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3 Double Decade Gently the years have rolled by Since the Nyoseous bubble—Pharaoh’s lie— And a thousand guinea-pigs and more! Two decadent decades already, And all the aid rushed in by giants, “Concerned” giants, Yet two decades after And post all the ado, Nothing! Nothing told the nation Of meaning and causes Of the Lake God’s wrath. Two decadent decades already, The nation is yet to mourn for my people No national monument to remind us of them Or give meaning to their sacrifice, Instead an idiotic nimbleness: A Nsimalene Party house for orangutans. And so I remember The stolen aid by those in charge, And the victims of the victims Left to rot in state-sponsored misery. Yet how close we are In Hades these victims to join, And see them still clinging On to golden nothingness And worthless money boxes, Those victims of man’s labs Yet we learn not the meaninglessness of life Not in the Master invested. Let me see you bribe Yahweh For twenty more wasteful years 4 Prove Eboa Lotin wrong – Vanity! Take along golf clubs and course, Take along palaces, bank accounts And Nsimalene for a styxian touchdown, Just plain stupid! ...
