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Notes Introduction History of Hong Kong and History of Modern China: Unravelling the Relationship 1. A n excellen t articl e by Sun g Yun-win g o n th e history o f The University o f Hong Kon g full y illustrate d ho w Hon g Kon g Chines e elite s contribute d t o China in history, se e Sung Yun-wing, Wei Zhongguo erli: Gangda d e huigu [A British universit y i n Hong Kon g fo r China : a retrospect], in Xueyuan: a Biweekly of the Student Union of the University of Hong Kong, No . 1 2 (September 1970) , pp. 1-2. 2. Cha n La u Kit-ching , From Nothing to Nothing: the Chinese Communist Movement and Hong Kong, 1921-1936 (New York : St. Martin' Press , 1999) , pp. 7-9 . 3. Se e Anthony Neoh, "Regulatio n an d development of the financial markets, " in Wan g Gungw u an d Won g Siu-lu n (eds.) , Towards A New Millenium: Building on Hong Kong's Strengths (Hon g Kong : Centr e o f Asia n Studies , The University o f Hong Kong, 1999) , pp. 29-61; "Corporat e Governanc e i n Mainland China : Wher e D o We G o from Here? " in Peter K . Corneliu s an d Bruce Kogu t (eds.) , Corporate Governance and Capital Flows in a Global Economy (Ne w York: Oxford Universit y Press , 2003), pp. 431^-43. 4. Se e Michael Yahuda, "Hon g Kong: A New Beginning for China? " in Judith M. Brown an d Rosemary Foo t (eds.), Hong Kong's Transitions, 1842-1997 (New York: St . Martin Press, 1997) , pp. 192-210 . Chapter 1 The Common People in Hong Kong History: Their Livelihood and Aspirations Until the 1930s 1. G.B . Endacott, A History of Hong Kong (London : Oxfor d Universit y Press , 1958); James Hayes , The Hong Kong Region, 1850-1911: Institutions and Leadership in Town and Countryside (Hamden : Archo n Books , 1977 ) an d The Rural Communities of Hong Kong: Studies and Themes (Hon g Kong : 220 NOTE S T O PAGES 10-1 9 Oxford University Press, 1983) ; Elizabeth Sinn, Power and Charity: the Early History of the Tung Wah Hospital, Hong Kong (Hon g Kong : Oxfor d University Press, 1989) ; Carl Smith, Chinese Christians: Elites, Middlemen, and the Church in Hong Kong (Hon g Kong: Oxford Universit y Press, 1985); Ming K. Chan, Labor and Empire: the Chinese Labor Movement in the Canton Delta, 1895-1927, Ph.D . thesis, Stanfor d University , 1975 ; and Tsa i Jung fang , Hong Kong in Chinese History: Community and Social Unrest in the British Colony, 1842-1913 (N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1993) . 2. Mr Chadwick's Report on the Sanitary Condition of Hong Kong, Novembe r 1882, Colonia l Office , Easter n No . 38 , C O 882/ 4 Publi c Recor d Office , London. A n extrac t o f thi s repor t ma y b e foun d i n Davi d Faur e (ed.) , A Documentary History of Hong Kong: Society (Hon g Kong : Hon g Kon g University Press , 1997) , pp. 2 9 ^ 8. 3. Mr Chadwick's Report on the Sanitary Condition of Hong Kong. p . 11. 4. ibid. p. 12. 5. ibid. p. 18. 6. ibid.pAl. 7. G . H . Choa , The Life and Times of Sir Kai Ho Kai, Hong Kong (Hon g Kong: Chines e Universit y Press , 1981) ; Car l Smith , " A sens e o f history, " Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 26 (1986), pp. 144-26 4 an d vol . 2 7 (1987) , pp . 117-253 ; Elizabeth Sinn , Power and Charity. 8. Henness y to Carnarvon, 27 September 1877 , in Papers Relating to Restrictions upon Chinese at Hong Kong, British Parliamentary Papers, China No. 27, Hong Kong 1862-1881 (Iris h University Press, 1971) , p. 2. 9. Surveyo r Genera l t o Colonia l Secretary , 8 May 187 7 i n Restrictions upon Chinese, pp . 3-4, quotation s from p . 4. 10. Enclosur e 1 in No . 23 , Henness y t o Ear l o f Kimberley , 1 5 July 1880 , i n Restrictions upon Chinese, pp . 47-49. 11. No . 3 Earl of Kimberley to Hennessy 1 4 May 1880 , No. 1 8 Hennessy to Earl of Kimberley , telegraphic , receive d 1 8 July 1880 , an d No . 1 9 Hennessy t o Earl o f Kimberley , 8 July...
