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Patriotism, War, and Othe r National Desires : Asian Masculinities i n Progres s If I ha d replied , "Of course , I'd fight agains t Australia, fight agains t yo u Australians," they'd hav e found tha t norma l behaviou r for a yellow devi l (Sang, Year the Dragon Came 159) [Fanon's work] reminds us that identification is never outside or pi lor to politics, that identification is always inscribed within a certain history identificatio n names not only the history of the subject but the subject in history (Fuss, Interior Colonies 39 ) HP฀ I ongue-m-cheek , Sau-hn g Wong declare d 199 1 th e Year o f -JL_ th e Asian-America n Ma n becaus e o f th e numbe r o f successful hterar y publication s b y Asian-American me n an d th e appearanc e of "an especiall y intriguing cultura l artifact " ("Subverting " 1) , the Asia Pacifi c Islander Me n calenda r tha t showcase d th e desirabilit y an d virilit y o f Asia n men He r subsequen t critiqu e o f the calenda r an d it s priorities i s a welcom e artifact i n it s ow n right , a s Asia n mal e identit y an d sexualit y hav e bee n arguably th e mos t under-represente d area s in diaspon c Chines e an d Japanese studies Thi s i s particularl y tru e o f representationa l studie s an d critique s o f cultural productio n Tha t said , diasponc Asian masculinity studie s i s currentl y an are a wit h a fast-growin g profil e Ironically, the impetu s t o writ e agains t prominen t patriarcha l structure s has led t o researc h i n diaspon c women' s studie s an d feminism , an d ga y an d lesbian studie s outstrippin g examination s o f diasponc masculinitie s Tha t is , while ther e i s significan t overla p i n som e area s o f gay/quee r studie s an d diasponc masculinit y studies , ther e hav e bee n fe w concurrent , over t 120 Banana Bending engagements wit h bot h area s Undeniably , th e majorit y o f researc h i n diasponc masculinitie s i s currentl y takin g plac e i n th e America n contex t thanks t o th e momentu m o f institutionalise d Asian-America n studie s Research int o thes e particula r formation s o f masculinity ha s permeate d th e debates (an d their permutations) betwee n an d abou t Maxm e Hon g Kingsto n and Fran k Chm , critique s o f David Mura' s M Butterfly, and th e 'invasion' o f Hollywood b y Hon g Kon g actio n filmmakers an d stars. 1 Th e increasin g publication o f work s tha t addres s diaspon c quee r an d mascuhnis t theor y indicates a n engagemen t wit h long-neglecte d aspect s o f Asian-Nort h American society . Whereas statistica l and sociologica l informatio n abou t th e Chinese sojourne r populatio n o r interned Japanese communitie s is becoming readily available , th e examinatio n o f cultura l productio n abou t thes e (an d subsequent) experience s fro m specificall y mascuhnis t perspective s i s a t a n early stage . This i s particularly noticeabl e i n Western region s outsid e Nort h America.2 He Says, She Says: Intra-community Gender Division Kenneth Le e title d hi s articl e "Angr y Yello w Men : Exploitin g Asia n Discontent" and emphasise d th e importanc e o f recognising strategie s o f co option an d stage d antagonism s — no t just toward s Asian communitie s but , in a much mor e destructiv e manner , within them . Knowing th e strategie s o f division coul d prevent thes e tactic s from swampin g dialogue about th e politic s of gende r an d representation s o f sexualit y On e o f th e foremos t tactic s fo r defusing...
