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Appendix II I This sample is based on an actual Civic Exchang e funding proposal. In any proposal , yo u nee d t o spel l ou t th e objectives , deliverable s an d benefits clearl y s o tha t th e fundin g bod y know s exactl y wha t yo u ar e going to do. FUNDING PROPOSA L TO Name of funder for HK$amount requested PILOT STUDY O N THE US E OF ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT S TO MANAG E AIR QUALIT Y I N HONG KON G & PEARL RIVE R DELTA (PRD ) Project Purpos e The objective s o f the projec t ar e to: (1) Conduct pilo t studies of ground level ozone and fine particles i n order to fill in knowledge gap s in smog and visibility problem s i n Hong Kon g and the PR D region; (2) Provide insigh t int o polic y relevan t question s tha t coul d assis t policy-makers i n managin g regiona l ai r qualit y i n Hon g Kon g and South China; (3) Strengthen th e abilit y o f publi c secto r agencies , privat e businesses, an d th e academi c scientifi c communit y t o develo p policies to improve air quality management ; and (4) Build long-ter m ai r quality managemen t capacit y i n Hon g Kon g and mainland China. The projec t will produce four concrete deliverables : 1. A policy-relevant scientifi c repor t o n ground leve l ozone; 2. A n analysis repor t for organic chemical tracers; 3. A policy-relevant scientifi c repor t o n fine particles; and 4. A ne w collaborat e framewor k throug h th e setting-u p o f th e Scientific Advisor y Committe e amon g stakeholder s i n Hon g Kong and South China to facilitate long-ter m collaborative i n air quality ai r management . The projec t will resul t i n six benefits : Getting Heard Sample Funding Proposal 1. Provid e a n observation-base d analysi s mode l fo r groun d level ozon e tha t wil l complemen t existin g method s use d i n Hong Kong; 2. Expan d fin e particl e ai r monitorin g networ k i n Hon g Kong/Guangdong; 3. Leav e ne w equipment purchase d for fine particle monitorin g in Guangdong for permanent use ; 4. Transfe r o f ai r qualit y measuremen t an d modellin g technology a s wel l a s diagnosti c method s fo r fin e particle s from the U S to Hong Kong and South China; 5. Buil d a new alliance of Hon g Kong/Guangdon g government , regulatory, scientific, academic an d industry representatives , as wel l a s internationa l collaborators , fo r addressin g ai r pollution; and 6. Generat e positiv e stakeholde r an d publi c suppor t i n ai r pollution solutions . The project will last approximately 24-28 months, starting formally on 1 May 2002. The total budget of the project i s Y\K$amount requested. Collaboration partner s o n thi s projec t includ e Pekin g University , Civi c Exchange, Environmenta l Protectio n Departmen t (Hon g Kong) , Georgia Institut e o f Technology (USA) , Guangzho u Researc h Sectio n of Environmenta l Sciences , Hon g Kon g Polytechni c Universit y an d University o f Scienc e & Technology , Argonn e Nationa l Laborator y (USA) an d the Hon g Kong Observatory . The Projec t Team will consist o f {name the key people and state their competence): The time schedule for the Projec t i s as follows {lay out a time chart to show milestones). The full Budget breakdown for the Project is as follows {spell out how much you need and identify what the sums will cover as clearly as you can): You may also want to include information about your organisation, its goals and values and a description of past experience that is relevant to the proposal. Getting Heard ...
