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Foreword R ev. Andrew Tanui has narrated, in the form of a novel, the cultural practices and beliefs of the Kalenjin community on the cattle raid. It is true that heroes were named depending on their successes and victories of their raids and number of cows brought home from those they perceived as their enemies. These cattle raids brought gain to the community in acquiring more territories and more wealth for the dowry and prestige. It is on record that one can be a spokesman depending on the wealth he has and the number of wives he has married. Stories were told along this practice and on animals’ grazing. Prayers were always offered to Asis by tribal elders for peace, good living, more animals and harmony among families, and also for more children. This narrative should be understood as not the same as the present cattle raids that have caused great loss of lives and properties. Today’s raids are as a result of enmity, envy, jealousy and poverty. I trust and hope that many will read this story to understand our past heritage in contrast to the present Kalenjin livelihood. I thank Rev. Andrew Tanui for his excellent effort in telling this strory. I gladly commend this book to all readers. THE RT. REV. STEPHEN KEWASIS NYORSOK BISHOP OF KITALE Anglican Church of Kenya Dying Voice ...
