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 116 The Frog and the Bogatyr In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there lived a king who had three sons. One day he called his sons to him and said, “Dear children! Now you’re of age, it’s time for you to think about marriage. Each of you make an arrow, go out into the secluded meadows, and shoot in different directions. Each one’s arrow will land by a house, and the one who shot the arrow will find his bride in that house.” Each prince made himself a bow, went out into the secluded meadows, and took his shot. The eldest brother shot to the right, the middle one to the left, and the youngest one, who was called Ivan-Bogatyr, let his arrow go straight ahead. After that they went in the different directions to search for their arrows. The big brother found his arrow at a court minister’s house, while the middle one found his at a general’s house. The princes married their beautiful daughters. But for a long time Ivan-Bogatyr couldn’t find his arrow, and he was exceedingly sorrowful. For two whole days he walked through the forests and mountains, but on the third day he went through a swamp and saw a big white frog, holding in its mouth the arrow he had shot. Ivan-Bogatyr wanted to run off and get away from what he had found, but the frog cried out,“Kvaa-kvaa, Ivan-Bogatyr! Come here and take your arrow, or else you’ll be trapped in the swamp forever.” After saying these words, the frog flipped over, and at that very moment a decorated gazebo appeared. Ivan-Bogatyr went into the gazebo. “I know you’ve had nothing to eat for three days,” said the frog.“Wouldn’t you like something to eat?” Then the frog flipped over again, and all at once a table appeared with all kinds of dishes and drinks. Ivan-Bogatyr sat down at the table, ate and drank his fill. “Listen,” the frog told him.“I’m the one who found your arrow, so you have to marry me. And if you don’t marry me you’ll never get out of this swamp!” Ivan-Bogatyr grew sorrowful and didn’t know what to do. He  The Frog and the Bogatyr 117 thought a bit and took the frog with him back to his own state. The brothers and their brides started to laugh at him. The day came when Ivan-Bogatyr was to get married. He set off in a carriage , but the frog was carried to the palace on a golden saucer. When night came and the bride and groom went into their rooms, the frog took off her frog skin and became a beautiful woman, but by day she turned into a frog. Ivan Bogatyr lived with her in good fortune and happiness. After a certain time the king ordered his sons to come to him and said to them,“Dear children! Now all three of you are married. I’d like to wear shirts made by each of your wives, my daughters-in-law.” He gave each of them a piece of linen and said that the shirts must be ready by the next day. The elder brothers took the cloth to their wives, and they started to call their nannies, their nurses, and the lovely chambermaids, to help them sew a shirt. Their nannies and their nurses came running right away and got to work. One would cut, while another would sew. At the same time they sent a scullery maid to see how the frog would sew the shirt. The girl came to Ivan-Bogatyr’s rooms as he brought in the cloth and put it on the table with a sorrowful look. “Why are you so sad, Ivan-Bogatyr?” asked the frog. And he answered her, “How can I help being sad? My father has ordered that a shirt be sewn for him from this cloth by tomorrow.” “Don’t cry, don’t grieve,” said the frog.“Lie down and go to sleep; morning ’s wiser than the evening. Everything will be done properly!”She grabbed the scissors, cut all the cloth up into tiny scraps, then opened the window, threw them into the wind and said, “Wild winds! Take away these scraps and sew my father-in-law a shirt.” The scullery maid went and told the princesses...
