Leadership,
- Babbitt, Irving, and humanism,
- Babbitt, Irving, and J. Maritain,
- Babbitt, Irving, and P. E. More,
- Babbitt, Irving, Rousseau and Romanticism,
- Babbitt, Irving, “Buddha and the Occident,”
- Babbitt, Irving, and cosmopolitanism,
- Babbitt, Irving, Democracy and Leadership,
- Babbitt, Irving, The Dhammapada,
- Babbitt, Irving, Masters of Modern French Criticism,
- Babbitt, Irving, Literature and the American College,
- Babbitt, Irving, The New Laokoon,
- Bacon, Francis,
- Bacon, Francis, “Mr. Bacon’s Discourse in the Praise of his Sovereign,”
- Bacon, Roger,
- Bacon, Sir Francis,
- Baden-Powell, Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron,
- Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution,
- Bailey, Henry Christopher,
- Baillie, John,
- Bain, Alexander,
- Bain, F. W.,
- Bainville, Jacques Pierre,
- Bainville, Jacques,
- Bairnsfather, Bruce,
- Baker, Augustus,
- Baker, Ernest A.,
- Baker, Sir Herbert,
- Baker, W. S.,
- Baker, William, “Some T. S. Eliot Inscribed Copies–An Addendum,”
- Bakewell, Charles M.,
- Bald, Robert Cecil,
- Baldwin, Gratia Eaton,
- Baldwin, Stanley,
- Balfour, A. J.,
- Balfour, Arthur J.,
- Balinski-Jundzill, Count Jan,
- Ball, Arthur,
- Ballad of Chevy Chase, The,
Ballets Russes,
- Ballets Russes, and Le Sacre du printemps, (SEE ALSO: Diaghilev, Lopokova, Massine, Nijinsky, Sokolova, )
- Ballmeyer (Leroux character),
- Balzac, Honoré de,
- Bambridge, Elsie Kipling,
- Bandello, Matteo,
- Banks, Cuddie (Rowley, Ford and Dekker character),
- Banks, Leslie,
- Banks, Theodore Howard, Jr.,
- Banquo (Shakespeare character),
- Baptist (denomination),
- Barber, Philip Ira,
- Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules Amédée,
- Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules,
- Barfield, Owen,
- Baring, Maurice,
- Barker, George,
- Barker, Harley Granville,
- Barker, Sir Ernest,
- Barkstead, William,
- Barlow, Kenneth Elliott,
- Barlow, Sir Montague,
- Barnes, Djuna,
- Barnes, Ernest William,
- Barnes, Ernest William: “Commerce as a Service to the Community,”
- Barnes, Ernest,
- Barnes, James Strachey,
- Barr, Stringfellow,
- Barrie, J. M.,
- Barrie, J. M., Sentimental Tommy,
- Barrington-Ward, Robert,
- Barrow, Isaac,
- Barry, F. R.,
- Barrès, Maurice,
- Barth, Karl,
- Bartoszewski, Władysław, Mój Auschwitz,
- Basic English,
- Basques,
- Bassanes (John Ford character),
- Bastian, Adolf,
- Basutos,
- Bate, H. N.,
- Bateman, H. M.,
- Bates, Ernest Sutherland, “T. S. Eliot,”
- Baudelaire, Charles,
- Bax, Clifford,
- Baxter, Richard,
- Bayle, Pierre,
- Baylis, Lilian,
- Bazin, René François Nicolas Marie, Charles de Foucauld,
- Bazin, René, Charles de Foucauld,
- Beach, Joseph Warren, x,
- Beach, Sylvia,
- Beachcroft, Thomas,
- Beaken, Robert, Cosmo Lang,
- Beardsley, Aubrey,
- Beaton, Cecil,
- Beatrice (Dante character),
- Beatrice (Middleton character),
- Beauchamp, William Lygon, 7th Earl,
- Beaumarchais, Pierre, La Folle Journée ou le Mariage de Figaro,
- Beaumont, Francis,
- Beaverbrook, Sir William Maxwell Aitken, Lord,
- Beaverbrook, William Aitken, first Baron,
- Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Baron,
- Beck, Józef,
- Becker, May Lamberton,
- Becket, Thomas,
- Beckett, Samuel, Our Exagmination Round his Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress,
- Beddoes, T. L.,
- Beerbohm, Max,
- Beethoven, Ludwig van,
- Beevor, Humphry,
- Behn, Aphra,
- Bel Esprit scheme,
- Belgion, Montgomery,
- Bell, Bernard Iddings,
- Bell, Clive,
- Bell, George,
- Bell, John Joy, Wee Macgreegor,
- Bell, Julian,
- Bell, Vanessa,
- Bellarmine, Robert,
- Belleforest, François de,
- Belloc, Hilaire,
- Benda, France Julien,
- Benda, Julien,
- Benedict XVI,
- Benet, Stephen Vincent,
- Benlowes, Edward,
- Benn, Alfred William,
- Bennett, Arnold,
- Benoist, Charles,
- Benson, A. C.,
- Benson, A. C., Edward Fitzgerald,
- Benson, E. F.,
- Bentham, Jeremy,
- Bentley, Phyllis,
- Benvenisti, J. L.,
- Berdyaev, Nikolai,
- Berenson, Bernard,
- Berger, Walter,
- Bergetto (John Ford character),
- Bergson, Henri, (SEE ALSO: idealism, )
- Bergsonism,
- Berkeley, George,
- Berl, Emmanuel,
- Berlin, Isaiah,
- Berman, Louis,
- Bernanos, Georges,
- Bernard of Clairvaux, St.,
- Bernard-Lazare,
- Berne-Joffroy, André,
- Berneri, Marie Louise,
- Bernhardt, Sarah,
- Berthe (Philippe character),
- Bertrand, de Born (Dante character),
- Bertrand, de Born,
- Best, J. M. G.,
- Bethell, S. L., Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Tradition,
- Betjeman, John,
- Betteridge, Gabriel (Collins character),
- Betteridge, Penelope (Collins character),
- Betterton, Thomas Patrick,
- Beveridge, Sir William Henry,
- Beverley Cycle,
- Bevin, Ernest,
- Bhagavad Gita,
- Bhagavad-Gita,
- Bhownagree, Sir Mancherjee,
- Bianca (Middleton character),
- Bible,
- Bible, passages from: Exodus
- Biddulph, Geoffrey,
- Biehl, Wilhelm,
- Biely, Andrei,
- Bigelow, Josephine,
- Bingham, Alfred M.,
- Bingham, Barry,
- Binyon, Laurence,
- Birkenhead, Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of,
- Birkhead, Edith,
- Biron (Chapman character),
- Birrell, Anthony, “The Tragedy of James Joyce,”
- Birrell, Augustine,
- Birrell, Francis,
- Bisterfeld, J. H.,
- Black Sun Press,
- Black, Arthur, Statistical Study,
- Blackburn, Captain Raymond,
- Blackmur, R. P.,
- Blackmur, Richard P.,
- Blackwood, Algernon,
- Blackwood, William,
- Blake, Franklin (Collins character),
- Blake, George,
- Blake, William,
- Bland, Hubert,
- Blast,
- Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna,
- Bliss, Arthur,
- Blitz, The,
- Blok, Alexander,
- Blomfield, Charles James,
- Blondel, Maurice,
- Bloom, Leopold (Joyce character),
- Bloom, Molly (Joyce character),
- Bloomsbury Group,
- Bloomsbury circle,
- Bloomsbury,
- Bloud and Gay,
- Bloud, Edmond,
- Bloy, Léon,
- Blum, Léon,
- Blunden, Edmund,
- Blunt, Alfred,
- Boas, Frederick S.,
- Boas, Frederick,
- Boase, Alan,
- Boccaccio, Giovanni,
- Bocheński, Jacek,
- Bodin, Jean,
- Bodleian Library,
- Boehme (Böhme), Jacob,
- Boehme, Jacob,
- Boethius,
- Bogan, Louise,
- Boiardo, Matteo Maria,
- Boileau-Despréaux, Nicholas,
- Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas,
- Bolgan, Anne,
- Bolingbroke, Henry St. John,
- Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount,
- Bolsheviks,
- Bolshevism,
- Bolton, Guy,
- Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, Vicomte de,
- Bonaventura, St.,
- Bonaventure, St.,
- Bondy, Marie de,
- Bonnier family,
- Bonniers litterära magasin,
- Book of Common Prayer,
- Books Across the Sea,
- Boothby, Robert,
- Bordereau, Juliana (James character),
- Bordereau, Tina (James character),
- Borel, Petris,
- Borgia, Cesare,
- Borkenau, Franz,
- Born, Bertran de,
- Borne, Étienne,
- Borrow, George,
- Borzage, Frank,
- Bosanquet, Bernard,
- Bosanquet, Theodora,
- Bosco, Madeleine,
- Bose, Sir J. C.,
- Bosschère, Jean de,
- Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne,
- Boswell, James,
- Bott, Alan,
- Bottkol, J. McG.,
- Bottom (Shakespeare character),
- Bottomley, Gordon,
- Bottomley, Horatio,
- Bottrall, Ronald,
- Boulter, Benjamin C.,
- Boulting, William,
- Bourget, Paul C.,
- Bourne, Francis,
- Boutroux, Émile,
- Boutwood, Arthur,
- Bovary, Emma (Flaubert character),
- Bowen, Elizabeth,
- Bowles, William Lisle,
- Boy Scouts,
- Boyd, Ernest A.,
- Boyle, Robert,
- Brabant, F. H.,
- Brace, Donald C.,
- Bracken, Brendan,
- Bradford, Gamaliel,
- Bradley, A. C.,
Bradley, F. H.,
- Bradley, F. H., passim (TSE’s Ph.D. thesis), (SEE ALSO: Absolute, degrees of truth and reality, finite centre, idealism, immediate experience, )
- Bradley, F. H., Principles of Logic,
- Bradley, F. H., “Pleasure for Pleasure’s Sake,”
- Bradley, Francis Herbert,
- Bradley, Henry,
- Bradner, Leicester,
- Bragg, W. H.,
- Brains Trust, The (radio program),
- Bramhall, John,
- Brand, Robert H.,
- Braque, Georges,
- Brenan, Gerald,
- Brentano, Franz,
- Brentford, William Joynson-Hicks, Viscount,
- Breton, Andre,
- Breton, Nicholas,
- Briand, Aristide,
- Bridgebuilders (radio program),
- Bridges, Bess (Heywood character),
- Bridges, Robert,
- Bridges-Adams, William,
- Bridie, James,
- Briggs, L. B. R.,
- Bright, John,
- Brightman, F. E.,
- Bristol, L. M.,
- British Actors’ Equity,
