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The Egoist, 5 (Aug 1918) 99

Miss Farjeon writes sonnets with Rossettian echoes, but looser in form, more Mrs. Browning. 1 She is most agreeable in the lighter Christina style:

Dying leaf and dead leaf, Yellow leaf and red leaf And white-backed beam, Lay along the woodland road As quiet as a dream. 2

The authors of —Esquestrickle down a fine broad page in a pantoum, a roundel, a villanelle, occasionally pagan, mode of thirty years ago: 3 Why then, O foolish Christ, Didst thou keep tryst With maudlin harlots wan With glad things gone? 4 To which the obvious answer is, Why did you? Young poets ought to be made to be cheaply printed; such sumptuous pages deceive many innocent critics. 5

Captain Faber did not observe very much of importance In the Valley of Vision, 6 but he has a fine heroic note, and should apply to Mr. St. L. Strachey: 7

Sublime! Oh, ’tis the very word of the age. 8

Mr. Waugh is more modern, and would appear to have been influenced by some older person who admired Rupert Brooke. 9 He is stark realism:

Route march . . . field day . . . church parade . . . Wondering would it ever end, Wondering what the hell it meant. Picking girls up in the street Rather than face the empty tent. 10

Mr. Waugh is said to be very young, and to have written a novel. That is a bad beginning, but something might be made of him. 11

In retrospect, I believe Miss Farjeon is the least insupportable of this lot.

[The above note on Mr. Waugh, written as one of this set of four, was printed by mistake in the June-July issue of The Egoist, with the result that the first and last sentences, taken out of their intended context, become nonsense.–Editor.]

t. s. e.

