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Our greatest debt is to the late Valerie Eliot, for her tireless devotion over many years to collecting, preserving, and ordering her husband’s multiform writings, and for her confidence and trust in commissioning The editors are grateful to Stephen Page and Paul Keegan of Faber and Faber for their support of this edition, and to archivist Robert Brown for providing access to and assistance with archival materials. We are indebted to the late Finn M. W. Caspersen, the late William B. Warren, and the trustees of the Hodson Trust for a substantial grant to Johns Hopkins University Press to support this multivolume project. We prize the vision, technical expertise, and dedication of Kathleen Keane and members of the Press who have made this edition a reality: Andre Barnett, Gregory Britton, Michael Carroll, Becky Clark, Kim Johnson, Matt McAdam, Julie McCarthy, Wendy Queen, Martha Sewall, Claire McCabe Tamberino, and project manager Marcus Seiler, Bridgeline Digital. The Beck Foundation and the Beck Center for Electronic Collections at Emory University provided invaluable financial, technical, and personnel support for the creation of the electronic database of Eliot’s prose writings. Alice Hickcox, director of the Beck Center, has overseen the construction of the database, trained staff and students, and given professional presentations on its implementation. She and staff member Erika Farr were extraordinarily helpful and patient with the editors as the project moved through it various incarnations, and Sara Palmer assisted greatly with final encoding. Dean Robert A. Paul of Emory College and Deans Rick Rubinson and Lisa Tedesco of the Laney Graduate School of Arts and Sciences provided fellowship support for the graduate members of Team Eliot: Lori Leavell, Erin Sells, Stewart Varner, Shannon Hipp, Jessie Dunbar, John Davidson, and Jae Turner. The SIRE Undergraduate Research Program at Emory provided a succession of fellows who made significant contributions to the database and other aspects of the editorial project: Ryan Plocher, Lisa Sweat, Through the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, under the direction of Professor Warwick Gould, the Eliot editorial project received a substantial three-year grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council to support the research of our English editors. The Institute has further provided an editorial office and technical support for all members of the editorial team, which has benefited from the assistance of Wim Van Mierlo and Conor Wyer of the Institute staff. We are thankful for the generosity and cooperation of Archibald Henderson, Eliot’s bibliographer, who shared with us scores of newly discovered prose items that he has brought to the bibliography through rigorous research. We are deeply indebted to Professors William Charron and J. C. Marler, classicists at St. Louis University, for their unstinting assistance with the transcriptions and translations of the Greek in Eliot’s graduate essays, and to Professor Marler for editorial consultations on Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz, and Russell. We are grateful to Timothy Materer, University of Missouri, and to our co-editors of succeeding volumes, Anthony Cuda, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; David Chinitz, Loyola University Chicago; and Iman Javadi, Institute of English Studies, for their careful reading of the penultimate draft of volume 1. Other members of the greater editorial team were also helpful: Frances Dickey, University of Missouri; Jennifer Formichelli, Boston; Jason Harding, Durham University; Sir Christopher Ricks, Boston University; Jim McCue, Institute of English Studies; John Haffenden, University of Sheffield; and Hugh Haughton, York University. We are thankful for helpful recommendations of the advisory board: John Haffenden, Paul Keegan, the late Sir Frank Kermode, Andrew McNeillie, Edward Mendelson, Clare Reihill, and Sir Christopher Ricks. Research support for...