In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

P O L A N D S E R B I A B O S N I A B U L G A R I A C U M A N I A H A L I C H M O R AV I A A U S T R I A D A L M A T I A Rodna Vác Cracow Russian (Mountain) Gate Buda Pest Eger Muhi Pannonhalma Banoštor Manđelos Martinci Hainburg Esztergom Danube Trogir Split Segesd Drava Sava Zagreb ?Pereg Adea Arad Tămaşda Alba lulia Oradea Frata Mureş/Maros Criş/Kőrös Tisza Cenad Igriş Székesfeh érvár Sajó B AT U O R D A BAJDAR B Ö Y E K (RETREAT) MARCH (SREM) Q UA D A N BOGUTAI T R A N S Y L V A N I A The movements of the Mongol troops are approximate Map of the Mongol Invasion, 1241/42 térképek.indd 1 2010.06.14. 9:41 ...
