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xi List of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Chinese and Korean Veritable Records counted days by combining the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Data from these records are cited in the endnotes with such combined elements, known as cyclical characters. 1. Ten Heavenly Stems Chinese Romanization 甲 jia 乙 yi 丙 bing 丁 ding 戊 wu 己 ji 庚 geng 辛 xin 壬 ren 癸 gui Korean Romainzation kap ŭl pyŏng chŏng mu ki kyŏng sin im kye 2. Twelve Earthly Branches Chinese Romanization. 子 zi 丑 chou 寅 yin 卯 Mao 辰 chen 巳 si 午 wu 未 wei 申 shen 酉 you 戌 xu 亥 hai Korean Romanization. cha ch’uk in Myo chin sa o mi sin yu sul hae xii 3. Selected Cyclical Characters Containing the First Five Stems* Chinese Romanization 甲子 jiazi 乙 丑 yichou 丙午 bingwu 丁卯 dingmao 戊戌 wuxu Korean Romanization kapcha ŭlch’uk Pyŏngo chŏngmyo musul *For a phonetical reason such Korean cyclical characters as 乙 亥 and 丙子 should be romanized as ŭrhae and pyŏngja, instead of ŭlhae and pyŏngcha. 4. Selected Cyclical Characters Containing the Last Five Stems 己未 庚寅 辛亥 壬酉 癸 巳 Chinese Romanization jiwei gengyin xinhai renyou guisi Korean Romanization kimi Kyŏngin Sinhae imyu kyesa ...
