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The New English Weekly, 8 (14 Nov 1935) 99

Sir, – The sentences given in Mr. Norman’s letter which he says were omitted from his article as printed, do not seem to me to alter the situation in any way. 2 I thought that I made it clear in my own letter that I was not taking exception to Mr. Norman’s views on the subject of the supernatural basis of religion, but merely pointing out that he was only injuring his own case by airing them in the wrong place. I wrote my letter because I have felt a good deal of sympathy with Mr. Norman’s political views, and it seemed to me regrettable that he should go out of his way to alienate people of good will. I certainly did not write my letter merely to provide readers like Mr. Llewelyn Powys with a pretext for violent affirmations. 3

Incidently, I wonder whether it is “generally agreed that no person has ever lived the Christian life according to the precepts of Christ except Christ Himself.” 4 This may be generally agreed amongst some limited number of people, but I should have thought that at least a few of the greater saints had arrived at some approximation toward a Christian life according to the precepts of Christ.

t. s. eliot

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