- British Ally, The (Britansky Soyuznik),
- British Council of Churches,
- British Council,
- British Drama League,
- British Institutes,
- British Publishers Guild,
- British Union Party,
- British Union of Fascists,
- British-Norwegian Institute (London),
- Brittain, Vera,
- Britten, Benjamin,
- Broad, C. D.,
- Broadwood, Thomas,
- Broch, Hermann,
- Brockway, Fenner,
- Brome, Richard,
- Brontë sisters,
- Brontë, Emily,
- Brooke, Brian,
- Brooke, Henry,
- Brooke, Rupert,
- Brooke, W. T.,
- Brooks, Benjamin Gilbert,
- Brooks, Cleanth,
- Brooks, Peter Chardon,
- Brooks, Van Wyck,
- Brophy, John,
- Brown, Harry,
- Brown, Spencer Curtis,
- Browne, Dorothy Elizabeth,
- Browne, E. Martin,
- Browne, Mary,
- Browne, Sir Thomas,
- Browne, Thomas,
- Browne, William,
- Browning, Elizabeth B.,
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett,
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Aurora Leigh,
Browning, Robert,
- Browning, Robert, and M. Arnold,
- Browning, Robert, and Donne,
- Browning, Robert, “The Lost Leader,”
- Browning, Robert, and Pater,
- Browning, Robert, and Pound,
- Browning, Robert, and Read,
- Browning, Robert, and religion,
- Browning, Robert, Sordello,
- Browning, Robert, “Toccata of Galuppi’s,”
- Browning, Robert, and Whitehead,
- Browning, Robert, and W. Wordsworth,
- Browning, Robert, The Ring and the Book,
- Browning, Robert, Sordello,
- Broxap, Henry,
- Brunetière, Ferdinand,
- Bruno, Giordano,
- Brunot, Ferdinand,
- Brutus (Dante character),
- Brutus (Shakespeare character),
- Bryan, W. J.,
- Bryan, William Jennings,
- Brâncuşi, Constantin,
- Brémond, Henri,
- Bubu (Philippe character),
- Buchan, John,
- Buchanan, Scott,
- Buchman, Franklin Nathaniel Daniel,
- Buchmanism,
- Buchmanite Movement,
- Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of,
- Budberg, Moura Ignatievna Zakrevskaya, Baroness,
- Buddha,
- Buddhism,
- Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, Histoire naturelle,
- Bukhari (Bokhari), Z. A.,
- Bukharin, Nikolai,
- Bulgakoff, Sergius,
- Bull, Paul,
- Bullen, A. H.,
- Bullen, Arthur Henry,
- Bunyan, John,
- Buonconte (Dante character),
- Burdett, Osbert,
- Burham, Clara (Collins character),
- Burke, Edmund,
- Burke-Savage, Roland,
- Burleson, Albert Sidney,
- Burne-Jones, Edward,
- Burne-Jones, Georgiana,
- Burnet, John,
- Burnet, Sir John James,
- Burnham, James,
- Burns, Robert,
- Burns, Thomas F.,
- Burrell, P. S.,
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice,
- Burton, Robert,
- Busby, Olive Mary,
- Busch, Wilhelm,
- Bussy (Chapman character),
- Butchart, Montgomery,
- Butcher, S. H.,
- Butcher, Samuel Henry,
- Butler Act,
- Butler, Alban, The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints,
- Butler, H. E.,
- Butler, Harold Edgeworth,
- Butler, Joseph,
- Butler, Nicholas Murray,
- Butler, Richard Austen (“Rab”),
- Butler, Samuel (novelist),
- Butler, Samuel (poet),
- Butler, Samuel,
- Butler, Samuel, Hudibras,
- Butler-Webster, G. R.,
- Butts, Mary,
- Buxton, Dorothy,
- Byford, Roy,
- Byrne, M. St. Clare,
- Byron, Lord (George Gordon),
Byron, Lord,
- Byron, Lord, Beppo,
- Byron, Lord, The Bride of Abydos,
- Byron, Lord, Cain,
- Byron, Lord, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage,
- Byron, Lord, The Corsair,
- Byron, Lord, Don Juan,
- Byron, Lord, The Giaour,
- Byron, Lord, Lara,
- Byron, Lord, Manfred,
- Byron, Lord, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage,
- Byron, Lord, Don Juan,
- Byron, Lord, Mazeppa,
- Byron, Lord, Oriental Tales,
- Bywater, Ingram,
- Bédé, J. A.,
- Bülow, Prince Bernhard von,
- Bürger, Gottfried,
- Cabell, James Branch,
- Cacciaguida (Dante character),
- Cachemaille-Day, Nugent Francis,
- Cadbury, Dame Elizabeth,
- Caetani, Marguerite, Princess di Bassiano,
- Cahiers de la quinzaine,
- Cahiers du Sud,
- Cailliet, E.,
- Caine, Hall,
- Caird, Edward,
- Cajetan (Tommaso de Vio Gaetani),
- Cajetan, Thomas,
- Calantha (John Ford character),
- Calasanctius, Joseph (Joseph Calasanz),
- Calderón de la Barca, Pedro,
- Calendar, The,
- Calling All Students (radio program),
- Calverley, Walter,
- Calverton, V. F. (Victor Francis),
- Calverton, V. F.,
- Calvin, John,
- Calvinism,
- Cambridge Arts Theatre,
- Cambridge Ritualists,
- Cambridge University,
- Cambridge anthropologists,
- Campanella, Tommaso,
- Campbell, A. J. D.,
- Campbell, Graham,
- Campbell, Joseph,
- Campbell, Killis,
- Campbell, Roy,
- Campion, Thomas,
- Camrose, William Berry, first Viscount,
- Cannan, Gilbert,
- Canning, George,
- Cape, Jonathan,
- Carew, Thomas,
- Carey, Walter Julius,
- Carlyle, Thomas,
- Carmichael, Alexander, Carmina Gadelica,
- Carmona, Óscar,
- Caroline era,
- Caroline poets,
- Carpenter, Hilary,
- Carpenter, S. C.,
- Carr, Edward Hallett,
- Carr, Wildon,
- Carr-Saunders, Alexander Morris,
- Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),
- Carroll, Lewis,
- Carroll, Lewis: Alice in Wonderland,
- Carter, C. Sydney,
- Carter, Frederick,
- Carter, Hubert,
- Carter, Vivian,
- Cartesianism,
- Cartwright, William,
- Carver, T. N.,
- Casaubon, Issac,
- Casella (Dante character),
- Cassius (Dante character),
- Cassius (Shakespeare character),
- Cassou, Jean,
- Castabella (Tourneur character),
- Castagno, Andrea del,
- Castelvetro, Lodovico,
- Castiglione, Baldassare,
- Cather, Willa,
- Catholic Advisory Council,
- Catholic Anthology,
- Catholic Church in England,
- Catholic Church,
- Catholic Modernism,
- Catholic Social Guild, Oxford,
- Catholicism, and Babbitt,
- Catholicism, and Chesterton,
- Catholicism, and Dante,
- Catholicism, and fascism,
- Catholicism, and J. Maritain,
- Catholicism, and Péguy,
- Catholicism, and Radclyffe Hall,
- Catholicism, and M. Arnold,
- Catholicism, and Baudelaire,
- Catholicism, and Church of England,
- Catholicism, and Dante,
- Catholicism, and Joyce,
- Catholicism, and Murry, (SEE ALSO: Anglo-Catholicism, Roman Catholicism, )
- Catholicism, and Bell,
- Catholicism, and Chesterton,
- Catholicism, and Church of England,
- Catholicism, and classicism,
- Catholicism, and education,
- Catholicism, and Ireland,
- Catholicism, and Joyce,
- Catholicism, and Orage,
- Catholicism, and Williams,
- Catholics,
- Catiline,
- Catullus,
- Catullus, Gaius V.,
- Catullus, Gaius Valerius,
- Causton, Bernard,
- Cavalcanti, Guido,
- Cayley, Charles Bagot,
- Cecchetti, Enrico,
- Cecil of Chelwood, Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount,
- Cecil, David,
- Cecil, Lord Hugh,
- Cecil, Robert,
- Cecil, Robert, first earl of Salisbury,
- Cecilia, St.,
- Cellier, Frank,
- Celtic culture,
- Celtic,
- Cendrars, Blaise,
- Cervantes, Miguel de,
- Chabannes, Jacques,
- Chamberlain, Houston Stewart,
- Chamberlain, Neville,
- Chamberlain, Sir Austen,
- Chamberlayne, William,
- Chambers, E. K.,
- Chambers, Jessie,
- Chambers, Raymond Wilson,
- Chambers, Robert,
- Chamfort, Nicolas,
- Chamson, André,
- Chandler, Arthur,
- Chandos Group,
- Chandos group,
- Chaning-Pearce, Melville,
- Channing, William Ellery,
- Chantelouve, Hyacinthe (Huysmans character),
- Chaplin, Charlie,
- Chapman, George,
- Chapman, John, Spiritual Letters,
- Charbonnel, J.-Roger,
- Charbonnel, J.-Roger, vi,
- Charcot, Jean-Martin,
- Charlemont (Tourneur character),
- Charles I (King of England),
- Charles I,
- Charles II (King of England),
- Charles II,
- Charteris, Evan,
- Charteris, Sir Evan,
- Chase, James Hadley, No Orchids for Miss Blandish,
- Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de,
- Chateaubriand, François-René de,
- Chateaubriand, François-René de: René,
- Chatterjee, Atul,
- Chaucer, Geoffrey,
- Chauveau, Léopold,
- Chaworth, Mary,
- Cheetham, Eric Samuel,
- Cheetham, Eric,
- Cheke, Sir John,
- Chekhov (or Tchehov), Anton,
- Chekhov, Anton,
- Chelli, Maurice,
- Chelmsford Diocesan Religious Drama Guild,
- Cherbourg,
- Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Lord,
- Chermayeff, Serge,
- Chester Cycle,
- Chesterfield, Fourth Earl of (Philip Stanhope),
- Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith),
- Chesterton, G. K.,
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, Charles Dickens,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, Father Brown,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, Father Brown mysteries,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, “Is Humanism a Religion?,”
