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London: Faber and Faber, 1932. Pp. 454; Preface, 7. 1

My acknowledgments are due to Messrs. Methuen & Co. Ltd. (for the parts of The Sacred Woodreprinted); to The Hogarth Press ( Homage to John Dryden); to The Haslewood Press (for A Dialogue on Dramatic Poetry); to Messrs. Constable & Co. Ltd. (for Seneca in Elizabethan Translation, originally printed as Introduction to the Tudor Translations Series edition of the Tenne Tragedies); to the Shakespeare Association ( Shakespeare and the Senecan Tradition); to Mr. Walter de la Mare and the Royal Society of Literature ( Arnold and Pater); to The Blackamore Press ( Baudelaire); to the English Association ( Charles Whibley). Also to The Egoist, The Athenaeum, The Times Literary Supplement, Art and Letters, The Forum, The Bookman(N.Y.), The Hound and Horn, Theology, and The Criterion, in which most of these papers originally appeared.

My thanks are also due to Mr. B. L. Richmond, without whose suggestions and encouragement the essays on Elizabethan dramatists would not have been written; and to Mr. F. V. Morley for his assistance in selecting the essays and in reading the proofs, and for his pertinacity in harrying me to do what work I have myself done in preparation of this volume.

t.s.e. London: April 1932.

Published By:   Faber & Faber logo    Johns Hopkins University Press
