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Notes฀ CHAPTER฀3฀ 1. A s at Marc h 2003 , ther e were 34 Outreaching Socia l Work Teams servin g 34 priorit y area s wit h relativel y highe r juvenil e crim e rat e an d yout h population i n th e territory . 2. Thes e 3 0 O R team s ha d bee n servin g i n th e prioritize d communitie s fo r more than one year at the time of study. It is believed that one-year servic e experience was basic for a team t o develop an appropriate work syste m fo r its worker s t o follow . 3. Originally , a n experience d worke r (wit h mor e tha n three-year s o f servic e experience) fro m eac h o f th e 3 0 O R team s wa s invite d fo r th e interview . However, onl y 1 9 teams responde d energetically . 4. I n working with youth gangs, OR workers will design particular treatmen t goals for particular gang s with reference t o their particular assesse d needs. Effective o r successfu l interventio n mean s th e treatmen t goal s designe d have been achieved . CHAPTER฀5฀ 1. Se e Hong Kong Standard, Apri l 10, 1998; Oriental Daily, Jun e 2, 1999; Ming Pao, Februar y 5 , 1999 . 2. Se e Oriental Daily, Ma y 19 , 1997 . 3. Se e Ming Pao, Februar y 14 , 1999 . 4. Se e Sing Tao Daily, Septembe r 18, 2001. 5. A whol e schoo l approac h i s widel y know n i n th e fiel d o f education . Fo r more information , pleas e see : — Rogers , B . (1995). Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach. London: Pau l Chapma n Publishin g Ltd . — Hum m J. , & . I. Mocrof t (2001) . Bully-Proofing a School London : Community Developmen t Foundation . 120฀NOTES฀ — Arora , C.M.J . (1994) . Is there an y point i n tryin g t o reduce bullying i n secondary schools ? Educational Psychology in Practice, Vol . 10 , No. 3, 155-162. 6. Thi s centr e i s a non-profi t makin g organization , whic h i s ver y activ e i n anti-bullying movemen t i n recen t years . CHAPTER฀8฀ 1. Comment s fro m a youth worke r i n a sharing session . 2. A servic e uni t refer s t o a uni t whic h th e subventio n i s allocate d a t th e snapshot. The size of units may vary while a full tea m shoul d comprise of 10 social workers . ...
