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ACHIEVEMENTS I N CARDIOLOG Y Division of Cardiology in Queen Marry Hospital The cardia c divisio n i s a n activ e uni t offerin g increasing service s t o ou r loca l community . I t has kept up with advances in various aspects of cardiology, thu s maintainin g it s leadin g rol e amongst the government and subvented hospitals in Hong Kong. Since 1974, the cardiac division ha s bee n serve d b y th e followin g physi cians : Dr. Victor Yan, Dr. T.F. Tse, Dr. Rebecca Wang, Dr. Walter Chen, Dr. P.K. Lee, Dr. Philip Wong, Dr. Joseph Chow, Dr. K.K. Hui, Dr. Y.T. Tai, Dr. CP. Lau and myself. In the span of 15 years (1974-1989), the division can view with pride the progressively better care it offers to patients with cardiac disorders. It began with only two clinics, those of general cardiology and hypertension. Today, the division is responsible fo r eigh t clinics , namely hyperten sion , genera l cardiac , echocardiogram , pace maker , arrhythmia, valvular, post percutaneous coronary angioplasty (post-PTCA) and post balloon valvuloplasty clinics. The addition of these special clinics ensures better care for these subsets of patients who require close monitoring by doctors trained in the respective fields. The 'up-grading' of the cardiac catheterization laborator y (Lewi s Laboratory ) i n Quee n Mary Hospital by Dr. T.F. Tse and Dr. Rebecca Wang has enabled us to perform coronary angiogram , vital in the management of patient with ischaemic heart disease. Since the introduction o f electrophysiolog y study (E.P.S.) by Dr. Rebecca Wang in 1980, the number o f case s th e divisio n handle s als o in creases with years. In the recent two years, Dr. Y.T. Tai & Dr. CP. Lau perform these investigations on a regular basis. Since the introduction of echocardiography an d cardia c exercis e labora tory by Dr. T.F. Tse in 1976, we are now performing five t o si x thousands echocardiogram s pe r year. In the recent few years, the introduction of intervention cardiology has proven to be of great help in the management o f certain cardiac diseases . Dr. Rebecca Wang performed the first coronary angioplasty . Dr. K.L. Cheung an d mysel f introduced th e techniqu e o f percutaneou s bal loon mitra l an d pulmonar y valvuloplast y int o this department in 1988. Dr. CP. Lau performed the 1st electrical ablation of the AV node. The cardiac division, because of its progressively more advanced technology, extended technical skill and professional expertise, has become the referral centre for complicated cardiac problems from other regional hospitals:Princess Margaret Hospital, United Christian Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital, Caritas Medical Centre and Nethersole Hospital. The statistical figures i n Table 1 provides a picture of the various kind of cases the division has dealt with. In addition to the tremendous service workload in the ward and clinic, the physicians in the division have to take up undergraduate teaching and supervis e postgraduat e trainin g in clinica l cardiology as well as basic techniques in cardiac investigation like echocardiography, pacing and cardiac catheterization. They also shared i n the general medical ward duties of the Department. Research Research activitie s hav e no t bee n slighte d and most of the academic pursuits are clinically orientated. These are reviewed in the followin g subheadings. Haemodynamic Evaluation of Drugs for Heart Failure Systematic study of various drugs in the treatment of heart failure (26,27, 31,49,50,52). Recently, P adrenoreceptor downgrading has been considered to be an important aggravatin g cause in worsening heart failure . The use of Pblocker in such situation may be beneficial. Labetalol , an agent with combined a & P blocking 20 CH. Cheng, Y.T. Tai, CP. Lau & K.L. Cheung Table 1. Activities of Lewis Laboratory at Queen Mary Hospital 1974 to 1989 Year Cardia c Coronar y Temporar y Permanen t E.P.S . Echocardio - Holte r Catheterization Angiograph y Pacin g Pacin g grap h Monito r 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 (Aug ) 127 225 280 366 366 393 347 317 290 319 364 223 298 180 223 228 6 12 16 44 60 64 92 107 77 98 133 82 184 77 117 191 26 35 42 50 33 32 65 94 80 90 97 72...