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, The Judgment of Dr. Johnson,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, The Man Who Was Thursday,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, The Napoleon of Notting Hill,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, The Outline of Sanity,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, The Victorian Age in Literature,
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, The Man Who Was Thursday,
- Chevalier, Haakon,
- Chevalley, Abel,
- Child, Francis James,
- Child, Harold Hannyngton,
- Child, Maurice,
- Childe, Godfrey,
- China Sea Pilot, The,
- China,
- Chinese thought,
- Chinese: language,
- Chitty, Roger,
- Christendom Group,
- Christendom,
- Christian Century, The,
- Christian Community, (SEE ALSO: Community of Christians, )
- Christian Democrat, The,
- Christian Fathers,
- Christian News-Letter,
- Christian News-Letter, The,
- Christian Social Movement,
- Christian community,
- Christianity, and Arnold,
- Christianity, and Babbitt,
- Christianity, and Baudelaire,
- Christianity, and dogma,
- Christianity, and fascism,
- Christianity, and Hobbes and Bramhall,
- Christianity, and homosexuality,
- Christianity, and Hügel,
- Christianity, and humanism,
- Christianity, and Machiavelli,
- Christianity, and Marlowe,
- Christianity, and Maurras,
- Christianity, and Russell,
- Christianity, and science,
- Christianity, and stoicism,
- Christianity, and Whitehead,
- Christianity, and Addison,
- Christianity, and aesthetics,
- Christianity, and M. Arnold,
- Christianity, and asceticism,
- Christianity, and Babbitt,
- Christianity, and Baudelaire,
- Christianity, and communism,
- Christianity, and Crashaw,
- Christianity, and Dante,
- Christianity, and Demant,
- Christianity, and determinism,
- Christianity, and Donne,
- Christianity, and Eddington,
- Christianity, and Foerster,
- Christianity, and Freud,
- Christianity, and Greeks,
- Christianity, and heresy,
- Christianity, and humanism,
- Christianity, and Huysmans,
- Christianity, and Lawrence,
- Christianity, and morality,
- Christianity, and More,
- Christianity, objections to,
- Christianity, and B. Pascal,
- Christianity, and Pater,
- Christianity, and psychology,
- Christianity, and Racine,
- Christianity, and science,
- Christianity, and Percy Bysshe Shelley,
- Christianity, and sin,
- Christianity, and socialism,
- Christianity, and state,
- Christianity, and supernatural,
- Christianity, and Vaughan,
- Christianity, and world-order,
- Christianity, and Abyssinia,
- Christianity, and art,
- Christianity, and Babbitt,
- Christianity, and Barry,
- Christianity, and Buddhism,
- Christianity, and Byron,
- Christianity, and censorship,
- Christianity, and Chesterton,
- Christianity, and child welfare,
- Christianity, and Church,
- Christianity, communal and individual,
- Christianity, and communism,
- Christianity, and conscious thought and feeling,
- Christianity, and constitutional democracy,
- Christianity, and culture,
- Christianity, and Dante,
- Christianity, and dark ages,
- Christianity, and Day Lewis,
- Christianity, and democracy,
- Christianity, and dogma,
- Christianity, and drama,
- Christianity, dualism in,
- Christianity, and economics,
- Christianity, and education,
- Christianity, end of,
- Christianity, English,
- Christianity, and evacuation,
- Christianity, and fascism,
- Christianity, and freedom,
- Christianity, and Germany,
- Christianity, and homoousian and homoiousian doctrines,
- Christianity, and Huxley,
- Christianity, and individualism,
- Christianity, and industrialism,
- Christianity, intellectual respect for,
- Christianity, and justice,
- Christianity, and Krutch,
- Christianity, and Lawrence,
- Christianity, and League of Nations,
- Christianity, and liberalism,
- Christianity, and literary criticism,
- Christianity, and literature,
- Christianity, and Macmurray,
- Christianity, and man,
- Christianity, and Marxism,
- Christianity, and materialism,
- Christianity, and modernity,
- Christianity, and morality,
- Christianity, and P. E. More,
- Christianity, and Mosley,
- Christianity, and Murry,
- Christianity, and nationalism,
- Christianity, and nature,
- Christianity, and non-Christians,
- Christianity, and Oldham,
- Christianity, and orthodoxy,
- Christianity, and pacifism,
- Christianity, and paganism,
- Christianity, and Penty,
- Christianity, persecution of,
- Christianity, and Pierce-Butler,
- Christianity, and politics,
- Christianity, and Pound,
- Christianity, and rationalism,
- Christianity, and Reckitt,
- Christianity, rejection of,
- Christianity, and religious orders,
- Christianity, and revelation,
- Christianity, and rulers,
- Christianity, and scepticism,
- Christianity, and sects,
- Christianity, and secularism,
- Christianity, and self-interest,
- Christianity, and slums,
- Christianity, and society,
- Christianity, and sociology,
- Christianity, and Spanish Civil War,
- Christianity, and state,
- Christianity, and statesmen,
- Christianity, supranational,
- Christianity, and Tennyson,
- Christianity, toleration of,
- Christianity, and tradition,
- Christianity, and useful life,
- Christianity, and Voltaire,
- Christianity, and war,
- Christianity, and Wood,
- Christianity, and World,
- Christianity, and Yeats,
- Christianity, and art,
- Christianity, and Blake,
- Christianity, and Britain,
- Christianity, and common belief,
- Christianity, and community,
- Christianity, and conscientious objectors,
- Christianity, and The Criterion,
- Christianity, and culture,
- Christianity, and Dante,
- Christianity, decline of,
- Christianity, and Demant,
- Christianity, division in,
- Christianity, doctrine/dogma in,
- Christianity, and doctrine of man,
- Christianity, and Duncan,
- Christianity, and Eastern thought,
- Christianity, and elites,
- Christianity, and England,
- Christianity, and Europe,
- Christianity, and evangelization,
- Christianity, and faith,
- Christianity, and family,
- Christianity, and freedom of thought and speech,
- Christianity, and full employment,
- Christianity, and Graeco-Roman culture,
- Christianity, and Halifax,
- Christianity, and Happold,
- Christianity, and history,
- Christianity, and Hopkins,
- Christianity, and humanism,
- Christianity, imposition of,
- Christianity, intellectual respect for,
- Christianity, and R. Kipling,
- Christianity, and Mannheim,
- Christianity, and miracles,
- Christianity, and Moot,
- Christianity, and morality,
- Christianity, national,
- Christianity, and national differences,
- Christianity, and nationalism,
- Christianity, and natural vs. supernatural law,
- Christianity, and poetry,
- Christianity, and race,
- Christianity, and rejection of images,
- Christianity, and religious-social problems,
- Christianity, and schism,
- Christianity, sects of,
- Christianity, and secularism,
- Christianity, and sociology,
- Christianity, Soviet suppression of,
- Christianity, and Spain,
- Christianity, and state,
- Christianity, and Virgil,
- Christianity, and virtues,
- Christianity, and Wells,
- Christianity, and West,
- Christianity, and World War II, (SEE ALSO: Apostolic Succession, Eucharist, )
- Christie, Agatha,
- Church Assembly,
- Church Missionary Society, A Vital Issue,
- Church Times,
- Church Union Association for Church Social Action,
- Church Union,
- Church and State,
- Church in Country Parishes, The,
- Church of England Newspaper,
Church of England,
- Church of England, “English Catholic Church,” (SEE ALSO: Anglicanism, )
- Church of England, Archbishops’ Commission on Doctrine,
- Church of England, Archbishops’ Commission on Training for the Ministry,
- Church of England, and Book of Common Prayer,
- Church of England, and Catholicism,
- Church of England, and Church Union,
- Church of England, continuity of,
- Church of England, Ecclesiastical Commission,
- Church of England, and education for ministry,
- Church of England, as established,
- Church of England, and Harris,
- Church of England, and infallibility,
- Church of England, Liberal Catholic tradition in,
- Church of England, and P. E. More,
- Church of England, as national institution,
- Church of England, and religious drama,
