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15 DEATH AGAIN This permanent sleep, Dreaded for the pain it inflicts For the helplessness it brings: Reducing a man into tears A woman into a teary top, and Children into dust particles Tossed about by the storm of pain, Of deprivation. A death is never forgotten As each rain reminds you of His activities as a husband, a father, a son. A death cannot be forgotten as Each harmattan is a reminder of Her doings, as a wife, a mother, a daughter. Although a journey into ancestry, How this journey is dreaded: It deprives the young of aged wisdom And the old youthful support And so wars we always must wage Against this foremost foe, Each time it strikes, As warriors charge to and fro Letting off their loaded guns Their lances stabbing and slicing here and there To hold death at bay. But death will come when it will, Uninvited though it be 16 Its target always the best. ...
