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Copyright © 2009 by university of massachusetts Press All rights reserved Printed in the united states of America lC 2009017760 isBn 978-1-55849-710-8 (paper); 709-2 (library cloth) Designed by sally nichols set in Berkley old style and Bickhamm script Printed and bound by thomson-shore, inc. library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Greenfield, Briann (Briann G.), 1970– out of the attic : inventing antiques in twentieth-century new england / Briann Greenfield. p. cm. — (Public history in historical perspective) includes bibliographical references and index. isBn 978-1-55849-710-8 (pbk. : alk. paper) — isBn 978-1-55849-709-2 (library cloth : alk. paper) 1. Antiques business—new england—history—20th century. 2. new england—Antiquities—Collectors and collecting—history—20th century. 3. house furnishings—new england—marketing—Case studies. i. title. ii. title: inventing antiques in twentieth-century new england. nK1133.28.G74 2009 745.10974—dc22 2009017760 British library Cataloguing in Publication Data are available ...