- Church of England, Report of the Doctrinal Commission,
- Church of England, and tithes,
- Church of England, in Wales and Monmouthshire,
- Church of England, administrators of,
- Church of England, and Apostolic Succession,
- Church of England, and asceticism,
- Church of England, Broad Church movement in,
- Church of England, Catholic and Protestant elements in,
- Church of England, and Christology,
- Church of England, clergy of,
- Church of England, Commission on Christian Doctrine,
- Church of England, derivation of,
- Church of England, deterioration of,
- Church of England, different opinions and practices within,
- Church of England, Doctrine in the Church of England,
- Church of England, and Dryden,
- Church of England, and Education Act of 1944,
- Church of England, educational ideals of,
- Church of England, and episcopacy,
- Church of England, and Herbert,
- Church of England, latitude of belief and interpretation in,
- Church of England, and Methodism,
- Church of England, and non-conformists,
- Church of England, parochial system of,
- Church of England, and private piety and holiness,
- Church of England, and Protestantism and Catholicism,
- Church of England, and religious poetry,
- Church of England, and Roman Catholic Church,
- Church of England, and rural community,
- Church of England, and social justice,
- Church of England, and South Indian Church unification scheme,
- Church of England, and state,
- Church of England, and theology,
- Church of England, and tithes,
- Church of India, Burma, Ceylon,
- Church of Ireland,
- Church of Scotland,
- Church of South India,
- Church of Wales,
- Church, and Barlow,
- Church, and Christian doctrine,
- Church, and communism,
- Church, and disestablishment,
- Church, as ecumenical society,
- Church, in England,
- Church, and Hawkins,
- Church, and individual and community,
- Church, justification for,
- Church, and laity,
- Church, and liberalism,
- Church, and live-and-let-live principle,
- Church, and Modernism,
- Church, nationalistic,
- Church, and orthodoxy,
- Church, and progress and enlightenment,
- Church, and religious drama,
- Church, and sacraments,
- Church, and secularism,
- Church, and society,
- Church, and state,
- Church, and totalitarianism,
- Church, Universal,
- Church, in Wales,
- Church, and Williams,
- Church, and World,
- Church, and dissent,
- Church, and education,
- Church, and Jesus Christ,
- Church, and Murry,
- Church, national,
- Church, and state,
- Church, R. W.,
- Church, Richard,
- Churchill Club,
- Churchill, Charles,
- Churchill, Sarah Jennings,
- Churchill, Sir John,
- Churchill, Sir Winston,
- Churchill, Winston,
- Chuzzlewit, Jonas (Dickens character),
- Cibber, Colley,
- Cicero,
- Cinatti, Ruy,
- Cino of Pistoia,
- Civic Theatre Scheme,
- Clarendon, 1st Earl of (Edward Hyde),
- Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of,
- Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl,
- Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of,
- Clark, Arthur Melville,
- Clark, G. N.,
- Clark, J. B.,
- Clark, Kenneth,
- Clark, Lady Jane,
- Clark, Sir Kenneth,
- Clark, W. G.,
- Clarke, C. P. S.,
- Clarke, Fred,
- Clarke, John Smith,
- Clarke, Sir Geoffrey,
- Classical Association,
- Claudel, Paul,
- Claudio (Shakespeare character),
- Claudius (Shakespeare character),
- Clauss, Max,
- Clay, John (Doyle character),
- Claye, Charles A.,
- Clayton, Philip (“Tubby”),
- Clemenceau, Georges Benjamin,
- Clemenceau, Georges,
- Clement of Alexandria, St.,
- Clements, Keith, The Moot Papers,
- Clemm, Maria,
- Clemm, Virginia,
- Clermont (Chapman character),
- Cleveland, John,
- Clifford, Sir Hugh Charles,
- Clodd, Edward,
- Cloud of Unknowing, The,
- Clutton-Brock, Arthur,
- Clynes, J. R.,
- Cobb, Edward,
- Cobden, Richard,
- Cobden-Sanderson, Richard,
- Cochrane, Frank,
- Cockerell, Sydney,
- Cockin, F. A.,
- Cocteau, Jean,
- Codrington, Kenneth de Burgh,
- Codrington, R. H.,
- Cody, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill,”
- Coffey, Brian,
- Coffey, Denis J.,
- Coffey, Peter,
- Cohen, Hermann,
- Cohen, Lester,
- Cohen-Portheim, Paul,
- Cold War,
- Cole, G. D. H.,
- Cole, George Douglas Howard,
- Cole, Margaret,
- Colefax, Sybil,
- Coleman, Emily,
- Coleridge on,
- Coleridge, Hartley,
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Biographia Literaria,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, “Dejection: An Ode,”
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, “Devil’s Thoughts,”
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Donne,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Dryden,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, “Kubla Khan,”
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Lectures on Shakespeare,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Pater,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and philosophy,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and poetry,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and prose,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Read,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Richard of St. Victor,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,”
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Shakespeare,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Table Talk,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and tradition,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and W. Wordsworth,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Ancient Mariner,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Biographia Literaria,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Byron,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, On the Constitution of the Church and State,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, “Dejection: An Ode,”
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, The Friend,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Herbert,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and Shakespeare,
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, “Shakespeare as a Poet Generally,”
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, On the Constitution of Church and State,
- Colerus, Johann,
- Colet, John,
- Collett, Mary,
- Collier, Kenneth Gerald,
- Collingwood, R. C.,
- Collingwood, R. G., The Principles of Art,
- Collins, John Churton,
- Collins, Mortimer,
- Collins, Mrs. E. Burke,
- Collins, Patrick,
- Collins, Seward,
- Collins, Wilkie,
- Collins, William,
- Collinson, James,
- Collins’ Music Hall,
- Colvin, Sir Sidney,
- Colwell, Eileen,
- Comedy of Humours, (SEE ALSO: Jonson, )
- Comes, Natalis (Natale Conti),
- Comfort, Alex,
- Comité Français pour la Paix Civile et Religieuse en Espagne,
- Commedia dell’ Arte,
- Commines (Commynes), Philippe de,
- Commines, Philippe de,
- Commission of the Churches,
- Common Sense,
- Commonwealth of England,
- Community of Christians, (SEE ALSO: Christian Community, )
- Comte, Auguste,
- Comédie-Française,
- Condillac, Etienne B. de,
- Conference on Faith and Order,
- Confucianism,
- Confucius,
- Congregationalism,
- Congreve, William,
- Conington, John,
- Connely, Willard,
- Connolly, Cyril,
- Connolly, James B.,
- Conrad, Joseph,
- Conservative Party,
- Constable, Archibald,
- Constable, W. G.,
- Convegno, Il,
- Conway, James Warrell,
- Conway, Sir Martin,
- Cook, A. B.,
- Cook, Arthur Bernard,
- Cook, Stanley A.,
- Cooper, Alfred Duff,
- Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury,
- Cooper, Duff,
- Cooper, Fenimore,
- Cooper, Thomas,
- Cooper, Valerie,
- Copernicus,
- Corbière, Tristan,
- Corbière, Tristan, “Le Poète contumace,”
- Coriolanus (Shakespeare character),
- Coriolanus,
- Corneille, Pierre,
- Cornford, Francis M.,
- Cornford, Francis,
- Cornish, Gerald Warre, St. Paul from the Trenches,
- Corombona, Vittoria (Webster character),
- Corrie, Joseph,
- Corvino (Jonson character),
- Cosin, John,
- Coterie,
- Cottle, Joseph,
- Coulton, G. G.,
- Counter-Reformation,
- Cournos, John,
- Couturat, Louis,
- Coventry Cycle,
- Coverdale, Miles,
- Coward, Noel,
- Coward, Noël,
Cowley, Abraham,
- Cowley, Abraham, and Coleridge,
- Cowley, Abraham, “The Death of Mr. Crashaw,”
- Cowley, Abraham, and Donne,
