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Acknowledgements The material thi s book has gathered together results fro m many happ y year s a s a marin e biologis t i n Hon g Kon g patrolling the magnificent arra y of shores it possesses and the se a lif e the y ar e hom e to. In thes e field trips , I have often bee n accompanied by a troupe of undergraduate and postgraduate students who with their sharp eyes have helped me discove r som e o f Hon g Kong' s mos t fascinatin g se a creatures. Al l tha t i s neede d t o expos e man y o f th e associations in sand and mud is a good strong shovel, and a willingness t o ge t mucky . Th e donnin g o f a mas k an d snorkel wil l revea l jus t a s muc h wit h regar d t o thos e associations o f cleane r an d cleare r waters . T o al l thes e students, then, my thanks for many happy hours together. For deeper water animals, scuba is necessary and I would like to thank Dr. D.J.H. Phillips and Dr. B.W. Darvell and their colleagues from th e YMCA and South China Diving Clubs respectivel y fo r bringin g t o my attentio n specie s I might never otherwise have seen. For assistance wit h th e identification o f many of th e species herein discussed, I would especially like to mention many friends including John Taylor and Ailsa Clark (British Museum (Natura l History)), Sandy Bruce (Museum of the Northern Territories, Darwin), John Markham (Arch Cape Marine Laboratory , Oregon) , Raymon d Mannin g (Smithsonian Institution) , Vivian La m an d William La m (University o f Hon g Kong) , Winston Ponde r (Australia n Museum), Bria n Foste r (Universit y o f Auckland) , Ma y Yipp (Hon g Kon g Polytechnic) , Pau l H . Scot t (Sant a Barbara Museu m o f Natura l History ) an d Paul a Scot t (McMaster University) . Man y o f th e specie s herei n discussed were discovered during marine biological research workshops hel d i n Hon g Kon g i n 1977 , 1980 , 198 3 and 1986. I than k Leo n Comber , Y.K . Fun g an d S.P . Hung , respectively Publisher , Editor an d Assistan t Editor of the Hong Kon g Universit y Pres s fo r thei r patienc e i n th e production of this book. I also offer specia l thanks to Juliana Depledge for the time and patience she has spent in producing the plates of animals, some of whic h ar e very tin y an d neve r see m t o stay still! I a m foreve r gratefu l t o Mar y Ketterer , Honorar y Director of World Wide Fund for Nature Hpng Kong, who gallantly volunteered to type a clean copy of the manuscript of this book. Finally, I thank my wife Janice and children, Emma, James, Michael and Bryony fo r thei r endless tolerance of me an d understandin g o f m y lon g absence s fro m hom e with the researching and writing of this and other works. ...
