In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xiii Acknowledgements I am deeply grateful to a number of people who helped me in one way or the other towards the realization of this book. I owe an immense debt of gratitude to Dr Zacharie Saha who read the first outline of the book and suggested invaluable improvements. I also wish to thank my spouse, Jacky who willingly shouldered some of my responsibilities while I was out to gather material for the book; and her unfailing willingness to help with all phases of the work. This was a source of inspiration and comfort to me especially when my morale was at low ebb. I reserve special thanks to my brother, Pius Lukong and wife, Ernestine who lodged me during my field work in Yaounde and financed various phases of the study. I also extend gratitude to Prof. V.G. Fanso who read the final draft and willingly agreed to provide the foreword. My immense appreciation also goes to my friends, Dr Bongyu Moye, Mr Jude Moye, Mr Yong Bongfen, Mr Patrice Yonkeu, Mr Etienne Dor, Mr Joe Ndikintum and Ms Jane Maih for their unwavering moral, material or financial support. I also extend gratitude to Mr Adi Fonte, Mrs Elizabeth Ngala, Mr Richard Kometa and Mr and Mrs Simaah. I am grateful to Mr Evan Vensu and Miss Lillian Vensu who typed parts of the manuscript, to Mr Gilbert Bamboye for drawing the maps, and to Edna, Reina, Chelsea, Percy, Goddy, Desmond and Marceline who cheered me up. To all I might have overlooked and whose names do not appear here, I say thank you. However, I am fully responsible for all the errors of interpretation and other shortcomings still to be found in this work. H. V. Lukong xiv ...