- Cowley, Abraham, and Dryden,
- Cowley, Abraham, and Johnson,
- Cowley, Abraham, and metaphysical poetry,
- Cowley, Abraham, and Milton,
- Cowley, Abraham, “My Dyet,”
- Cowley, Abraham, “Ode: Of Wit,”
- Cowley, Abraham, “On the Death of Mr. Crashaw,”
- Cowley, Abraham, “To Mr. Hobs,”
- Cowley, Abraham, Davideis,
- Cowley, Abraham, The Mistress,
- Cowley, Abraham, “My Diet,”
- Cowley, Abraham, “Ode: Of Wit,”
- Cowley, Abraham, Pindarique Odes,
- Cowley, Abraham, “To Destiny,”
- Cowley, Abraham, “To Mr. Hobs,”
- Cowley, Abraham, “Upon Dr. Harvey,”
- Cowper, William,
- Cox, Ian,
- Crabbe, George,
- Craig, Edward Gordon,
- Crane, Ralph,
- Cranmer, Thomas,
- Cranswick, G. F., and M. Warren, A Vital Issue,
Crashaw, Richard,
- Crashaw, Richard, text n,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Byron,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Christianity,
- Crashaw, Richard, and conceits,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Corbière,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Denham,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Dryden,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Herbert,
- Crashaw, Richard, “Hymn to St. Theresa,”
- Crashaw, Richard, and Johnson,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Laforgue,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Marvell,
- Crashaw, Richard, and metaphysical conceit,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Milton,
- Crashaw, Richard, and Praz,
- Crashaw, Richard, “Saint Mary Magdalene, or The Weeper,”
- Crashaw, Richard, “The Teare,”
- Crashaw, Richard, “Upon the Book and Picture of the Seraphical Saint Teresa,”
- Crashaw, Richard, and Vaughan,
- Crashaw, Richard, Vexilla Regis,
- Crashaw, Richard, “The Flaming Heart Upon the Book and Picture of the Seraphical Saint Theresa,”
- Crashaw, Richard, “On Mr. George Herbert’s Book,”
- Crashaw, William,
- Crawley, W. J.,
- Crees, J. H. E.,
- Creevey, Thomas,
- Cretan Liar paradox,
- Crewe, Robert Offley Ashburton CreweMilnes, 1st Marquess,
- Crichtoun, James,
- Criterion, The,
- Croce, Benedetto,
- Crofts, Freeman Wills,
- Croix-de-Feu,
- Cromwell, Oliver,
- Cromwell, Thomas,
- Cronyn, George W.,
- Crosby, Caresse,
- Crosby, Harry,
- Cross, Frank Leslie, Anglicanism,
- Crothers, Samuel McChord,
- Cruickshank, A. H., xi,
- Cruikshank, George,
- Crummles, Vincent (Dickens character),
- Crémieux, Benjamin,
- Crépet, Eugène,
- Cubism, (SEE ALSO: Picasso, )
- Cuff, Sergeant (Collins character),
- Cuming, Agnes,
- Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin),
- Cummings, E. E.,
- Cunard, Lady,
- Cunard, Nancy,
- Cunliffe, J. W.,
- Cunliffe, John W.,
- Cunningham, G. W.,
- Curtis, Geoffrey,
- Curtius, E. R.,
- Curtius, Ernst Robert,
- Curzon, George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquess,
- Curzon, Irene, 2nd Baroness Ravensdale,
- Cushendun, Ronald McNeill, 1st Baron,
- Cushman, Herbert Ernest,
- Cutpurse, Moll (Dekker and Middleton character),
- Cyrenaic sect,
- Cyrenaicism,
- Czecho-Slovak Institute (London),
- Czechoslovakia,
- Daborne, Robert,
- Dalcroze, Émile Jaques-,
- Dalyell, Lord (John Ford character),
- Dalzel, Archibald, History of Dahomey,
- Damon, S. Foster,
- Dandieu, Arnaud,
- Daniel, Arnaut,
- Daniel, Samuel,
- Dante, and Aquinas,
- Dante, and Baudelaire,
- Dante, and belief,
- Dante, Convivio,
- Dante, and Crashaw,
- Dante, and Daniel,
- Dante, De Monarchia,
- Dante, De Volgari Eloquio,
- Dante, and Dickens,
- Dante, Divine Comedy,
- Dante, Inferno,
- Dante, justice in,
- Dante, lucidity of,
- Dante, and Machiavelli,
- Dante, and Middleton,
- Dante, Paradiso,
- Dante, and Pound,
- Dante, Purgatorio,
- Dante, and Richards,
- Dante, and Seneca,
- Dante, and Shakespeare,
- Dante, simplicity of,
- Dante, TSE’s engagement with,
- Dante, universality of,
- Dante, visual imagination of,
- Dante, Vita Nuova,
- Dante, and Aquinas,
- Dante, and Baudelaire,
- Dante, Convivio,
- Dante, and Corbière,
- Dante, Divine Comedy,
- Dante, and Donne,
- Dante, Epistola X (letter to Cangrande della Scala),
- Dante, and French poets,
- Dante, and Islam,
- Dante, and Joyce,
- Dante, and Laforgue,
- Dante, and metaphysical poetry,
- Dante, Paradiso,
- Dante, and philosophy,
- Dante, and Pound,
- Dante, and propaganda,
- Dante, Purgatorio,
- Dante, and Richards,
- Dante, and Santayana,
- Dante, and Shakespeare,
- Dante, and Percy Bysshe Shelley,
- Dante, Vita Nuova,
- Dante, Divine Comedy,
- Dante, Inferno,
- Dante, Paradiso,
- Dante, Purgatorio,
- Dante, Vita nuova,
- Dante, Divine Comedy,
- Dante, exile of,
- Dante, and Florence,
- Dante, Inferno,
- Dante, learning of,
- Dante, philosophy in,
- Dante, Purgatorio,
- Dante, theology in,
- Dante, and vernacular,
- Dante, and Virgil,
- Dante, Vita Nuova,
- Dark Lady (Shakespeare figure),
- Dark, Sidney,
- Dark, Sidney, “We Can’t Be As Bad As All That,”
- Darling, Charles John,
- Darwin, Charles / Darwinism / Social Darwinism,
- Darwin, Charles,
- Darwin, Erasmus,
- Darwinism, (SEE ALSO: evolution, theory of, )
- Daudet, Léon,
- Davenant, Sir William,
- David, Jacques-Louis,
- Davidson, Donald,
- Davidson, John,
- Davies, Charles,
- Davies, David,
- Davies, Hugh Sykes,
- Davies, Peter,
- Davies, Rhys J.,
- Davies, Sir John,
- Davies, W. H.,
- Davies, William Henry,
- Davis, Arthur Joseph,
- Dawes, Clara (Lawrence character),
- Dawes, Rufus,
Dawson, Christopher,
- Dawson, Christopher, Beyond Politics,
- Dawson, Christopher, “The Conflict,”
- Dawson, Christopher, “The Real Issue,”
- Dawson, Christopher, Beyond Politics,
- Dawson, Christopher, “Europe and Christendom,”
- Dawson, Christopher, The Judgement of the Nations,
- Dawson, Christopher, The Modern Dilemma,
- Dawson, Christopher, Religion and the Modern State,
- Dawson, Geoffrey,
- Day Lewis, Cecil,
- Day Lewis, Cecil, “The Fourth Georgic (lines 1 to 66),”
- Dayak people,
- De Flores (Middleton character),
- De Quincey, Thomas,
- De Wulf, Maurice,
- De la Mare, Walter,
- Dedalus, Stephen (Joyce character),
- Defoe, Daniel,
- Degand, Léon,
- Degas, Edgar,
- Dekker, Thomas,
- Delavil (Heywood character),
- Dell, Floyd,
- Deloney, Thomas,
- Demant, V. A.,
- Demant, Vigo Auguste,
- Democritus,
- Demongeot, Marcel,
- Demosthenes,
- Denham, John,
- Denham, John, Cooper’s Hill,
- Denham, Sir John,
- Denikin, Anton,
- Denmark,
- Dent, Edward Joseph,
- Dent, H. C.,
- Deputy (Dickens character),
- Derniers Jours, Les,
- Descartes, René / Cartesianism,
- Descartes, René,
- Desdemona (Shakespeare character),
- Desjardins, Paul,
- Deussen, Paul,
- Dewey, John,
- Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovitch,
- Diaghilev, Sergei,
- Dial,
- Dial, The,
Dickens, Charles,
- Dickens, Charles, All the Year Round,
- Dickens, Charles, Bleak House,
- Dickens, Charles, and Collins,
- Dickens, Charles, David Copperfield,
- Dickens, Charles, and Doyle,
- Dickens, Charles, and drama,
- Dickens, Charles, Edwin Drood,
- Dickens, Charles, and The Frozen Deep,
- Dickens, Charles, Household Words,
- Dickens, Charles, Little Dorrit,
- Dickens, Charles, Martin Chuzzlewit,
- Dickens, Charles, and Middleton,
- Dickens, Charles, The Mystery of Edwin Drood,
- Dickens, Charles, Nicholas Nickleby,
- Dickens, Charles, The Pickwick Papers,
- Dickens, Charles, A Tale of Two Cities,
- Dickens, Charles: Bleak House,
- Dickinson, G. Lowes,
- Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes,
- Diderot, Denis,
- Die neue Rundschau,
- Dike, Donald,
- Dill, Samuel,
- Dillon, George,
- Dilthey, Wilhelm,
- Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
- Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite,
- Dionysus,
- Disney, Walt,
- Disraeli, Benjamin,
- Disraeli, Benjamin, Lord Beaconsfield,
- Dissenters,
- Dix, Gregory,
- Dobb, Maurice,
- Dobell, Bertram,
- Dobrée, Bonamy,
- Dobrée, Valentine,
- Dobson, Frank,
- Dobson, J. F.,
- Doctrine in the Church of England,
- Dodgson, Campbell,
- Dolce, Lodovico,
- Dole, Charles Fletcher,
- Dolmetsch, Arnold,
- Dominis, Marco Antonio de,
- Donati, Piccarda (Dante character),
- Donne, Anne More,
Donne, John,
- Donne, John, (passim, The Clark Lectures),
- Donne, John, and Chapman,
- Donne, John, and Christianity,
- Donne, John, and Coleridge,
- Donne, John, and conceits,
- Donne, John, and Cowley,
- Donne, John, and Crashaw,
