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19 The Fruits of Uhuru1 Wananchi2 rudely awakened rushed to the busy streets of Majengo! must they too taste the fruits of Uhuru? must they too revel in the luxury of freedom? Wananchi rudely awakened filed on the long mlolongo3 hoping to cash in-on the long promised Uhuru! Wananchi rudely awakened sweated on mlolongo- till dawn but yet saw not the fruits of Uhuru! Woke-up by dusk but yet reaped not the harvest of Uhuru! Instead! Wananchi bombarded with eloquent stories of thievery from rippers of the fruits of Uhuru were dismayed by the indifference of those who carouse on the fruits of Uhuru Wananchi rudely awakened wonder whether they too will feast on the fruits of Uhuru. After filing on the long mlolongo for months, a glimpse of hope for the future is almost non-existent. 1 Uhuru in this context could mean independence or freedom 2 Wananchi are citizens 3 Mlolongo is a queue 20 But yet, drop! drop! drop! drop! the Wananchi's sweat rain on the dusty tracks of the queue -as they struggle to have a taste of Uhuru. Drop! drop! drop! drop! The sweat of wananchi may nourish the tree but they'll never taste its fruits of independence so long as -so long as they have remained poor. Soon the drop! drop! drop! drop! Of the sweat of the wananchi will soon dry! And the well that constantly enriched their pores will give way as they'll bond to fight for their fruits of Uhuru that now benefit a few “bumble-clutters.” ...
