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12 DETAILED DIGITAL LAND-USE SURVEY IN THE METROPOLITAN REGIONS OF JAPAN Nobuo Nagai,Tadao Hoya,Takekazu Akagiri and Akira Yaguchi Geogrα:phical Survey Institute, Ministry ofConstruction, ~α:pan A detailed Digita1 Land-use Survey is being conducted by the Geographica1 Survey Institute in the three metropolitan regions ofJapan at about five-year interva1s. The digita1 data collected are used in working out an appropriate policy to supp1y 1and for housing, offices, urban industries, public facilities and other uses. These data are a1so quite useful for other regional planning purposes and for geographica1 research. This paper describes the survey in outline and shows some examples of the data output. OUTLINE OF THE SURVEY For the Tokyo Metropo1itan Region, the surveyed area is approximately 7 500 square kilometers compared with the Osaka Region of approximate1y 3 400 km2 • The Nagoya Metropolitan Region, at approximately 2 800 km2 is somewhat smaller. These surveyed areas virtually coincide with the Bui1t-up Areas and the Suburban Deve10pment Areas which are defined by the Nationa1 Capita1 Region Deve10pment Act, the Kinki Region Deve10pment Act and the Chubu Region Development Act respectively. The land-use data collected are as of 1974, 1979, 1984 in the Tokyo region, and 1974, 1979 in the Osaka and Nagoya regions. The data as of 1984 are now being collected in the Osaka regIon. A 10 x 10 metre grid is adopted as the unit area for 1and-use data acq叫sition in the administrative districts and deve10pment project areas. One hundred square metres is thirty tsubo ('tsu的, is a Japanese customary unit and is a1most the smallest 10t size for ordinary housing). For other associated items, 100 x 100 metre grid is the data unit. These grids are based on the Japanese p1ane co-ordinate system. Lαnd-use Cαtegories Land use is classified into fifteen categories. They are as follows (the figure at the head of each category is the code stored in the data fi1e output in Table 12.1 for Tokyo): 12 DETAILED DIGITAL LAND-USE SURVEY IN THE METROPOLITAN REGIONS OF JAPAN Nobuo Nagai, Tadao Hoya, Takekazu Akagiri and Akira Yaguchi Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry ofConstruction, Japan A detailed Digital Land-use Survey is being conducted by the Geographical Survey Institute in the three metropolitan regions of Japan at about five-year intervals. The digital data collected are used in working out an appropriate policy to supply land for housing, offices, urban industries, public facilities and other uses. These data are also quite useful for other regional planning purposes and for geographical research. This paper describes the survey in outline and shows some examples of the data output. OUTLINE OF THE SURVEY For the Tokyo Metropolitan Region, the surveyed area is approximately 7 500 square kilometers compared with the Osaka Region of approximately 3 400 km2 • The Nagoya Metropolitan Region, at approximately 2 800 km2 is somewhat smaller. These surveyed areas virtually coincide with the Built-up Areas and the Suburban Development Areas which are defined by the National Capital Region Development Act, the Kinki Region Development Act and the Chubu Region Development Act respectively. The land-use data collected are as of 1974,1979,1984 in the Tokyo region, and 1974, 1979 in the Osaka and Nagoya regions. The data as of 1984 are now being collected in the Osaka region. AI0 x 10 metre grid is adopted as the unit area for land-use data acquisition in the administrative districts and development project areas. One hundred square metres is thirty tsubo ('tsubo' is a Japanese customary unit and is almost the smallest lot size for ordinary housing). For other associated items, 100 x 100 metre grid is the data unit. These grids are based on the Japanese plane co-ordinate system. Land-use Categories Land use is classified into fifteen categories. They are as follows (the figure at the head of each category is the code stored in the data file output in Table 12.1 for Tokyo): 134 NOBUO NAGAI. TADAO HOYA. TAKEKAZU AKAGIRI AND AKIRA YAGUCHI Table 12.1 An Example of Tabular Output for Toky。 UL。 pwpeer data as of1979 r data as of 1984 Unit: 100 m2 Distance from Code of the land use sthtaeti7obnkyfko mj 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 。 。 。 。 535 584 177 919 326 。 。 。 。 764 600 212 916 286 4 636 。 。 7728 14104 18041 19816 10373 631 。 733 8116 15157 18514 19881 9161 6 7453 9 2282 25619 35871 50520 541 02 27344 7385...