- Donne, John, and Dante,
- Donne, John, and Denham,
- Donne, John, and Dryden,
- Donne, John, and Elizabethan drama,
- Donne, John, and Grierson,
- Donne, John, and Herbert,
- Donne, John, and Ignatius,
- Donne, John, influence of,
- Donne, John, and Johnson,
- Donne, John, and H. King,
- Donne, John, and Laforgue,
- Donne, John, and language,
- Donne, John, and lyric verse,
- Donne, John, and Marvell,
- Donne, John, and mediaevalism,
- Donne, John, and metaphysical poetry,
- Donne, John, and Milton,
- Donne, John, and philosophy,
- Donne, John, and prose,
- Donne, John, and psychology,
- Donne, John, school of,
- Donne, John, and theology,
- Donne, John, and Vaughan,
- Donne, John, and W. Wordsworth,
- Donne, John, WORKS: “The Anatomy of the World (Anniversaries),”
- Donne, John, “At the round earth’s imagined corners, blow,”
- Donne, John, “The Calme,”
- Donne, John, Elegies,
- Donne, John, “The Extasie,”
- Donne, John, Fourth Satire,
- Donne, John, “The Funerall,”
- Donne, John, “The Good-Morrow,”
- Donne, John, Ignatius and his Conclave,
- Donne, John, “Lovers infinitenesse,”
- Donne, John, “A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, Being the shortest day,”
- Donne, John, “The Progress of the Soul,”
- Donne, John, “The Prohibition,”
- Donne, John, “The Relique,”
- Donne, John, Satires,
- Donne, John, sermons of,
- Donne, John, Songs and Sonets,
- Donne, John, “The Storme,”
- Donne, John, “Twicknam Garden,”
- Donne, John, “A Valediction,”
- Donne, John, “Love’s Diet,”
- Donne, John, “A Valediction,”
- Donne, John, “Batter my heart, three person’d God,”
- Donne, John, Holy Sonnets,
- Donne, John, “The Lamentations of Jeremy,”
- Donne, John, and lyric,
- Donne, John, and mysticism,
- Donne, John, and religion,
- Donne, John, and Vaughan,
- Doolittle, Hilda (H. D.),
- Doone, Rupert,
- Dos Passos, John,
- Dostoevski, Fyodor,
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor,
- Dostoyevski, Fyodor,
- Doughty, Charles Montagu,
- Douglas, C. H.,
- Douglas, Clifford Hugh,
- Douglas, Gavin,
- Douglas, Gawain,
- Douglas, James,
- Douglas, Stephen,
- Dowden, Edward,
- Dowson, Christopher,
- Dowson, Ernest C.,
- Dowson, Ernest,
- Doyle, Arthur Conan,
- Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan,
- Drake, Durant,
- Drake, Sir Francis,
- Drayton, Michael,
- Dreiser, Theodore,
- Drennan, James, B.U.F.,
- Dreyfus Affair,
- Driesch, Hans,
- Drinkwater, John,
- Drucker, Peter F., The End of Economic Man,
- Drucker, Peter,
- Drummond, Bull-Dog (McNeile character),
- Drummond, Sir William,
- Drummond, William,
- Drury, Sir Robert,
Dryden, John,
- Dryden, John, “The Dedication to Examen Poeticum,”
- Dryden, John, Of Dramatick Poesie,
- Dryden, John, “The Hind and the Panther,”
- Dryden, John, and Addison,
- Dryden, John, and M. Arnold,
- Dryden, John, and Chaucer,
- Dryden, John, and Coleridge,
- Dryden, John, and Cowley,
- Dryden, John, and criticism,
- Dryden, John, and Denham,
- Dryden, John, and Donne,
- Dryden, John, dramatic work of,
- Dryden, John, and Hazlitt,
- Dryden, John, and Housman,
- Dryden, John, and Johnson,
- Dryden, John, and language,
- Dryden, John, and metaphysical poetry,
- Dryden, John, as poet,
- Dryden, John, and prose,
- Dryden, John, and Read,
- Dryden, John, and Shakespeare,
- Dryden, John, WORKS: Absalom and Achitophel,
- Dryden, John, “Alexander’s Feast,”
- Dryden, John, All for Love,
- Dryden, John, Annus Mirabilis,
- Dryden, John, Astraea Redux,
- Dryden, John, Aurung-Zebe,
- Dryden, John, The Conquest of Granada,
- Dryden, John, “Cymon and Iphigenia,”
- Dryden, John, Don Sebastian,
- Dryden, John, An Essay of Dramatic Poesy,
- Dryden, John, essays of,
- Dryden, John, Examen Poeticum,
- Dryden, John, Fables,
- Dryden, John, “Heroic Stanzas,”
- Dryden, John, The Hind and the Panther,
- Dryden, John, “The Lady’s Song,”
- Dryden, John, Mac Flecknoe,
- Dryden, John, Marriage à la Mode,
- Dryden, John, Mr. Limberham,
- Dryden, John, “Of Heroic Plays,”
- Dryden, John, prefaces of,
- Dryden, John, Preface to Annus Mirabilis,
- Dryden, John, Preface to Sylvae,
- Dryden, John, “The Proper Wit of Poetry,”
- Dryden, John, Religio Laici,
- Dryden, John, “Song for St. Cecilia’s Day,”
- Dryden, John, The Tempest,
- Dryden, John, “Threnodia Augustalis,”
- Dryden, John, “To my Dear Friend Mr. Congreve,”
- Dryden, John, “To the Memory of Mr. Oldham,”
- Dryden, John, Troilus and Cressida,
- Dryden, John, “An Account of the Ensuing Poem,”
- Dryden, John, “Alexander’s Feast,”
- Dryden, John, Annus Mirabilis,
- Dryden, John, Mac Flecknoe,
- Dryden, John, “A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day,”
- Dryden, John, and wit,
- Dryden, John, Absalom and Achitophel,
- Dryden, John, All for Love,
- Dryden, John, Aureng-Zebe,
- Dryden, John, and Church of England,
- Dryden, John, The Conquest of Granada,
- Dryden, John, and emotion,
- Dryden, John, The Hind and the Panther,
- Dryden, John, The Indian Emperor,
- Dryden, John, and language,
- Dryden, John, and Shakespeare,
- Du Bos, Charles,
- Du Bos, Charles, Byron et le besoin de la fatalité,
- Dublin Review, The,
- Dubois, Louis-Ernest,
- Ducasse, Isidore Lucien (Comte de Lautréamont),
- Duchêne, Jean-Louis,
- Dudley, Lady Mary,
- Duffin, Henry Charles,
- Duhamel, Georges,
- Dujardin, Edouard,
- Dujardin, Édouard,
- Dukes, Ashley,
- Dulac, Edmund,
- Dumas, Alexandre,
- Dunbar, William,
- Duncan, Raymond,
- Duncan, Ronald,
- Duncan-Jones, A. S.,
- Dunne, Annie,
- Dunne, Ellie (Shaw character),
- Dunne, Finley Peter,
- Duns Scotus,
- Dupin, C. Auguste (Poe character),
- Durbeyfield, Tess (Hardy character),
- Durdles (Dickens character),
- Duriau, Jean,
- Durkheim, Émile,
- Durrell, Lawrence,
- Durtal (Huysmans character),
- Duveen, Sir Joseph,
- Dvořák, Antonín,
- Dyce, Alexander,
- Dyer, Sir Edward,
- D’Amville (Tourneur character),
- D’Annunzio, Gabriele,
- D’Aranyi, Jelly,
- D’Arcy, M. C.,
- D’Arcy, Martin C.,
- D’Arcy, Martin,
- Eardley-Wilmot, Hazel,
- Eastern Europe,
- Eastern Orthodox Churches,
- Eastman, Max,
- Ebbutt, Alan,
- Eckhart, Johannes (Meister Eckhart),
- Eckhart, Meister,
- Economic Reform Club and Institute,
- Eddington, A. S.,
- Eddington, Sir Arthur,
- Eddy, Mary Baker,
- Ede, James Chuter,
- Eden, Anthony,
- Eder, Montague David,
- Edinburgh,
- Edward VI,
- Edward VII,
- Edward VIII,
- Edwards, F. M.,
- Edwards, Jonathan,
- Edwards, Richard,
- Egerton, Sir Thomas,
- Egoist Press Ltd.,
- Egoist Press,
- Egoist, The,
- Ehrenfels, Christian von,
- Einstein, Albert,
- Eirene,
- Eleanor of Aquitaine,
- Eleatics,
- Elgar, Edward,
- Eliot, Abigail (Abby) Adams née Cranch,
- Eliot, Andrew,
- Eliot, Charles W.,
- Eliot, Charles William,
- Eliot, Charlotte (Champe; TSE’s mother),
- Eliot, Charlotte (mother),
- Eliot, Charlotte (sister),
- Eliot, Charlotte Champe (mother),
- Eliot, Charlotte Chauncey (sister),
- Eliot, Ephraim,
- Eliot, George,
- Eliot, George, The Spanish Gypsy,
- Eliot, Henry Ware (father),
- Eliot, Henry Ware, Jr. (brother),
- Eliot, Henry Ware, Sr. (father),
- Eliot, Henry,
- Eliot, T. S., education of: Harvard University,
- Eliot, T. S., fiction of,
Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Ara Vos Prec,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Ash-Wednesday,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “The Boston Evening Transcript,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar,” xvii,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Burnt Norton,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “A Cooking Egg,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Doris’s Dream Songs,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Four Quartets,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Gerontion,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “The Hollow Men,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Journey of the Magi,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Little Gidding,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Marina,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Morning at the Window,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Poems (1919),
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Poems (1920),
