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APPENDIX O N E Cardinal John Wu's 'Statemen t o n Religious Freedo m After 1997 ' i n 198 4 Sunday Examine r 2 4 Augus t 198 4 The Most Reverend John Baptist Cheng-Chung Wu, Bishop of Hong Kong, on behalf of the Catholics in the local diocese, has sent to the Government of China, through the Hong Kong Branch of the Xinhua News Agency, a statement of the Catholic s position on the futureof Hong Kong. This statement was prepared after half a year of careful reflection and careful discussion of information and ideas. The draft was revised again and again. In the pasttwo years, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong has expressed its position on the futureof Hong Kong on various occasions and in various media. This, however, is the firstcomplete statement officially discussed and issued. In offering this statement, Bishop Wu, the leader of over 270,000 Catholicsin Hong Kong, has at heart not only the Catholic community but the whole of Hong Kong. It is hoped that the statement will help all the people of Hong Kong, Catholics and nonCatholics alike, to reflect upon and to strengthen their confidence in and their hopes for the futureof Hong Kong. The fulltext of the statement follows. 158 Appendixes Statement on The Catholi c Churc h an d th e Futur e o f Hon g Kon g The Mos t Reveren d Joh n Baptis t Cheng-Chun g W u Catholic Bisho p o f Hon g Kon g 1. I n 199 7 China wil l resum e sovereignt y ove r Hon g Kon g an d mak e i t a specia l administrative zone. Facing this historical change, I, as Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong, hav e consulte d separatel y wit h m y Diocesa n Boar d o f Consultors , th e Council of Priests, Pastoral Council, Executive Committee of the Central Council of Catholic Laity , Chinese Priests' Association, an d the Association o f Men and Women Religious Superiors . We reflected o n and discussed this matter togethe r in the light of faith and in the spirit of the Gospel, and now I make the followin g statement and express our sincere desire to continue to work with and for the people in freedom an d in harmony. 2. A s Chinese , we ar e prou d o f our heritage — o f ou r lon g histor y an d ou r ric h culture, whic h w e treasure . It s hig h mora l value s an d nobl e idea s hav e bee n repeatedly admire d an d praise d b y th e Catholi c Churc h whic h respect s an d embraces all the positive elements present in every culture. 3. A s people of Hong Kong we want to work, in solidarity with all fellow member s of the community, for the good of Hong Kong and for the well being of society. Our special concern an d love go out to the weak, the poor, the sick, the elderly and th e lonely , an d those i n any way deprive d o r disabled. W e are particularl y committed to improving the quality of life — a quality of life which promotes the total developmen t o f the human perso n — body, mind, an d spirit . I n short , w e will continu e t o striv e to make Hon g Kong a better an d more humane place i n which to live. 4. A s Catholics we worship God and love our fellow men. We believe in Christ who is the Mediator between Go d and man, the Redeemer of mankind. He preached and suffered , die d and rose again. He founded th e Church o n Peter to teach al l nations and bring good tidings to the world. We are called to continue this mission of preaching Christ and proclaiming the Gospel by loving service to all people. 5. A s the Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong, I assert unshakeably the right to religious freedom. Thi s is a basic human right, given by God, and is now enjoyed b y all people in Hong Kong. This right is demanded by man's dignity and is inherent in the very nature of man. It is essential that this basic right, and the free exercise of that right, which...
