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181 U U B uncle unlucky draw 182 U uncle n. Definition: 1 a friendly form of address for male persons above one’s own age; 2 any male parental friend or person of similar social status. Text example: “To illustrate, let’s assume there are two employees, Uncle WahandAuntieJane.” Underlying conceptualizations: A MEMBER OF SOCIETY IS A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, A FRIEND OF THE PARENTS IS A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY [TARGET DOMAINS ∆ MEMBER OF SOCIETY, PARENTAL FRIEND] [SOURCE DOMAIN ∆ FAMILY]. See: auntie. unlucky draw fixed expression. Definition: a lottery for an unwanted result. Text example: “A nurse at Queen Elizabeth Hospital has accused her department of being unfair by excluding senior nursing staff from the unlucky draw which determines who is putonstandbyforSarspatients.” uncle ▸ ...