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Poems, 1909–1925,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Preludes,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Prufrock and Other Observations,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Song to the Opherian,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, Sweeney Agonistes,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, —as “Fragment of a Prologue” and “Fragment of an Agon,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Sweeney among the Nightingales,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Sweeney Erect,”
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, The Waste Land,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, The Waste Land: A Facsimile,
- Eliot, T. S., poems and plays: Animula, “Whispers of Immortality,”
Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, Ash-Wednesday,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, The Cocktail Party,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Coriolan,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Cyril Tourneur,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Difficulties of a Statesman,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “The Dry Salvages,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “East Coker,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, The Family Reunion,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Five-Finger Exercises,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, Four Quartets,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, Fragment of an Agon,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Gerontion,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “The Hippopotamus,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “The Hollow Men,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “La Figlia Che Piange,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Landscapes,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Lines for Cuscuscaraway and Mirza Murad Ali Beg,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Lines to a Duck in the Park,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Lines to a Persian Cat,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Lines to a Yorkshire Terrier,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Lines to Ralph Hodgson Esqre.,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Little Gidding,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “A Lyric,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Marina,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Morning at the Window,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, Murder in the Cathedral,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “New Hampshire,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, Poems, 1909–1925,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Rannoch, by Glencoe,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, The Rock,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, Sweeney Agonistes,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Sweeney Among the Nightingales,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Sweeney Erect,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Triumphal March,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Virginia,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, The Waste Land,
- Eliot, T. S.: Anabasis, “Words for an Old Man,”
Eliot, T. S.: Animula,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, Ara Vos Prec,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, Ariel poems,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, Ash-Wednesday,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “A Cooking Egg,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Dans le restaurant,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Dirge,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “The Dry Salvages,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, The Dry Salvages,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, East Coker,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Eeldrop and Appleplex,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Fragment of an Agon,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Gerontion,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “The Hippopotamus,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, Inventions of the March Hare,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, Journey of the Magi,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Le Directeur,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Lune de miel,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Marina,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Mélange adultère de tout,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Ode,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Salutation,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Som de l’Escalina,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, A Song for Simeon,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, Sweeney Agonistes,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Sweeney among the Nightingales,”
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, The Waste Land,
- Eliot, T. S.: Animula, “Whispers of Immortality,”
- Eliot, Theresa,
Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “Animula,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Ash-Wednesday,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Burnt Norton,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, The Dry Salvages,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, The Family Reunion,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Four Quartets,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “Gerontion,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “Journey of the Magi,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “Landscapes,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Little Gidding,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “The Man Who Was King,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “Marina,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Murder in the Cathedral,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Poems: 1909–1925,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “Pollicle Dogs and Jellicle Cats,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, The Rock,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “A Song for Simeon,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, Sweeney Agonistes,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “A Tale of a Whale,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, “Triumphal March,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: Anabasis, The Waste Land,
Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Burnt Norton,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” “Choruses from The Rock,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” The Cocktail Party,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Collected Poems, 1909–1935,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Complete Poems and Plays, 1909–1950,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” The Dry Salvages,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” East Coker,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” The Family Reunion,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Four Quartets,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” “Gerontion,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” “The Hollow Men,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” “Landscapes,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Little Gidding,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Murder in the Cathedral,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Prufrock and Other Observations,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” “Prufrock’s Pervigilium,”
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” The Rock,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” Sweeney Agonistes,
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns: “Animula,” The Waste Land,
- Eliot, Valerie (née Fletcher),
