In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix ‘’ ‘’ Acknowledgments there are Many PeoPle to thank for their generoUs contriBUtions of time and information. No one could have a better colleague than Kathleen Monahan, director of Cultural and Civic Services for the City of Tarpon Springs, who provided the time and enthusiastic support necessary for this book. Mike Knoll, of HistoryMiami, gave generously of his insights and assisted in collecting images for a number of the essays. I am truly grateful to Jody Norman, State Archives of Florida, who always saw to it that images and other materials were delivered with the speed of light. Susanne Hunt, Florida Department of State, graciously provided needed permissions and materials. Marisella Veiga provided wise counsel in Spanish translation issues. Craig Gill, editor-in-chief of the University Press of Mississippi, provided strong support and encouragement from beginning to end. Anne Stascavage, managing editor at the University Press of Mississippi, and copy editor Debbie Upton were instrumental in bringing this work to fruition. My cherished colleagues, who have brought to public attention the richness in talent and skills of Florida’s incredible tradition bearers, have been the inspiration for and foundation of this volume. And as generations of Florida ethnographers have known, there is no separation between us and the people about whom we write—in the process of learning and teaching, appreciating and being appreciated, we have shared and immeasurably enriched one anothers’ lives. My continuing gratitude goes to my children, Alexandra and Chloe Curran , for tolerating a mother often missing in the field. This page intentionally left blank ...
