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Forging Intercultura l Feminis t Theory i n Practice : The Korean Classroo m Politic s of Feminis t Readin g o n Sula So-Hee Lee Gender i s a field o f structure d an d structurin g difference , i n whic h th e tones of extreme localization, of the intimately personal and individuaHzed body, vibrate i n th e sam e field wit h globa l high-tensio n emissions . — Donn a Harawa y i I hi s chapter aim s to explor e th e Korean experienc e i n Englis h JL. studie s b y forgin g mfercultura l feminis t theor y i n practic e between a n African American feminis t tex t suc h a s Sula and Korean readers . By showin g tha t performin g a revisionary readin g i n th e Korea n universit y classroom plays a fundamental rol e in figuring out , shaking up, and reformin g gender relationship s i n th e 'present ' Korea n cultura l context , thi s chapte r confirms tha t feminis t readin g i s the concurren t ac t t o bringin g forwar d a transparent ma p o f th e intersectio n o f gende r an d culture . Reader-response theor y privUege s th e experienc e o f readin g literar y texts a s a uniquel y valuabl e consciousness-raisin g activity . Roland Barthe s argues tha t text s tha t invit e reader s t o b e activ e (wha t h e caU s 'writerly ' texts) ar e bette r text s tha n thos e tha t encourag e passivity . Wolfgang Ise r i s especiaUy intereste d i n 'gaps ' an d 'fissures ' i n th e text . I n Wolfgan g Iser' s 122 So-Hee Lee theoretical scheme , reading Hterature give s the reade r the chanc e t o formulat e the unformulated . Iser' s receptio n theor y i s th e produc t o f Western libera l humanist values : The readin g proces s i s expecte d t o produc e a uniqu e experience i n contemplatin g ou r ow n identities , questionin g ou r beliefs , and later even revisin g them.Therefore, the readin g process is a way to deepe r self-consciousness an d give s th e reade r muc h cleare r idea s abou t he r o r hi s life. Fro m thi s poin t o f view, the mos t effectiv e literar y wor k i s necessaril y that whic h lead s th e reade r t o unfamilia r critica l thinkin g abou t he r o r hi s routine lif e an d customar y experience . If the reade r change s her o r hi s wa y of thinking afte r readin g th e text , it would b e a most valuabl e an d successfu l text. In this case, the potential effect s o f the text's role are maximized, wherea s its role of represented meanin g is minimized. However, such a textual strateg y is no t enoug h t o defin e a successfu l reading . I n Iser' s functiona l mode l o f reading, the tensio n i n th e readin g process o f anticipation an d retrospectio n is pictured b y th e influenc e of'gestalf psychology , which integrate s discret e perceptions int o a systematic discourse . The 'gestalf i s not th e tru e meanin g of the text ; at best i t is a configurational meaning . Therefore, it is inseparabl e from th e reader' s expectations . This 'gestalt' must inevitably be coloured by our own characteristic selection process. For i t i s not give n b y th e tex t itself ; it arise s fro m th e meetin g between th e writte n tex t an d th e individua l min d o f the reade r wit h it s own particula r histor y o f experience , it s ow n consciousness , it s ow n outlook. (Ise r 219) So, this 'gestalt' space is located a t the middl e poin t wher e th e intersubjectiv e interaction happen s betwee n realit...
