In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LIST oF TABLES 2.1 Economic Specialization in Kotagede, 1903 42 3.1 Occupations of House-Compound Holders in Kotagede, 1922 57 5.1 Comparison of Occupational Composition of HouseCompound Holders in 1922 and Household Heads in 1971 126 5.2 Silverwork Industry in Kotagede, 1935–71 129 5.3 Distribution of Muhammadiyah Members in Kotagede Kota 136 5.4 Age Distribution of Muhammadiyah Members 137 5.5 Terminal Education of Muhammadiyah Members and Kotagede Adults 137 5.6 Years of Affiliation with Muhammadiyah 139 5.7 Occupational Composition of Muhammadiyah Members and Household Heads in Kotagede, 1971 140 5.8 Descendants of Haji Mukmin by Occupation 143 8.1 Population Growth in Kotagede by Kelurahan/Desa, 1970–2007 225 8.2 Religious Affiliation in Kotagede, 2006–07 237 8.3 Results of 2004 Election for Yogyakarta City Council in Kecamatan Kotagede 242 8.4 Results of 2009 Election for City Council of Yogyakarta in Kecamatan Kotagede by Kelurahan 242 9.1 Mosques and Langgar in Kemantren Kotagede, 1978 255 9.2 Muhammadiyah Schools in Kotagede, 2004–07 264 9.3 Schools in Kecamatan Kotagede, 2007 269 9.4 Patients Visiting PKU and PUSKESMAS, January–June 2007 277 9.5 List of Major Wakaf Lands managed by the Muhammadiyah Kotagede 279 10.1 List of Major Topics of Brosur Lebaran, 1980–95 292 10.2 List of Major Topics of Brosur Lebaran, 2000–08 297 10.3 Personal Background of Candidates for the Branch Leadership of the Muhammadiyah, Kotagede, 2005–10 297 xvii xviii List of Tables 10.4 Personal Background of Candidates for the Branch Leadership of the ‘Aisyiyah, Kotagede, 2005–10 301 11.1 Poor People and Poor Household Heads (HH) in Kotagede 318 11.2 Population by Occupation, Kecamatan Kotagede, 2007 319 11.3 Business Enterprises (Perusahaan/Usaha) and their Employees in Kecamatan Kotagede, 2007 322 13.1 Damage and Victims of 2006 Earthquake in Kotagede 355 ...
