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37 African Woman Your beauty’s beyond description With lovely curves that beckon, Your lolo vibrating to your strides Forever tantalizing the environment. Nature’s gift to society you are, For we see and get, true to your man, Without decadent additives here and there Traps to male longing: your lips so full Without botulinumous milliliters. African woman, Your dreams are different, your goals unique: The family. Learn not from guinea pigs That have gone wild thinking carnal pleasures, Freedom, and equality, with God shelved To be summoned on their terms. African woman, Until you care less about your family Then begin learning from tastelessly high cultures In the name of civilization, bothering yourself About equality with a gender that is only a rival. African woman, You are the wife, the mother the core of the family, Of society, your presence sooths the household, Calming the lion and the cubs, Why would you become something Else that results in destruction and pain? 38 African woman, Begin thinking for yourself and beware of alien Words that taste like honey and sound like music But lures society to the grave. To them suicide Means nothing, to us it is taboo. Mother of the universe! ...
