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Perspectives on Marine Environment Change in Hong Kong and Southern China, 1977-2001 (ed . B. Morton). Proceedings o f a n Internationa l Worksho p Reunio n Conference, Hon g Kon g 21-26 Octobe r 2001. Hong Kong: Hong Kon g University Press , 2003. NEW SPECIES O F AMPHIPODA FRO M HONG KONG SHORE S Roger N . Bambe r Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum , Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5BD, UK ABSTRACT Two new amphipod species are described from the marine littoral of eastern Hong Kong. A new species of Kamaka (Corophiidae) was collected from seagras s beds in the New Territories, at Lai Chi Wo and Sheung Sze Wan. Unlike the only other described species with a swollen article 4 of the second antennal peduncle in the mature male, that article in the new species bears a ventrodistal process, reminiscent of that of Corophium spp . A new species of Paraniphargus (Melitidae ) is also described, living commensally with echiurans in littoral sands at Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong Island, the first marin e specie s of this genus. INTRODUCTION In October 2001, field collecting was undertaken on some eastern shores of Hong Kong Island and the New Territories. In particular, upper shore beds of the seagrass Zoster a japonica Ascherso n an d Graebne r wer e visite d i n a n attemp t t o collec t peracari d crustaceans. Th e bed a t Sheun g Sz e Wan lie s i n th e northwester n corne r o f th e bay , where Z. japonica covere d a small area of some 1 0 m by 1 0 m across the outflow o f a freshwater drain , with a sandy substratum. The more extensive beds at Lai Chi Wo, in the Yan Chau Tong/Lai Ch i Wo Marine Park, were visited with the permission o f the Country and Marine Parks Authority under Section 22 (1) of the Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap. 476). Here Z. japonica covere d area s of the upper an d middle shore , extendin g down fro m th e fringe o f mangroves acros s sand y substrata . Fon g et al. (2000 ) giv e a description of this site. Sampling was undertaken using a 0.015 m2 core tube as planned net sweeping wa s impractical owin g to the shortness of the seagrass sward . The onl y peracarid crustaceans collected were amphipods; one of these proved to be a new species of the corophiid genu s Kamaka Dershavin , 1923 , which is described herein . 196 R.N. BAMBER In addition, a species of melitid amphipod wa s collected from littora l sands at the head of Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong Island, where it was living in apparently commensa l association with the echiuran Ochetostoma erythrogrammon Leuckar t and Riippel. This proved to be an undescribed species of Par aniphargusTattersall , 1925 , the first marin e representative o f thi s genus . Indeed , bot h ne w specie s ar e o f gener a predominantl y associated wit h either low-salinity condition s or freshwater . Type material has been lodged a t The Natural History Museum, London (NHM) . SYSTEMATICS GAMMARIDEA FAMILY COROPHIIDA E Kamaka poppi sp . nov. Figures 1 to 3 Material. Sheun g Sz e Wan: 1 mature male , Holotype (NHM.2001.6921) ; 8 brooding females, 1 female wit h oostegites , 2 matur e males , 4 subadul t males , paratype s (NHM.2001.6922-6931); 1 female wit h oostegite s dissected ; uppe r shor e Zostera japonica bed , sandy substratum , 29 October 2001. Lai Ch i Wo : 1 subadult male , paratype (NHM.2001.6932) ; uppe r shor e Zostera japonica bed , sand y substratum, 3 0 October 2001. Description Body (Fig . 1A ) slender , laterall y compressed , smal l (lengt h o f holotyp e 2. 3 mm). Cephalon elongated into rounded ocular lobes bearing black eyes. Pereonite 1 narrower than succeeding, subequa l pereonites. Coxal plate 1 broad, expanded anteriorly ; coxa l plates 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 rounded, progressively shorter , coxal plate 5 with indentation ; epimeral plate s simpl e wit h rounded posterodista l angles . Urosome segment s 1 and 2 coalesced. Telso n short , entire , wit h paire d dista l setae . Dar k brow n melanophore s scattered o n dorsal surface, coxa l plates and basis of gnathopod 2 in the male. Antenna 1 , female (Fig. IB ) slender, peduncle articles 2 and 3 subequal, flagellu...
