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Appendix 1 The Measuring InstruIllents Appendix la The Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) (in Chinese) (in English) Appendix 1b ENRICH Fourteen Areas of the Marital Relationship (in Chinese) Sample Questions (in English) Appendix 1c The Marital Comparision Level Index (MCLI) Package (in Chinese) (in English) Page 164 165-6 167 168-9 170-1 172-3 164 Appendix 1 Appendix la The Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) HO: ______________ 1. ~~----4_--~----_r-----~----2 . ~~----4_--~----4_----~--~ 3.~-~----~--_+----+_----~--~ 4. ~_1----~--_1----~----~--~ 5. 6. ~---~r_------__t----___j~---~ 7. ________ 8.r-~----~-----+----+------+---~ i~: --------='===~=:=--_===-~-=--~:-~ 12. f----- - - - - ------~--___l 13. _ _ _ _ I---------+---------~-~-14 . r-~----4_--~----4_----~-~-15 . B. ~AtPff,WIli2W4Z rElj. kef m El gtj::(fj!Mj?fIfitf:fffilJ ~LElj *§j~ :ff~ Lajt:p {~y tf~ 16. ~rl~g1~.ml5J 151i!6*lYJf% 16. 17. ffl2f~1:EtH't'U*oy'j~.~ifij~ 17. ------ --- 18 . ~~~iftH~lUJt%tlt~ ~~ 18. 19. ~1afj1a.Ht-JIl2~ 19. 20. !.1\OJ:ff~ifiji!6m/lOJ15 20. -21 . ~ffl2~*OY 21. 22. llffiMHl:flE 22. -23 . ~JVIt!Jffl2~ !!tx ~~§j LEljt:p {~y tt~ N£ 23. ~fi~$ltJ ::*:fi~f5f fi~f5f 'J'Wf5f tt~ 24. ItI~-P- b11 11 29. fHiEmi~~~ffi 29.1 ·~I~I;--~--+I-~J 30. i~:ffIoJ!f::0~~~:f[ 30. _JE: _ _ -et J 31. ~!f m:ffm~ MM1%a~tf 7* : L-----'-_L----L~*~.I~~.I~~1 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 06:08 GMT) Appendix 1 165 DAS (original questionnaire in English) Within your marriage please indicate the extent you agree/ disagree on these items: 1. Handling family finances 2. Matters of recreation 3. Rei igious matters 4. Demonstrations of affection 5. Friends 6. Sex relations 7. Conventionality (correct or proper behavior) 8. Philosophy of life 9. Ways of dealing with parents or in-laws 10. Aims, goals, and things believed important 11. Amount of time spent together 12. Making major decisions 13. Household tasks 14. Leisure-time interests and activities 15. Career decisions 16. How often do you discuss or have you considered divorce, separation, or terminating your relationship? 17. How often do you or your mate leave the house after a fight? 18. In general, how often do you think that things between you and your partner are going well? 19. Do you confide in your mate? 20. Do you ever regret that you married (or live together)? 21. How often do you and your partner quarrel? 22. How often do you and your mate get on each other's nerves?© G.B. Spanier Almost Occa- Fre- Almost Always always sionally quently always Always agree agree disagree disagree disagree disagree All the time Most of the time More often Occathan not sionally Rarely Never 166 Appendix 1 Every day Almost Occaevery day sionally Rarely Never 23. Do you kiss your mate? All of them Most of some of Very few them them of them None of them 24. Do you and your mate engage I in outside interests together? '-___--'-___--1._ _ _--'-_ _ _---'-_ _ _- - ' How often would you say the following occur between you and your mate: Less than Once or Once or once a twice twice a Once a More Never month a month week day often :: 2a~~E;:t:::ating exchange I I I I I I I 27. CalmIy discuss someth ing f-----+----+---+-----+---~--____l ~--1----+---~--~--_1--~ 28. Work together on a project L-_ _~_ _~_ _ _L -_ _~_ _~_ _~ There are some things about which couples agree and sometimes dis-agree. Indicate if either item below caused differences of opinions or were problems in your relationship during the past few weeks. (Check yes or no.) Yes No 29. Being too tired for sex 30. Not showing love 31. The dots on the following line represents different degrees of happiness in your relationship . The point, "happy", represents the degree of happiness of most relationship. Please circle the dot that best describes the degree of happiness, all things considered, of your relationship • Extremely Unhappy • Fairly Unhappy • A Little Unhappy • Happy • Very Happy • Extremely Happy • Perfect 32. Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about the future of your relationship: 5 I want desperately for my relationship to succeed and would go to almost any lengths to see that it does. 4 I want very much for my relationship to succeed and will do all that I can to see that...
