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26 A Change of Life: 1989 C i rago n View was a delight, perched o n its hillside spur abov e I th e narrow Castl e Peak Road, which passed between it an d / th e sea. It was half-hidden b y the overhanging branches of two sprawling Flame of the Forest trees (Delonix regia) whose vivid scarle t flower s i n th e spring announc e th e return o f th e sun t o the northern tropics . Through th e house, the sudden vista of th e sea, th e steep , mountainou s island s beyon d an d distan t Hon g Kon g brought a gasp of delight from visitors. The ground sloped steeply upward behind the house through dark woodland, home for snakes and spiders, with long trails of purple bougainvillea, gordonia with flowers like poached eggs, and mauve bauhinia. A trickle of water, which after rai n became a torrent, fed a small pond in a sanctuary of creepers, branching fern frond s and wild ginger, a retreat for five shy terrapin . As w e settle d int o ou r ne w lif e i t wa s no t lon g befor e ther e wer e offers o f things t o do. We were already busy with voluntary work : Jane was Chie f Commissione r o f mor e tha n 36,00 0 Gir l Guide s an d I wa s chairman of the World Wide Fund for Nature, president of the Outwar d Bound Trus t an d chairma n o f a n Oxfor d scholarshi p fun d fo r Chines e research students . I becam e chairma n o f th e fil m sta r Jackie Chan' s charitable trus t an d o f Operatio n Smil e Chin a Medica l Mission , whic h sends medical teams to China to operate on children whose faces needed corrective surgery , particularly fo r clef t lip s an d clef t palate s whic h ar e common in rural China . 26 A Change of Life: 1989 ragon View was a delight, perched on its hillside spur above the narrow Castle Peak Road, which passed between it and the sea. It was half-hidden by the overhanging branches of two sprawling Flame of the Forest trees (Delonix regia) whose vivid scarlet flowers in the spring announce the return of the sun to the northern tropiCS. Through the house, the sudden vista of the sea, the steep, mountainous islands beyond and distant Hong Kong brought a gasp ofdelight from visitors. The ground sloped steeply upward behind the house through dark woodland, home for snakes and spiders, with long trails ofpurple bougainvillea, gordonia with flowers like poached eggs, and mauve bauhinia. A trickle of water, which after rain became a torrent, fed a small pond in a sanctuary ofcreepers, branching fern fronds and wild ginger, a retreat for five shy terrapin. As we settled into our new life it was not long before there were offers of things to do. We were already busy with voluntary work: Jane was Chief Com~issioner of more than 36,000 Girl Guides and I was chairman of the World Wide Fund for Nature, president of the Outward Bound Trust and chairman of an Oxford scholarship fund for Chinese research students. I became chairman of the film star Jackie Chan's charitable trust and of Operation Smile China Medical Mission, which sends medical teams to China to operate on children whose faces needed corrective surgery; particularly for cleft lips and cleft palates which are common in rural China. Feeling the Stones There were boards and committee s o f schools, hospitals an d sport s organisations, and after a break to ensure that there was no conflict wit h my government work, I became a non-executive director of a number of companies, on e o f which gav e me an opportunit y t o trave l t o Australi a and also to make numerous visits to meet officials in the Finance Ministry and insurance industry o f China. But most interesting and important of all, i n 198 8 I wa s aske d t o becom e th e firs t chairma n o f a newl y independent Housing Authority now freed fro m government chains . Many year s before , o n Christma s da y 1953 , th e...
