In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To facilitate, organiz e an d complete a research worksho p requires th e co-operation o f many people and institutions. First, the participants. Each has to receive funding to attend and the national organization s o f numerous countries have assisted in the provision of travel grants . I t i s no t possibl e t o identif y al l suc h sponsors , bu t a fe w hav e bee n especially supportive : Th e Roya l Society , London ; th e Commonwealt h Foundation , London; th e Carlsber g Foundation , Denmar k and , particularly , th e K.C . Won g Foundation, Hong Kong, which has provided the funds necessary for all delegates fro m the People's Republi c of China to attend sinc e 1980 . Second, the host institution, The University of Hong Kong. Since 1977, a succession of Vice-Chancellor's , throug h th e goo d office s o f th e Financ e Office , hav e provide d the see d mone y tha t allowe d fo r worksho p plannin g t o proceed. Fro m 197 7 to 1989 , the workshops were logistically supported by the Department of Zoology, The University of Hong Kong and, initially, by the former head of that department, Prof. B. Lofts (no w retired). Between 197 7 and 1989 , the workshop technician, Lam Man Hong, provided a constant source of organizational support. From 199 2 until 1998, the staff of the Swire Institute of Marine Science, especially Mr. James Hui and Ms. Sylvia Yiu, gave logistical support. Third, betwee n 197 7 an d 1989 , th e staf f o f th e YMC A hoste l a t W u Kwa i Sh a provided laboratory and residential accommodation and tolerated many strange requests and behaviours fro m th e marine scientists who were their guests. Fourth, in the production of the various workshop proceedings, Dr. S.Y. Lee and I have received the support, advice and help of a succession of publishers of Hong Kong University Press but, especially, since 1989 that of the editor, Dennis Cheung and, since the earlies t days , Ms. Ada Wan. Th e Crouche r Foundation , Hon g Kong , throug h th e good offices o f Mr. Anthony Tsui, provided funds t o publish earlier workshop and this conference proceedings . Fifth , Catha y Pacifi c i s als o thanke d fo r providin g complimentary ai r tickets between the USA, the UK and Australia and Hong Kong fo r four delegate s to attend this conference . Sixth, divers and diving support. From 198 0 to 1992 , diving support was obtained from th e South China Diving Club, in particular with the co-operation of the workshop Dive Master Dr . Brian Darvell . For 199 5 and 1998 , Mr. Paul Hodgso n an d a team of divers provided th e same logistical an d invaluable support . Finally, (other ) friends. Man y Hon g Kong people, notably m y own higher degre e students, have provided the help necessary to facilitate th e progress of the workshops, but especially sinc e 1989,1 have benefitted fro m the friendships o f Dr. A.W.Y. Leung, Dr. K.F . Leung an d Dr. S.F. Leung , the latter my 'minder ' fo r man y years . There ar e many othe r student s over the years who have provided assistanc e and since one of the aims of the workshop wa s to introduce them to international science , their attendanc e XII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and suppor t wa s always welcome d especiall y b y the foreign participant s wh o learned much from them about Hong Kong and its culture. In addition to local help, the overseas visitors, many o f whom, like John Taylor, Christer Erseus, Kathe Jensen, Ray Gibson and Jorge n Knudsen , hav e returne d t o Hong Kon g agai n an d agai n t o suppor t th e workshop aim s an d have als o bee n persona l source s o f inspiration an d support. I am grateful t o them all and in the context of this meeting, Mr. James Hui and Ms. Manna Wan. In the production of the proceedings of this round-up workshop conference, al l of the person s mentione d abov e hav e bee n importan t i n thi s and , in man y cases...
