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44 Remonstrance/Remontrance où Dieu est en congé. Il nous faut des feux rouges! pour arrêter ce dérapage! Witchcraft My dear friend, Do not bewitch me for the sake of love. Love cannot be coerced! My dear brother, Do not sell me in famla to get rich Wealth comes from God. My dear cousin Do not sell in moyongo. Filial relationship is not a commodity! My dear sister, Do not practice sorcery on me because of chop-chair palaver Inheritance is the right of the eldest It has nothing to do with hop-eye! Ma dear tara, Do not practice voodoo on me For the sake of frienship. You can’t force friendship! My sweetheart Do not use tima-mboussa on me because of marriage. You can’t force marriage! My dear wolowoss, Do not put mbongo chobi in my food. Prostitution is not witchcraft! My magician nephew, Do not sell me into Koupe, Kinship should not be commericialized! ...
