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Bibliography ofFurther Reading The following books will help students who are keen to expand their under­ standing. On the history of the practice and law ofmerchants in relation to banking instruments: Hubermann, L. Man's Worldly Goods: The Story of the Wealth ofNa­ tions. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1936 (reprint 1963), pp. 98 and 99; Commons, J.R. Legal Foundations of Capitalism. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1924 (reprint 1968), pp. 246-54; Goode, R.M. Commercial Law. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982, pp. 429-3 1; Atiyah, P.S. The Rise and Fall ofFreedom ofContract. Oxford: Claren­ don Press, 1979, pp. 135-38. For a shortand general introduction tothe development ofthe Common Law: Roebuck, D. TheBackground ofthe Common Law. 2nd ed. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1990. The history of banking in Hong Kong is presented through the story of one bank in: Collis, M. Wayfoong: The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corpora­ tion. London: Faber & Faber, 1965. Not only the history but the modem banking system are described in: Ghose, T.K. The Banking System of Hong Kong. Singapore: Butter­ worths, 1987 Professor Goode's Commercial Law is the best book on the subject and gives not only a comprehensive analysis of commercial law in general but a particularly helpful treatment of cheques and other instruments. 90 Cheques The classic lawyer's text is: Megrah, M. and Ryder, F.R. Byles on Bills of Exchange, 25th ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1983. But the best first reference for students is the first volume of: Holden, J.M. The Law and Practice o fBanking, 4th ed. (2 vols). London: Pitman, 1986 (available cheaply in Hong Kong in the English Lan­ guage Book Society series). Otherbooks which will help a student looking for a different approach are: Richardson, D. Guide to Negotiable Instruments and the Bills of Ex­ change Acts, 7th ed. London: Butterworths, 1983; Ryder, F.R. Negotiable Instruments. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970 (now out ofdate and out ofprint but still of interest); Fidler, P.J.M. Sheldon & Fidler's Practice andLaw ofBanking, 1 1th ed. London: Pitman 1985 (also available in theEnglish Language Book Society Series); Kobrin, D. and Stott, V. Negotiable Instruments : Law Unit. London: Anderson Keenan, 1980 (this includes many helpful notes of cases). ...