- Eliot, Valerie,
- Eliot, Vivien (née Haigh-Wood; TSE’s first wife),
- Eliot, Vivien,
- Eliot, William Greenleaf (grandfather),
- Eliot, William Greenleaf,
- Eliot, William Greenleaf, Jr.,
- Elizabeth I (Queen of England),
- Elizabeth I,
- Elizabethan comedy,
Elizabethan drama,
- Elizabethan drama, anarchy of,
- Elizabethan drama, and bombast,
- Elizabethan drama, borrowing in,
- Elizabethan drama, and dramatic form,
- Elizabethan drama, and Dryden,
- Elizabethan drama, excellence of,
- Elizabethan drama, five-act structure in,
- Elizabethan drama, Inns of Court tradition,
- Elizabethan drama, and Middleton,
- Elizabethan drama, and morality,
- Elizabethan drama, and playhouses,
- Elizabethan drama, and Seneca,
- Elizabethan drama, Senecals,
- Elizabethan drama, and stage,
- Elizabethan drama, and stoicism,
- Elizabethan drama, University dramas,
- Elizabethan drama, University tradition,
- Elizabethan drama, and versification,
- Elizabethan literature,
- Elizabethan poetry,
- Elizabethan tragedy,
- Elizabethans,
- Ellis, A. B., The Eẃe-Speaking Peoples,
- Ellis, Bob,
- Ellis, Charles,
- Ellis, Havelock,
- Ellis-Fermor, U. M.,
- Ellis-Fermor, Una, The Frontiers of Drama,
- Elton, Godfrey Elton, 1st Baron, St. George or the Dragon,
- Elton, Oliver,
- Elyot, Sir Thomas,
- Elyot, Sir Thomas, The Boke Named the Govournor,
- Emden, A. B.,
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo,
- Empedocles,
- Empson, William,
- Em’ly, Little (Dickens character),
- Enemy,
- Engels, Friedrich: Die deutsche Ideologie,
- England, (SEE ALSO: Great Britain, )
- England’s Helicon,
- English Association,
- English language,
- English literature,
- English mysticism,
- English poetry,
- English-Speaking Union,
- Ennever, William Joseph,
- Enobarbus (Shakespeare character),
- Epictetus,
- Epicureanism,
- Epicureans,
- Epicurus,
- Epimenides,
- Episcopal Church in Scotland,
- Eppstein, John, The Catholic Tradition,
- Epstein, Jacob,
- Epstein, Jean,
- Erasmus,
- Erasmus, Desiderius,
- Erastianism,
- Erastus, Thomas,
- Eroclea (John Ford character),
- Erskine, John,
- Ervine, St. John,
- Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio,
- Esdaile, Arundell,
- Esher, Lord,
- Esperanto,
- Esprit,
- Essex, Robert Devereux, second Earl,
- Estonia,
- Etchells, Frederick,
- Etherage, George,
- Eucharist,
- Eucken, Rudolf,
- Euhemerus,
- Euripides,
- Europe and culture,
- Europe, and ancient Rome,
- Europe, and art,
- Europe, and Christianity,
- Europe, cities of,
- Europe, and civilization,
- Europe, and colonialism,
- Europe, and The Criterion,
- Europe, and exchange among nations,
- Europe, and Goethe,
- Europe, and Joyce,
- Europe, and literature,
- Europe, poetry in,
- Europe, and provincialism,
- Europe, reciprocal influence throughout,
- Europe, and religion,
- Europe, and Rome,
- Europe, Spain in,
- Europe, and United States,
- Europe, unity and diversity in,
- Europe, unity of,
- Europe, universities of,
- Europe, and Valéry,
- Europe, after World War II,
- Europe, War II,
- Europe/Europeans,
- Europäische Revue,
- Evangelicals,
- Evans, Edith,
- Evans, Myfanwy,
- Evelyn, John,
- Every, George,
- Everyman Theatre (Hampstead), (SEE ALSO: Macdermott, )
- Everyman,
- Faber & Faber (Faber & Gwyer),
- Faber & Faber,
- Faber & Gwyer,
- Faber and Faber,
- Faber, Enid,
- Faber, Frederick,
- Faber, Geoffrey,
- Fabian Society,
- Fabianism,
- Fabians,
- Fabians/Fabianism,
- Fabre, Jean-Henri,
- Fabre, Lucien,
- Fadiman, Clifton,
- Faguet, Émile,
- Fairlie, Gerard,
- Faith and Order Movement,
- Falange Party,
- Fall, Albert B.,
- Falls, Cyril,
- Falls, Cyril, History of the Great War,
- Falstaff (Shakespeare character),
- Falstaff,
- Fantasia (Disney),
- Farinata degli Uberti (Dante character),
- Faringdon, Gavin Henderson, Baron,
- Farjeon, Eleanor,
- Farrell, James T.,
- Fassett, Irene Pearl,
- Fassett, Irene,
- Faulkner, William,
- Fausset, Hugh l’Anson,
- Faustus (Marlowe character),
- Fawcett, Edward Douglas,
- Fawley, Jude (Hardy character),
- Feiling, Keith Grahame,
- Fenn, Eric,
- Fenollosa, Ernest,
- Fenollosa, Mary McNeil,
- Ferguson, W. B. M.,
- Fernandez, Ramon,
- Ferrar, John,
- Ferrar, Nicholas,
- Ferrero, Guglielmo,
- Ferro, António,
- Feste (Shakespeare character),
- Feuerbach, Ludwig von,
- Feuillet, Octave,
- Feydeau, Ernest-Aimé,
- Fichte, J. G.,
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb,
- Ficino, Marsilio,
- Field, Nathan,
- Field, William L. W.,
- Fielding, A.,
- Fielding, Henry,
- Filmer, Sir Robert,
- Fineman, Hayim,
- Firbank, Ronald,
- Fisher Act (1918),
- Fisher Act of 1918,
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield,
- Fisher, Geoffrey,
- Fisher, Irving,
- Fitton, Mary,
- FitzGerald, Desmond,
- FitzGerald, Edward,
- FitzGerald, Edward, The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám,
- Fitzgerald, Edward,
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott,
- Five Year Meeting of Friends,
- Flaubert, Gustave,
- Flavius Claudius Julianus Augustus (Julian the Apostate),
- Fleay, F. G.,
- Fleay, Frederick Gard,
- Flecker, James Elroy,
- Flecker, James Elroy, Hassan,
- Flecker, James,
- Fleming, Peter,
- Fleming, Samuel,
- Fletcher, John (dramatist),
- Fletcher, John Gould,
- Fletcher, John,
- Fletcher, Joseph Smith,
- Flexman, John Henry,
- Flint, F. S.,
- Flite, Miss (Dickens character),
- Flora (James character),
- Florence, Duke of (Middleton character),
- Florio, John,
- Flower and the Leaf, The,
- Flower, Desmond,
- Fluchère, Henri,
- Foerster, Norman,
- Fogerty, Elsie,
- Fontaine,
- Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de,
- Fool (Shakespeare character),
- Footner, Hulbert,
- Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston,
- Ford, Boris,
- Ford, Ford Madox (Ford Madox Hueffer),
- Ford, Ford Madox,
- Ford, John,
- Forde, Onslow,
- Forster, E. M.,
- Forster, John,
- Forster, Lord,
- Fort, Paul,
- Fortunatus,
- Fortune, Reginald (Bailey character),
- Fosco, Count (Collins character),
- Foster, William,
- Foucauld, Charles de,
- Foucher de Careil, Alexandre L.,
- Fouchet, Max-Pol,
- Fournier, Henri-Alban (Alain-),
- Fowler, H. W.,
- Fox, Charles James,
- Frampton, Sir George James,
- France libre, La,
- France,
- France, Anatole,
- Francis Xavier, St.,
- Francis de Sales, St.,
- Francis of Assisi, Saint,
- Francis of Assisi, St.,
- Francis, Robert, Demain la France,
- Francis, Sir Philip,
- Francis, de Sales, St.,
- Franck, Henri,
- Franck, Henri, La Danse devant l’arche,
- Franco, Francisco,
- Frank, Waldo,
- Frank-Duquesne, Albert,
- Frankford, Mr. (Heywood character),
- Frankford, Mrs. (Heywood character),
- Fraser-Simson, C.,
- Frazer, James G.,
- Frazer, Robert Watson,
- Frazer, Sir James G.,
- Frazer, Sir James,
- Frederick the Great,
- Free Churches,
- Free French,
- Freedom Defence Committee,
- Freedom Press Defence Committee,
- Freedom Press,
- Freedom,
- Freeman, John Frederick,
- Freeman, R. Austin,
- Freemasonry,
- Fremantle, Sir Francis,
- French Eighteenth Century,
- French Goliardic poets,
- French Institute,
- French Resistance,
- French Revolution,
- French Symbolists,
- French criticism,
- French drama,
- French literary criticism,
- French literature, (SEE ALSO: Bosschère, Bourget, Péguy, )
- French poetry,
- French symbolist poets,
- French tragedy,
- French,
- French, Joseph (Crofts character),
French, history of,
- French, history of, and Ulysses, (SEE ALSO: Conrad; Dosteovski, )
- Frere, Walter Howard,
- Freud, Sigmund,
- Freudianism,
- Frith, Mary,
- Frizer, Ingram,
- Frobenius, Leo Viktor,
- Froissart, Jean,
- Fromentin, Eugène,
- Fromm, Erich,
- Frost, Robert,
- Fry, Roger,
- Fulbright, J. William,
- Fuller, B. A. G.,
- Fuller, Edward,
- Fuller, J. F. C.,
- Fuller, John Frederick Charles,
- Fumet, Stanislas,
- Furness, H. H.,
- Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis,
- Futurism,
- Fyfe, Hamilton,
- Fédération nationale des Camelots du Roi,
- Fülöp-Miller, René,
- Gaboriau, Émile,
- Galileo,
- Galileo, Galilei,
- Gallicanism,
- Gallup, Donald C.,
- Gallup, Donald,
- Galsworthy, John,
- Galt, William,
- Gamble, F. W.,
- Gandillac, Maurice de,
- Gangulee, Nagendranath,
- Gangulee, Nitindranath,
- Garbett, Cyril,
- Gard, Roger Martin du,
- Gardiner, Margaret,
- Gardiner, Rolf,