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The Corporate World social responsibilit y | corporat e influenc e o n governmen t | consumer powe r Discussions abou t socia l activis m d o no t usuall y includ e much informatio n abou t th e corporat e world . W e believ e companies ca n hav e enormou s socia l impact . Sinc e ther e i s usually littl e focu s o n thi s sector , a loo k a t th e issue s o f corporate socia l responsibilit y an d corporat e governanc e ma y help eve n experience d activist s reflec t o n ho w the y operat e i n relation to the corporate world. Commercial corporation s ar e lega l entitie s that ar e engage d i n business-related activities . Mos t corporation s ar e geare d towards makin g a profi t - throug h incorporatio n the y ca n exercise th e powe r t o bu y properties , resource s an d labour . They ca n als o sel l an d distribut e thei r product s o r service s t o the general public in a tax-efficient manner . By creating a limited company, individual s ca n als o protec t themselve s an d thei r assets against busines s failure b y limiting liability . The work of companies is essential to the economy as they create many o f th e product s necessar y fo r day-to-da y lif e - food , clothing, housing, furniture, transportation, energy, entertainment, healthcare and so on. These product s are all created, managed, delivered an d provide d b y commerciall y drive n companies . 98 Gettin g Heard #Businesses als o provid e man y employmen t opportunities . The y mus t observe governmen t regulation s regardin g issue s such as occupationa l safety, environmental protection , product safet y and employment. Thus, the way in which a company operates is important to many people. Corporate socia l responsibilit y The ter m "corporat e socia l responsibility " (CSR ) i s currently i n vogue. The basi c ide a i s that companie s ar e par t o f a wider communit y an d must meet wider social responsibilities. Therefore, in its pursuit of profit, a company should take into account the way that it treats its employees, customers an d suppliers, and mus t d o it s par t to minimis e damag e t o the natura l environment . I n other words , CS R refer s to the ethic s o f a company an d the way that i t engages with the public . Companies who regar d themselves as leaders in this area publish CSR reports alongsid e thei r annua l financia l reports . These document s ar e worth lookin g a t a s the y provid e a n illustratio n o f ho w individual s an d NGOs hav e helpe d t o mak e companie s awar e o f thei r socia l responsibilities t o th e public . CS R i s a ho t topi c internationally . Hon g Kong companies will have to respond to this concept as well, whether by providing more information or reviewing their management processes . How companies influenc e the governmen t Hong Kong has an unusual political system. The existence of functional constituencies ensure s that companies and professionals hav e a direct say i n the politica l syste m - hal f o f the member s o f the legislatur e ar e elected b y functiona l constituencies . Additionally , Hon g Kong' s publi c policies ar e initiate d b y a business-friendl y administration . Indeed , a challenge fo r th e Executiv e Branc h i s t o reassur e th e publi c tha t th e system ca n transcen d sectiona l interest s an d b e fre e o f a busines s bias. Many companies als o have the added advantage of being able to hire publi c relation s staf f o r lobbyist s t o ensur e tha t th e governmen t hears thei r concerns . Corporat e interest s ar e constantl y lobbyin g th e Chief Executive , civi l servants , politica l parties , individua l...
