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40 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING CIYAWO TOPIC 9 Imperative Tense (-) This tense is used when it is imperative that someone must not do something. An example of this would be “I must not fall asleep during Ciyawo class” or “We must not stop learning Ciyawo”. The imperative tense (-) is formed with the stem. Looking at the formula we begin with a Personal Pronoun Marker, PPM or a Class Maker, CM. This is followed by a ka, which is joined to the stem. These examples conjugate the verbs kutenda = to do and kugona = to sleep in all the Personal Pronoun Markers, PPM, and three examples using different Class Markers, CM, from three different noun classes. Kutenda = to do / LB UFOEB  /HBUFOEB  *NVTUOPUEP . LB UFOEB  .LBUFOEB  :PVNVTUOPUEP " LB UFOEB  "LBUFOEB  4IFNVTUOPUEP 5V LB UFOEB  5VLBUFOEB  8FNVTUOPUEP 8V LB UFOEB  8VLBUFOEB  *U WJMMBHF NVTUOPUEP +J LB UFOEB  +JLBUFOEB  5IFZ WJMMBHFT NVTUOPUEP -J LB UFOEB  -JLBUFOEB  *U TOBLF NVTUOPUEP (B LB UFOEB  (BLBUFOEB  5IFZ TOBLFT NVTUOPUEP $J LB UFOEB  $JLBUFOEB  *U CJSE NVTUOPUEP :J LB UFOEB  :JLBUFOEB  5IFZ CJSET NVTUOPUEP PPM/CM + ka + Stem = N + ka + pikana = Ngapikana = I must not hear Imperative Tense (-) 41 Kugona = to sleep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e aware of the sound change, which occurs when the ‘N’ and the ‘K’ collide! (N + K = NG) TOPIC 9: IMPERATIVE TENSE (-) ...
