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TABLES 4.1 GDP Relative to Prc-crisis Levels 47 4.2 Progress on Bank Restructuring as of December 2000 59 4.3 Progress on Restructuring of Corporate External Debt as 63 of December 2000 8. 1 The 1999 General Election Results and Parliamentary Seats 101 for Major Parties 8.2 Comparison of Parl i;Jmcntary Legislative, Investigative and 108 Interpellative Activity 14.1 Average Annual Gruwth in Seven HPAEs of GNP, \66 Population, Value Added, Private Consumption, GDI and Exports of Goods and Services, 1965- 97 14.2 Indonesia's Long-ternl Structural Change in Regional \68 Perspe<:tive, 1970-91 14.3 Indonesia's Development Progress in Regional Perspective, 170 1970-97 14.4 The Decline in Absolute Poverty in Indonesia, 1916-96 171 14.5 Incidence of Absolute Poverty in the ASEAN-4 Countries 173 Based on an International Poverty Line 14.6 Distribution of income or Consumption in Indonesia, 174 1964/6S- 1996 IS.I Comparison of Economic Growth in Western Europe 183 and Indonesia IS.2 Contribution of Key Inputs and Total Factor Productivity 185 to GOP Growth. 1940-97 IS.3 Contribution of Exports to GOP Growth. 1900--97 186 IS.4 Average Annual Shares of Categories of Expenditure on 188 GOP, 1900-97 IS.S Population and per Capita Income by Ethnic Group, 1930 194 IS.6 Inequality or Regional per Capita GOP. 1971 , 198) 197 and 1997 16.1 Political Periodisation 201 16.2 Joint Political and Economic Periodisation 203 17.1 Criteria for Decentralisation 218 17.2 Decentralisation and Centralisation Measures, 1900-2000 2\9 I'iii LIST OF TABU S i, 17J Evolution of the Administrative Hierarchy 224 17.4 Comparison of Revenue Ratio of Regencies and 226 MuniCipalities in Java, Dutch Colonial versus New Order A21.1 Teniary Education Courses in Communications. 269 Agricultural Extension Communications, Journalism, Film and Television, 1997 22.1 Indonesia according to the GO! 27 1 ...
