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About th e Contributor s Ryan BISHO P i s a n Associat e Professo r i n th e Departmen t o f Englis h and i n American Studies , the Nationa l Universit y o f Singapore. With Lillia n S. Robinson , h e co-authore d Night Market: Sexual Cultures and the Thai Economic Miracle (1998) . D r Bisho p i s als o th e co-edito r o f Postcolonial Urbanism (Routledge , 2003 ) an d Beyond Description (Routledge, 2003) wit h John Phillips , an d Wei-Wei Yeo. Noelle BRADA-WILLIAM S i s an Assistant Professo r i n th e Departmen t of Englis h an d Comparativ e Literatur e a t Sa n Jos e Stat e University . He r work o n Asian American Literatur e appear s i n th e journals MELUS, ADE Bulletin, Amerasia (forthcoming ) an d i n the volumes Critical Essays on Maxine Hong Kingston (1998 ) an d Beyond The Borders: American Literature and Postcolonial Theory (2003) . King-Kok CHEUN G i s a Professor i n th e Departmen t o f Englis h a t th e University o f California , Lo s Angeles. Sh e recentl y complete d a Fulbrigh t Research an d Lecturin g Fellowshi p a t th e Universit y o f Hon g Kong . He r many publication s includ e Articulate Silences: Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa (1993 ) an d th e edite d collection s Words Matter: Conversations with Asian American Writers (2000), An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature (1996) , an d Seventeen Syllables (1994) . x Contributors Karen CHO W ha s bee n a n Assistant Professo r o f Asian American Studie s and Englis h a t th e Universit y o f Connecticut , Storrs , an d currentl y i s o n the Languag e Arts faculty a t De Anza Colleg e i n Cupertino , California. Sh e recently edite d tw o specia l issue s o n Asia n America n Literatur e fo r LIT: Literature, Interpretation, and Theory. She has also published in Journal of Narrative Theory and ha s essays in Intersections and Divergences (Templ e Universit y Press , 2002) an d i n Asian America. Net (Routledg e Press , 2003). Sheila H O N E S i s as an Associate Professo r i n th e Area Studie s Departmen t of th e Graduat e Schoo l o f Arts & Science s a t th e Universit y o f Tokyo. He r published wor k in th e are a o f literatur e an d cultura l geograph y include s chapters i n th e collection s Geography and Ethics: Journeysin a Moral Terrain (Routledge, 1999) , Cultural Turns/Geographical Turns: Perspectives on Cultural Geography (Prentic e Hall , 2000) , American Disasters (Ne w York Universit y Press, 2001), and 'Lost in Space': Geographies of Science Fiction (Athlone, 2002). Paul LAUTE R i s th e Allan K . an d Gwendoly n Mile s Smit h Professo r o f Literature a t Trinit y Colleg e i n Hartford , Connecticut . Althoug h perhap s best know n a s th e edito r o f th e Heath Anthology of American Literature, h e has numerou s boo k an d articl e publications , including From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park: Activism, Culture and American Studies (2001) . He wa s accorde d the 200 1 Hubbel l Award , give n annuall y t o a schola r whos e lifetim e o f scholarly wor k ha s significantl y advance d th e stud y o f American literature , by th e America n Literatur e Sectio n o f th e Moder n Languag e Associatio n of America . So-Hee LE E i s a Professo r o f Englis h a t Hanyan g Women' s Colleg e i n Seoul. Sh e ha s bee n prolifi c i n he r wor k o n gender , includin g th e essay , 'The Concep t o f Femal e Sexualit y i n Korea n Popula r Culture' , whic h appeared i n Under Construction: The Gendering of Modernity, Class, and Consumption in the Republic of Korea (University o f Hawaii Press , 2002) an d 'A Stud y o f First-Perso n Narrativ e i n Comfort Woman: From a...
