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94 一些人不爱说话 一些人不爱说话 既不是哑巴,也不内向 只说必要的话 只是礼节 只浮在说话的上面 一生就将这样过去 寥寥数语即可概括 一些人活着就像墓志铭 漫长但言词简短 像墓碑那样伫立着 与我们冷静相对 95 Some People Don’t Like to Talk Some people don’t like to talk They’re not dumb or introverted They only speak when necessary Just courtesies Just floating on the surface of talk They spend their whole lives like that It can be summed up very briefly The way some people live is like an epitaph Long years but the words are short and simple Upright as tombstones They stand soberly before us (2004) ...
