In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The idea s underlying Chapter s 7 and 8 originated i n remarks mad e b y Merton H . Miller. W e are much indebted t o Steven N.S. Cheung for writin g the Foreword , t o P.R . Chandrasekaran , Michae l C.H. Chan , Raymon d SY . Cheung, the Rt. Hon. Lord Griffiths, Ziq i Liao, Kah Hwa Ng and Lars Werin for encouragemen t an d comments , an d t o Iren e M.L . Cheun g fo r exper t typing o f the final text . Mistake s are , of course, the authors ' responsibility . Financial suppor t fo r th e first editio n o f this book wa s generously sup plied b y th e Centr e o f Urba n Plannin g an d Environmenta l Managemen t (University o f Hong Kong ) an d Cypres s International Investmen t Advisor s Ltd. ...
