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Explanatory Notes ix Explanatory Notes Translations of official titles follow those given in Charles O. Hucker, A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1985). Unless otherwise stated, people mentioned in this book are referred to by their official names (ming 名), while sobriquets (zi 字 and hao 號) and lifespan dates are given in parentheses at first mention where possible. In the body of this volume, I have included Chinese characters at the first appearance of proper nouns, and occasionally at subsequent appearances to avoid ambiguity, while for the convenience of the reader, characters have been provided again for most personal names and book titles that appear in the translation notes of Chapter Five. English translations of titles of books are provided in parentheses at first appearance only. For consistency, I have used only traditional Chinese characters in this study, and Chinese names and terms are romanized according to the Hanyu pinyin system, except on a few occasions where an alternative spelling has been accepted into English (such as Confucius). All translations not otherwise attributed are my own. Abbreviations Used DMB L. Carrington Goodrich ed. Dictionary of Ming Biography 1368– 1644. Two volumes. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976. ECCP Arthur W. Hummel ed. Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing Period. Two volumes. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1943–44. ICTCL William H. Nienhauser, Jr. ed. The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature. Two volumes. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986 (vol. 1) and 1998 (vol. 2). MRSM Yang Tingfu 楊廷福 and Yang Tongfu 楊同甫 ed. Ming ren shiming biecheng zihao suoyin 明人室名別稱字號索引. Two volumes. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 2002. QMZQJ Qian Zhonglian 錢仲聯 ed. Qian Muzhai quanji 錢牧齋全集. Eight volumes. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 2003. QRSM Yang Tingfu 楊廷福 and Yang Tongfu 楊同甫 ed. Qing ren shiming biecheng zihao suoyin 清人室名別稱字號索引 [zengbuben 增補本]. Two volumes. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 2001. SBCK Sibu congkan 四部叢刊 collection. Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1919–1936 [初編: 1919–1922; 續編: 1934; 三編: 1936]. x Qian Qianyi’s Reflections on Yellow Mountain attrib. attributed b. born BCE Before the Common Era [Before Christ] CE Common Era [Anno Domini] comp. compiled d. died ed. edited fl. floruit [flourished] jr. juren 舉人 [provincial graduate] js. jinshi 進士 [metropolitan graduate] r. reigned rpt. reprinted trans. translated Approximate Values of Ming Measurements 1 chi 尺 (foot) = 32 cm 1 gong 弓 [= bu 步] = 5–6 chi 尺 1 ren 仞 = 8 chi 尺 1 zhang 丈 = 10 chi 尺 1 li 里 = 360 bu 步 = 536 m 1 mu 畝 = 567 m² 1 jin 金 [= liang 兩] = 36.9 g of silver 1 juan 卷 = (fascicle/chapter) = a traditional unit of book-division Dynastic Reign Periods 1500–1750 Ming 明 Xiaozong 孝宗 (Hongzhi 弘治) [1488]–1505 Wuzong 武宗 (Zhengde 正德) 1506–21 Shizong 世宗 (Jiajing 嘉靖) 1522–66 Muzong 穆宗 (Longqing 隆慶) 1567–72 Shenzong 神宗 (Wanli 萬曆) 1573–1620 Guangzong 光宗 (Taichang 泰昌) 1620 Xizong 熹宗 (Tianqi 天啟) 1621–27 Sizong 思宗 (Chongzhen 崇禎) 1628–44 Qing 清 Shizu 世祖 (Shunzhi 順治) 1644–61 Shengzu 聖祖 (Kangxi 康熙) 1662–1722 Shizong 世宗 (Yongzheng 雍正) 1723–35 Gaozong 高宗 (Qianlong 乾隆) 1736–[96] x Explanatory Notes ...
