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39 C Chapter Nine eople call it a lot of things, but most of the times they just call it the sixth sense. It is that other imaginary sense, that other aspect to know things without using the normal five known senses. It is great in detecting something abnormal in the air before that something is evident. In some people it is so developed and strong that they tend to see things from very far off before they can even touch the horizon (This is where a lot of freaks end up). In others it is so dormant they can walk into a whole lot of trouble without even a tiny clue (the completely dumb wade in this stream comfortably). While in others, the normal category, it is just enough to start nipping the brain at anytime something out of the ordinary is in the air. Jude was in this category of those who just had enough of that sixth sense, but that afternoon he could swear he was in the first category. It was there in the air; that sense that something was coming for him, that sense that a dark cloud was coming, a dark cloud that was going to fully engulf him. And though he could not place a finger on the nature of that dark cloud, he knew without any doubt that he was not going to like it one bit. And Niba was not making it any easy, just standing there before him trying hard to look completely normal and calm and failing. He knew Niba was just trying to act like a friend, delaying to deliver the coup de grace. But he hated the waiting, it was worst than knowing. It was a hand deep inside his mind, gnawing at the walls of his mind and he did not like it at all. Why don’t you just tell me what’s going on? But what could be going on? He wondered. He could not think of something right now that could link him and Niba enough to cause him any trouble. He was not one of Niba’s internet scamming buddies. So, what was it then? Why was the picture before him all wrong? What could shake Niba enough to be evident in his usual warm and crafty face? That was something he could not place his finger on, but the feeling was there, gnawing at his mind as he waited for the coup de grace. “How’s the prison?” Niba asked, drumming his fingers on the counter and this time avoiding looking at Jude. It was just one of those questions P 40 which came along when every other method of delaying the inevitable was no longer on the table. Jude knew it and that fact made that invisible hand gnawing at his brain to become vigorous. “I’ll survive,” Jude said and tried a smile. “You’re strong, man,” Niba stifled a yawn, “You’re really strong. I can’t stay in that house for a day.” Yeah, because life was handed to you on a silver platter before you even came to this world. And you’re not here to tell me how you can’t stay in my prison for a day. Just let it out… Niba tried another forceful yawn and said, “I need a beer.” Jude smiled weakly knowing that it was coming, the coup de grace, it was in the air and he could feel it, “I’m still tied down here,” he said. “Too bad.” You didn’t come here to buy me a beer; you know I’m never free until around 5pm. So, what’s it you want to see me for? “Hey, what are you looking at me like that for? Don’t I have the right to at least wish for a beer?” He had the right, but… One thing about Niba was that he was the type who could’ve had almost everything they wanted out of life. The type who had learnt that knowledge that had been fed him since he was a baby, that knowledge that everything was easy to get, that all around him was his, and Niba had learnt it more than he should have. He had learnt it enough to turn that knowledge into his only purpose for existing. Then when the cautionary notes had started to sound, he had simply created his own society whose motto was so simple; I do what pleases me...
