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MIGRATION POLICY SERIES NO. 52 79 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 1 World Bank, Migration and Remittances Factbook: 2008 (Washington: World Bank, 2008). 2 UNDP-Lesotho, Lesotho National Human Development Report 2006 (Morija: Morija Printing Works, 2007), p. 10. 3 C. Van der Wiel, Migratory Wage Labour: Its Role in the Economy of Lesotho (Mazenod: Mazenod Publishing, 1977); A. Spiegel, “Migrant Labour Remittances, the Developmental Cycle and Rural Differentiation in a Lesotho Community” M.A. Thesis, University of Cape Town, 1979; A. Spiegel, “Rural Differentiation and the Diffusion of Migrant Labour Remittances in Lesotho,” In P . Mayer, ed., Black Villagers in an Industrial Society: Anthropological Perspectives on Labour Migration in Southern Africa (Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1980); C. Murray, Families Divided: The Impact of Migrant Labour in Lesotho (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981); J. Cobbe, “Emigration and Development in Southern Africa, With Special Reference to Lesotho” International Migration Review 16 (4) (1982): 37-68; J. Crush and O. Namasasu, "Rural Rehabilitation in the Basotho Labour Reserve" Applied Geography 5 (1985): 83-98. 4 See S. Maimbo and D. Ratha, eds., Remittances: Development Impacts and Future Prospects (Washington DC: World Bank, 2005); World Bank, Global Economic Prospects: Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration (Washington: World Bank, 2005); C. Ozden and M. Schiff, eds., International Migration, Remittances and the Brain Drain (Washington DC: World Bank, 2006). 5 B. Roberts, A Migration Audit of Poverty Reduction Strategies in Southern Africa MIDSA Report No. 3, SAMP , Cape Town, 2005, p. 33. 6 UNDP-Lesotho, Lesotho National Human Development Report 2006, pp. 10, 33. 7 J. Crush, “Migration and Development in Southern Africa” Report for International Labour Organization, Geneva, 2007. 8 See 9 Commonwealth Secretariat, “Report on a Workshop on Foreign Remittances and Development in the SADC Region” Maseru, 2006. 10 Murray, Families Divided. 11 J. Cobbe, “Approaches to Conceptualization and Measurement of the Social Cost of Labour Migration from Lesotho” In Agency for Industrial Mission, South Africa Today: A Good Host Country for Migrant Workers? (Johannesburg: AIM, 1976); J. Cobbe, “Emigration and Development in Southern Africa, With Special Reference to Lesotho” International Migration Review 16 (4) (1982): 37-68; Murray, Families Divided; J. Gay, “Basotho Women Migrants: A Case Study” Institute of Development Studies Bulletin 11(3) (1980): 1928 ; J. Gay, “Wage Employment of Rural Basotho Women: A Case Study” South African Labour Bulletin 6(4) (1980): 40-53; Spiegel, “Migrant Labour ENDNOTES MIGRATION, REMITTANCES AND ‘DEVELOPMENT’ IN LESOTHO 80 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Remittances"; Spiegel, "Rural Differentiation"; E. Gordon, “An Analysis of the Impact of Labour Migration on the Lives of Women in Lesotho” Journal of Development Studies 17 (3) (1981): 59-76; J. Bardill and J. Cobbe, Lesotho: Dilemmas of Dependence in Southern Africa (Boulder: Westview Press, 1985); J. Plath, D. Holland and D. Carvalho, “Labour Migration in Southern Africa and Agricultural Development: Some Lessons from Lesotho” Journal of Developing Areas 21 (1) (1987): 159-75; R. Wilkinson, “Migration in Lesotho: A Study of Population Movement in a Labour Reserve Economy” PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1985. 12 Murray, Families Divided p. 10. 13 S. Turner, The Underlying Causes of Poverty in Lesotho (Maseru: Care, 2005), p. 9. 14 J. Crush, A. Jeeves and D. Yudelman, South Africa’s Labor Empire: A History of Black Migrancy to the Gold Mines (Boulder and Cape Town: Westview and David Philip, 1991). 15 M. Molapo, “Job Stress, Health and Perceptions of Migrant Mineworkers” In J. Crush and W. James, eds., Crossing Boundaries: Mine Migrancy in a Democratic South Africa (Cape Town and Ottawa: Idasa and IDRC, 1995), pp. 88-99. 16 Van der Wiel, Migratory Wage Labour p. 22. 17 T. Sparreboom and P . Sparreboom-Burger, “Migrant Worker Remittances in Lesotho: A Review of the Deferred Pay Scheme” Working Paper No. 16, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, International Labour Office, Geneva, 1995. 18 M. Mueller, “Women and Men: Power and Powerlessness in Lesotho” Signs 3 (1) (1977): 154-66; Gordon, “Impact of Labour Migration on the Lives of Women in Lesotho.” 19 P . Bonner, “‘Desirable or Undesirable Basotho Women?’ Liquor, Prostitution and the Migration of Basotho Women to the Rand, 1920-1945” In C. Walker, ed., Women and Gender in Southern Africa to 1945 (Cape Town: David Philip and London: James Currey, 1990), pp. 221-50; E. Maloka, “Khomo Lia Oela: Canteens, Brothels and Labour Migrancy in Colonial Lesotho, 1900-40” Journal of African History 38 (1997): 101-22; and D. Coplan, “You Have Left Me Wandering About: Basotho Women and the Culture...
