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HistRevolV2_701-750.indd 15 3/16/12 12:05 PM I N D E X. A . .. . : A. · VoL Pag~. r . ~KLAN_P, major, wounded and tak~n prifoner~ ii. 31 ~· lady, her cha: raCler and adventures, ii. 30·· J Act.ofparliament prohibiting the American fifheries, i. ,1.72. • f.. ' · · reftraini~g the American trade, · - , i. 173 l Adams, Samuel, his character, - i. 211 f. , ; profcribed by governor Gage, 1. 2 I o ~da~s, John, appointed minifier to France, u.~ ~39 • Y·· . .~ : recalled, _ ' ' ... appoin~ed- .miQiller to Holland, ( ..... 11. 139 u. 301.: - iii. 161 his negociatjons at the Hag~e,_ ~. , . his treaty with the Dutch ~ondnded,. m. I 70 0 l · · --· appointed to affifl in the treaty' of peace, , . pre!ident of.U1e United States, A~erican trade interdicted, Andre, major, taken as a fpy, ~ - ' tried and con.vieted, his death, Army of obfervation, projected, ..,.voted by congrefs, mutinous condu_ cl of, threatens cong.refs, . , quelled by general Robert Howe, Britifh, reinforced, American, difbanded, Armed neutrality, account.o[, .. m. 2-3 I:iii . 392' i. 27f} ii. 261 ii. 263 ii. 268 I. 179 I. 232 m. 273 m. 274 m. 275 i. 208 m. 3I 7 ii. 206 HistRevolV2_701-750.indd 16 3/16/12 12:05 PM + 0 r DEX. Arno d, general, his e,;:pedition int C nada, chafed out of that pr vince, his command in lrgm1a, bis treachery, his operations in Virginia, recalled fr m Virginia, his rav~gr:s in ConneCticut, Affembly of Maffachufetts diffolved, meets o~ a new election, required to re~cind circular letter, B. v Balfour, colonel, fuc~eeds lord Rawdon in the comJ I. 2 ..) \ . .., I I . .. I I. 2 • I .. I I. lO .. 66 11. 11 1. I. 55 1. 55 I. 55 mand in South Carolina, ii. 359 Baum, colonel, defeated at Bennington, ii. 18 Bernard, goyernor, ~haraeter of, t. 42 impeac~ed by the alfembly of Maffachufetts, i, 58 his melfag~s to th~ affembly, 1. 74 emb·arks for El)gland, 1. 75 Bofton port bill enacted, t. 1 20 people of, difarmed~ 1. 193 Bouille, marq~i~ de, takes poffeffion of Tobago, 111. 1 2 5 reco-y~rs Eufl:atia, &c. from the Britiili, 111. I 2 7 JJis generofity to th~ captured iflands, 111. I 30 Brandywine, battle of, . · . 1. 374 Bunker Hill, ba~tle of, 1. 2 I 7 Burgoyne, general, arrives in .f..,merica, 1. 209 1·etums to England, i. 346 appointed ~ommander of the northern army, ii. 3 arrives at Quebec~ ii. 3 his pr~clamation, u. 5 takes Ticonderoga, 11. 6 reaches fort Edward, 11. 9 his commiffion to colonel Baum, encamps at Saratoga, contemplates a retreat, propofes a celfation of arms, 11. I 5 11. 22 11. 35 .. 11. 3~ [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 13:01 GMT) HistRevolV2_701-750.indd 17 3/16/12 12:05 PM INDEX. Burgoyl'le, general, furrenders his army prifoners of war, ' .. his army efcorted to Cambridge, obtains leave to repaiF to England, his reception and mortifications there Vol. Page. 11. 37 11. 40 11· 46 II. f6 Ill. 91 Burke, Edmund, his conducr and character, Byland, count, attacked by and furrenqers 'to the Englifh, pt. 143 c. Caldwell, Mrs. death anq characrer of, m. 203 Campbell, lord William, his conducr in Carolina, 1. 203 Canada, commiffioners fent into by congrefs, i. 2 56 e.xpedition to, ' i. 2 57 Carleton, governor, authorifed to arm theCanadians, i. 2 5I fuperfeded, 11. 3 ~' his letter to the prefident of congrefs, 111. 2 54 emb.arks for England, m. 31 I Carolina evacuated by the .Bririfh, iii. 58 Charleflown burnt by the Britiib, i. 2 19 Chatham, lord, his bill for conciliation with America, i. 275 .obfervations on his characrer, iii. 65 Cincinnati, fociety of, their origin, iii. 280 their inflitution, iii. ·281 Clarke, colonel, his furprife of the nlinois, 11. 1 I 5 general, quits the frate of Georgia, Ill, sz Clinton, general, arrives at Boflon, 1. 210 fent to the fouthward, - 1. 290 takes Newport, 1. 340 takes command of the Britiib army, 11. 92 orders troops to Georgia, It. 1 66 embarks for South Carolina, 11. 188 arrives there, fummons Charlefrown to furrender, takes poffeffion of the city, ! returns to New York, proje& againfr Rhode Ifland, 11. 188 11. 189 11. 191 -11 . 194 1!. I 99 461 HistRevolV2_701-750.indd 18 3/16/12 12:05 PM INDEX. V~I:P~ Clinton, general, his various indigefted...
